
第47章 A Common Weakness (2)

Not long ago a Westerner, who went abroad with a travelling show, was received with enthusiasm in England because it was thought "The Honorable" which preceded his name on his cards implied that although an American he was somehow the son of an earl.As a matter of fact he owed this title to having sat, many years before in the Senate of a far-western State.He will cling to that "Honorable" and print it on his cards while life lasts.I was told the other day of an American carpet warrior who appeared at court function abroad decorated with every college badge, and football medal in his possession, to which he added at the last moment a brass trunk check, to complete the brilliancy of the effect.This latter decoration attracted the attention of the Heir Apparent, who inquired the meaning of the mystic "416" upon it.This would have been a "facer" to any but a true son of Uncle Sam.Nothing daunted, however, our "General" replied "That, Sir, is the number of pitched battles I have won."I have my doubts as to the absolute veracity of this tale.But that the son of one of our generals, appeared not long ago at a public reception abroad, wearing his father's medals and decorations, is said to be true.Decorations on the Continent are official badges of distinction conferred and recognized by the different governments.An American who wears, out of his own country, an army or college badge which has no official existence, properly speaking, being recognized by no government, but which is made intentionally to look as much as possible like the "Legion d'Honneur," is deliberately imposing on the ignorance of foreigners, and is but little less of a pretentious idiot than the owners of the trunk check and the borrowed decorations.

There seems no end to the ways a little ambitious game can be played.One device much in favor is for the wife to attach her own family name to that of her husband by means of a hyphen.By this arrangement she does not entirely lose her individuality; as a result we have a splendid assortment of hybrid names, such as Van Cortland-Smith and Beekman-Brown.Be they never so incongruous these double-barrelled cognomens serve their purpose and raise ambitious mortals above the level of other Smiths and Browns.

Finding that this arrangement works well in their own case, it is passed on to the next generation.There are no more Toms and Bills in these aspiring days.The little boys are all Cadwalladers or Carrolls.Their school-fellows, however, work sad havoc with these high-sounding titles and quickly abbreviate them into humble "Cad"or "Rol."

It is surprising to notice what a number of middle-aged gentlemen have blossomed out of late with decorations in their button-holes according to the foreign fashion.On inquiry I have discovered that these ornaments designate members of the G.A.R., the Loyal Legion, or some local Post, for the rosettes differ in form and color.When these gentlemen travel abroad, to reduce their waists or improve their minds, the effects on the hotel waiters and cabmen must be immense.They will be charged three times the ordinary tariff instead of only the double which is the stranger's usual fate at the hands of simple-minded foreigners.The satisfaction must be cheap, however, at that price.

Even our wise men and sages do not seem to have escaped the contagion.One sees professors and clergymen (who ought to set a better example) trailing half a dozen letters after their names, initials which to the initiated doubtless mean something, but which are also intended to fill the souls of the ignorant with envy.Ican recall but one case of a foreign decoration being refused by a compatriot.He was a genius and we all know that geniuses are crazy.This gentleman had done something particularly gratifying to an Eastern potentate, who in return offered him one of his second-best orders.It was at once refused.When urged on him a second time our countryman lost his temper and answered, "If you want to give it to somebody, present it to my valet.He is most anxious to be decorated." And it was done!

It does not require a deeply meditative mind to discover the motives of ambitious struggles.The first and strongest illusion of the human mind is to believe that we are different from our fellows, and our natural impulse is to try and impress this belief upon others.

Pride of birth is but one of the manifestations of the universal weakness - invariably taking stronger and stronger hold of the people, who from the modest dimension of their income, or other untoward circumstances, can find no outward and visible form with which to dazzle the world.You will find that a desire to shine is the secret of most of the tips and presents that are given while travelling or visiting, for they can hardly be attributed to pure spontaneous generosity.

How many people does one meet who talk of their poor and unsuccessful relatives while omitting to mention rich and powerful connections? We are told that far from blaming such a tendency we are to admire it.That it is proper pride to put one's best foot forward and keep an offending member well out of sight, that the man who wears a rosette in the button-hole of his coat and has half the alphabet galloping after his name, is an honor to his family.

Far be it from me to deride this weakness in others, for in my heart I am persuaded that if I lived in China, nothing would please me more than to have my cap adorned with a coral button, while if fate had cast my life in the pleasant places of central Africa, a ring in my nose would doubtless have filled my soul with joy.The fact that I share this weakness does not, however, prevent my laughing at such folly in others.

  • 追星传之天枢


  • 雨下的秘密


  • 追男到古代:白菜别跑


  • 以农梦三斤


  • 都是血腥录


  • 总裁的守护天使


  • 我为僵尸


  • 穿越异世之杀手王妃


  • 无情计


  • 吾名白露

