

When at last the scales fall from his eyes, it is not without something of the nature of dismay that the man finds himself in such changed conditions.He has to deal with commanding emotions instead of the easy dislikes and preferences in which he has hitherto passed his days; and he recognises capabilities for pain and pleasure of which he had not yet suspected the existence.Falling in love is the one illogical adventure, the one thing of which we are tempted to think as supernatural, in our trite and reasonable world.The effect is out of all proportion with the cause.Two persons, neither of them, it may be, very amiable or very beautiful, meet, speak a little, and look a little into each other's eyes.That has been done a dozen or so of times in the experience of either with no great result.But on this occasion all is different.They fall at once into that state in which another person becomes to us the very gist and centrepoint of God's creation, and demolishes our laborious theories with a smile; in which our ideas are so bound up with the one master-thought that even the trivial cares of our own person become so many acts of devotion, and the love of life itself is translated into a wish to remain in the same world with so precious and desirable a fellow-creature.And all the while their acquaintances look on in stupor, and ask each other, with almost passionate emphasis, what so-and-so can see in that woman, or such-an-one in that man? I am sure, gentlemen, I cannot tell you.For my part, I cannot think what the women mean.It might be very well, if the Apollo Belvedere should suddenly glow all over into life, and step forward from the pedestal with that godlike air of his.But of the misbegotten changelings who call themselves men, and prate intolerably over dinner-tables, I never saw one who seemed worthy to inspire love - no, nor read of any, except Leonardo da Vinci, and perhaps Goethe in his youth.About women I entertain a somewhat different opinion; but there, Ihave the misfortune to be a man.

There are many matters in which you may waylay Destiny, and bid him stand and deliver.Hard work, high thinking, adventurous excitement, and a great deal more that forms a part of this or the other person's spiritual bill of fare, are within the reach of almost any one who can dare a little and be patient.But it is by no means in the way of every one to fall in love.You know the difficulty Shakespeare was put into when Queen Elizabeth asked him to show Falstaff in love.

I do not believe that Henry Fielding was ever in love.Scott, if it were not for a passage or two in ROB ROY, would give me very much the same effect.These are great names and (what is more to the purpose) strong, healthy, high-strung, and generous natures, of whom the reverse might have been expected.As for the innumerable army of anaemic and tailorish persons who occupy the face of this planet with so much propriety, it is palpably absurd to imagine them in any such situation as a love-affair.A wet rag goes safely by the fire; and if a man is blind, he cannot expect to be much impressed by romantic scenery.Apart from all this, many lovable people miss each other in the world, or meet under some unfavourable star.There is the nice and critical moment of declaration to be got over.From timidity or lack of opportunity a good half of possible love cases never get so far, and at least another quarter do there cease and determine.A very adroit person, to be sure, manages to prepare the way and out with his declaration in the nick of time.And then there is a fine solid sort of man, who goes on from snub to snub; and if he has to declare forty times, will continue imperturbably declaring, amid the astonished consideration of men and angels, until he has a favourable answer.I daresay, if one were a woman, one would like to marry a man who was capable of doing this, but not quite one who had done so.It is just a little bit abject, and somehow just a little bit gross; and marriages in which one of the parties has been thus battered into consent scarcely form agreeable subjects for meditation.Love should run out to meet love with open arms.Indeed, the ideal story is that of two people who go into love step for step, with a fluttered consciousness, like a pair of children venturing together into a dark room.From the first moment when they see each other, with a pang of curiosity, through stage after stage of growing pleasure and embarrassment, they can read the expression of their own trouble in each other's eyes.There is here no declaration properly so called; the feeling is so plainly shared, that as soon as the man knows what it is in his own heart, he is sure of what it is in the woman's.

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