

"Now, my boy, I want you to tell me the truth," the inspector said, or shouted, bending close to the boy's ear to make him hear."How old are you?""Fourteen," Johnny lied, and he lied with the full force of his lungs.So loudly did he lie that it started him off in a dry, hacking cough that lifted the lint which had been settling in his lungs all morning.

"Looks sixteen at least," said the superintendent.

"Or sixty," snapped the inspector.

"He's always looked that way."

"How long?" asked the inspector, quickly.

"For years.Never gets a bit older."

"Or younger, I dare say.I suppose he's worked here all those years?""Off and on--but that was before the new law was passed," the superintendent hastened to add.

"Machine idle?" the inspector asked, pointing at the unoccupied machine beside Johnny's, in which the part-filled bobbins were flying like mad.

"Looks that way." The superintendent motioned the overseer to him and shouted in his ear and pointed at the machine."Machine's idle," he reported back to the inspector.

They passed on, and Johnny returned to his work, relieved in that the ill had been averted.But the one-legged boy was not so fortunate.The sharp-eyed inspector haled him out at arms length from the bin truck.His lips were quivering, and his face had all the expression of one upon whom was fallen profound and irremediable disaster.The overseer looked astounded, as though for the first time he had laid eyes on the boy, while the superintendent's face expressed shock and displeasure.

"I know him," the inspector said."He's twelve years old.I've had him discharged from three factories inside the year.This makes the fourth."He turned to the one-legged boy."You promised me, word and honour, that you'd go to school."The one-legged boy burst into tears."Please, Mr.Inspector, two babies died on us, and we're awful poor.""What makes you cough that way?" the inspector demanded, as though charging him with crime.

And as in denial of guilt, the one-legged boy replied: "It ain't nothin'.

I jes' caught a cold last week, Mr.Inspector, that's all."In the end the one-legged boy went out of the room with the inspector, the latter accompanied by the anxious and protesting superintendent.After that monotony settled down again.The long morning and the longer afternoon wore away and the whistle blew for quitting time.Darkness had already fallen when Johnny passed out through the factory gate.In the interval the sun had made a golden ladder of the sky, flooded the world with its gracious warmth, and dropped down and disappeared in the west behind a ragged sky-line of housetops.

Supper was the family meal of the day--the one meal at which Johnny encountered his younger brothers and sisters.It partook of the nature of an encounter, to him, for he was very old, while they were distressingly young.He had no patience with their excessive and amazing juvenility.He did not understand it.His own childhood was too far behind him.He was like an old and irritable man, annoyed by the turbulence of their young spirits that was to him arrant silliness.He glowered silently over his food, finding compensation in the thought that they would soon have to go to work.That would take the edge off of them and make them sedate and dignified--like him.Thus it was, after the fashion of the human, that Johnny made of himself a yardstick with which to measure the universe.

During the meal, his mother explained in various ways and with infinite repetition that she was trying to do the best she could; so that it was with relief, the scant meal ended, that Johnny shoved back his chair and arose.He debated for a moment between bed and the front door, and finally went out the latter.He did not go far.He sat down on the stoop, his knees drawn up and his narrow shoulders drooping forward, his elbows on his knees and the palms of his hands supporting his chin.

As he sat there, he did no thinking.He was just resting.So far as his mind was concerned, it was asleep.His brothers and sisters came out, and with other children played noisily about him.An electric globe at the corner lighted their frolics.He was peevish and irritable, that they knew; but the spirit of adventure lured them into teasing him.They joined hands before him, and, keeping time with their bodies, chanted in his face weird and uncomplimentary doggerel.At first he snarled curses at them--curses he had learned from the lips of various foremen.Finding this futile, and remembering his dignity, he relapsed into dogged silence.

His brother Will, next to him in age, having just passed his tenth birthday, was the ringleader.Johnny did not possess particularly kindly feelings toward him.His life had early been embittered by continual giving over and giving way to Will.He had a definite feeling that Will was greatly in his debt and was ungrateful about it.In his own playtime, far back in the dim past, he had been robbed of a large part of that playtime by being compelled to take care of Will.Will was a baby then, and then, as now, their mother had spent her days in the mills.To Johnny had fallen the part of little father and little mother as well.

Will seemed to show the benefit of the giving over and the giving way.He was well-built, fairly rugged, as tall as his elder brother and even heavier.It was as though the life-blood of the one had been diverted into the other's veins.And in spirits it was the same.Johnny was jaded, worn out, without resilience, while his younger brother seemed bursting and spilling over with exuberance.

The mocking chant rose louder and louder.Will leaned closer as he danced, thrusting out his tongue.Johnny's left arm shot out and caught the other around the neck.At the same time he rapped his bony fist to the other's nose.It was a pathetically bony fist, but that it was sharp to hurt was evidenced by the squeal of pain it produced.The other children were uttering frightened cries, while Johnny's sister, Jennie, had dashed into the house.

  • 奇缘古龙


  • 四季家常菜:春季菜


    《四季养生家常菜》,集作者多年实际操作之经验,吸取多家之长,以“天人合一,顺应自然”为要旨,融合中医养生学、西医营养学知识,坚持科学料理、合理搭配,以期使人们吃出营养、吃出健康、吃出文化。 本书为该套菜谱中的其中一本。该书以春季顺时养生为主,再根据营养素的合理搭配向读者介绍了几百种日常生活中可以自己烹饪的家产菜,简单易学,一看就懂,菜谱的搭配又符合人体的营养需求,是非常实用的一本家庭常用菜谱。
  • 最让你情绪放松的心灵鸡汤(智慧背囊)


  • 暗夜之都


  • 昨夜京城


  • 娘子很山寨


  • 背叛:离婚女人


  • 穿越杠上暴君:独宠弃后


  • 雪宁的人生


  • 走向珠穆朗玛

