

My lord's voice rang out as it did seldom in the privacy of his own house."I'll have norm of that, sir!" he cried."Do you hear me? -nonn of that! No son of mine shall be speldering in the glaur with any dirty raibble."The anxious mother was grateful for so much support; she had even feared the contrary.And that night when she put the child to bed - "Now, my dear, ye see!" she said, "I told you what your faither would think of it, if he heard ye had fallen into this dreidful sin; and let you and me pray to God that ye may be keepit from the like temptation or strengthened to resist it!"The womanly falsity of this was thrown away.Ice and iron cannot be welded; and the points of view of the Justice-Clerk and Mrs.Weir were not less unassimilable.The character and position of his father had long been a stumbling-block to Archie, and with every year of his age the difficulty grew more instant.The man was mostly silent; when he spoke at all, it was to speak of the things of the world, always in a worldly spirit, often in language that the child had been schooled to think coarse, and sometimes with words that he knew to be sins in themselves.Tenderness was the first duty, and my lord was invariably harsh.God was love; the name of my lord (to all who knew him) was fear.In the world, as schematised for Archie by his mother, the place was marked for such a creature.There were some whom it was good to pity and well (though very likely useless) to pray for; they were named reprobates, goats, God's enemies, brands for the burning; and Archie tallied every mark of identification, and drew the inevitable private inference that the Lord Justice-Clerk was the chief of sinners.

The mother's honesty was scarce complete.There was one influence she feared for the child and still secretly combated; that was my lord's;and half unconsciously, half in a wilful blindness, she continued to undermine her husband with his son.As long as Archie remained silent, she did so ruthlessly, with a single eye to heaven and the child's salvation; but the day came when Archie spoke.It was 1801, and Archie was seven, and beyond his years for curiosity and logic, when he brought the case up openly.If judging were sinful and forbidden, how came papa to be a judge? to have that sin for a trade? to bear the name of it for a distinction?

"I can't see it," said the little Rabbi, and wagged his head.

Mrs.Weir abounded in commonplace replies.

"No, I cannae see it," reiterated Archie."And I'll tell you what, mamma, I don't think you and me's justifeed in staying with him."The woman awoke to remorse, she saw herself disloyal to her man, her sovereign and bread-winner, in whom (with what she had of worldliness)she took a certain subdued pride.She expatiated in reply on my lord's honour and greatness; his useful services in this world of sorrow and wrong, and the place in which he stood, far above where babes and innocents could hope to see or criticise.But she had builded too well - Archie had his answers pat: Were not babes and innocents the type of the kingdom of heaven? Were not honour and greatness the badges of the world? And at any rate, how about the mob that had once seethed about the carriage?

"It's all very fine," he concluded, "but in my opinion papa has no right to be it.And it seems that's not the worst yet of it.It seems he's called "The Hanging judge" - it seems he's crooool.I'll tell you what it is, mamma, there's a tex' borne in upon me: It were better for that man if a milestone were bound upon his back and him flung into the deepestmost pairts of the sea.""O, my lamb, ye must never say the like of that!" she cried."Ye're to honour faither and mother, dear, that your days may be long in the land.

It's Atheists that cry out against him - French Atheists, Erchie! Ye would never surely even yourself down to be saying the same thing as French Atheists? It would break my heart to think that of you.And O, Erchie, here are'na YOU setting up to JUDGE? And have ye no forgot God's plain command - the First with Promise, dear? Mind you upon the beam and the mote!"Having thus carried the war into the enemy's camp, the terrified lady breathed again.And no doubt it is easy thus to circumvent a child with catchwords, but it may be questioned how far it is effectual.An instinct in his breast detects the quibble, and a voice condemns it.He will instantly submit, privately hold the same opinion.For even in this simple and antique relation of the mother and the child, hypocrisies are multiplied.

When the Court rose that year and the family returned to Hermiston, it was a common remark in all the country that the lady was sore failed.

She seemed to loose and seize again her touch with life, now sitting inert in a sort of durable bewilderment, anon waking to feverish and weak activity.She dawdled about the lasses at their work, looking stupidly on; she fell to rummaging in old cabinets and presses, and desisted when half through; she would begin remarks with an air of animation and drop them without a struggle.Her common appearance was of one who has forgotten something and is trying to remember; and when she overhauled, one after another, the worthless and touching mementoes of her youth, she might have been seeking the clue to that lost thought.

  • 水晶星海


  • 我在农场遇丧尸


  • 合金装备之末世虐杀


  • 在那遥远的日子里


  • 未来在磨砺中生辉(学生心理健康悦读)


  • 暗明之使


  • 叶上书千羽


  • 鹿晗:爱的迷途


  • 吴界传奇


  • 囚爱成瘾

