

It had been Helen Messiter's daily custom either to take a ride on her pony or a spin in her motor car, but since Bannister had been quartered at the Lazy D her time had been so fully occupied that she had given this up for the present.The arrival of Nora Darling, however, took so much work off her hands that she began to continue her rides and drives.

Her patient was by this time so far recovered that he did not need her constant attendance and there were reasons why she decided it best to spend only a minimum of her time with him.These had to do with her increasing interest in the man and the need she felt to discourage it.It had come to a pretty pass, she told herself scornfully, when she found herself inventing excuses to take her into the room where this most picturesque of unhanged scamps was lying.Most good women are at heart puritans, and if Helen was too liberal to judge others narrowly she could be none the less rigid with herself.She might talk to him of her duty, but it was her habit to be frank in thought and she knew that something nearer than that abstraction had moved her efforts in his behalf.She had fought for his life because she loved him.She could deny it no longer.Nor was the shame with which she confessed it unmingled with pride.He was a man to compel love, one of the mood imperative, chain-armored in the outdoor virtues of strength and endurance and stark courage.Her abasement began only where his superlation ended.That a being so godlike in equipment should have been fashioned without a soul, and that she should have given her heart to him.This was the fount of her degradation.

It was of these things she thought as she drove in the late afternoon toward those Antelope Peaks he had first pointed out to her.She swept past the scene of the battle and dipped down into the plains for a run to that western horizon behind the jagged mountain line of which the sun was radiantly setting in a splash of glorious colors.Lost in thought, space slipped under her wheels unnoticed.Not till her car refused the spur and slowed to a despondent halt did she observe that velvet night was fallingover the land.

She prowled round the machine after the fashion of the motorist, examining details that might be the cause of the trouble.She discovered soon enough with instant dismay that the gasolene tank was empty.Reddy, always unreliable, must have forgotten to fill it when she told him to.

By the road she must be thirty miles from home if she were a step; across country as the crow flies, perhaps twenty.She was a young woman of resolution, and she wasted no time in tears or regrets.The XIX ranch, owned by a small "nester" named Henderson, could not be more than five or six miles to the southeast.If she struck across the hills she would be sure to run into one of the barblines.At the XIX she could get a horse and reach the Lazy D by midnight.Without any hesitation she struck out.It was unfortunate that she did not have on her heavy laced high boots, but she realized that she must take things as she found them.Things might have been a good deal worse, she reflected philosophically.

And before long they were worse, for the increasing darkness blotted out the landmarks she was using as guides and she was lost among the hill waves that rolled one after another across the range.Still she did not give way, telling herself that it would be better after the moon was up.She could then tell north from south, and so have a line by which to travel.But when at length the stars came out, thousands upon thousands of them, and looked down on a land magically flooded with chill moonlight, the girl found that the transformation of Wyoming into this scence of silvery loveliness had toned the distant mountain line to an indefinite haze that made it impossible for her to distinguish one peak from another.

She wandered for hours, hungry and tired and frightened, though this last she would not confess.

"There's nothing to be afraid of," she told herself over and over."Even if I have to stay out all night it will do me no harm.There's no need to be a baby about it."But try to evade it as she would, there was something in the loneliness of this limitless stretch of hilltop that got on her nerves.The very shadows cast by the moonshine seemed too fantastic for reality.Something eerie and unearthly hovered over it all, and before she knew it a sob choked upher throat.

Vague fancies filtered through her mind, weird imaginings born of the night in a mind that had been swept from the moorings of reason.So that with no sensible surprise there came to her in that moonlit sea of desert the sound of a voice a clear sweet tenor swelling bravely in song with the very ecstacy of pathos.

It was the prison song from "Il Trovatore," and the desolation of its lifted appeal went to the heart like water to the roots of flowers.

Ah! I have sigh'd to rest me.Deep in the quiet grave.

The girl's sob caught in her breast, stilled with the awe of that heavenly music.So for an instant she waited before it was borne in on her that the voice was a human one, and that the heaven from which it descended was the hilltop above her.

A wild laugh, followed by an oath, cut the dying echoes of the song.She could hear the swish of a quirt falling again and again, and the sound of trampling hoofs thudding on the hard, sun-cracked ground.Startled, she sprang to her feet, and saw silhouetted against the skyline a horse and his rider fighting for mastery.

  • 醉醒迟


  • 福妻驾到


  • 混在银行


  • 绝色天才:腹黑大小姐


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