

On the named morning he was at the place of execution.He saw the fleering rabble, the flinching wretch produced.He looked on for a while at a certain parody of devotion, which seemed to strip the wretch of his last claim to manhood.Then followed the brutal instant of extinction, and the paltry dangling of the remains like a broken jumping-jack.He had been prepared for something terrible, not for this tragic meanness.He stood a moment silent, and then - "I denounce this God-defying murder," he shouted; and his father, if he must have disclaimed the sentiment, might have owned the stentorian voice with which it was uttered.

Frank Innes dragged him from the spot.The two handsome lads followed the same course of study and recreation, and felt a certain mutual attraction, founded mainly on good looks.It had never gone deep; Frank was by nature a thin, jeering creature, not truly susceptible whether of feeling or inspiring friendship; and the relation between the pair was altogether on the outside, a thing of common knowledge and the pleasantries that spring from a common acquaintance.The more credit to Frank that he was appalled by Archie's outburst, and at least conceived the design of keeping him in sight, and, if possible, in hand, for the day.But Archie, who had just defied - was it God or Satan? - would not listen to the word of a college companion.

"I will not go with you," he said."I do not desire your company, sir;I would be alone."

"Here, Weir, man, don't be absurd," said Innes, keeping a tight hold upon his sleeve."I will not let you go until I know what you mean to do with yourself; it's no use brandishing that staff." For indeed at that moment Archie had made a sudden - perhaps a warlike - movement.

"This has been the most insane affair; you know it has.You know very well that I'm playing the good Samaritan.All I wish is to keep you quiet.""If quietness is what you wish, Mr.Innes," said Archie, "and you will promise to leave me entirely to myself, I will tell you so much, that Iam going to walk in the country and admire the beauties of nature.""Honour bright?" asked Frank.

"I am not in the habit of lying, Mr.Innes," retorted Archie."I have the honour of wishing you good-day.""You won't forget the Spec.?" asked Innes.

"The Spec.?" said Archie."O no, I won't forget the Spec."And the one young man carried his tortured spirit forth of the city and all the day long, by one road and another, in an endless pilgrimage of misery; while the other hastened smilingly to spread the news of Weir's access of insanity, and to drum up for that night a full attendance at the Speculative, where further eccentric developments might certainly be looked for.I doubt if Innes had the least belief in his prediction; Ithink it flowed rather from a wish to make the story as good and the scandal as great as possible; not from any ill-will to Archie - from the mere pleasure of beholding interested faces.But for all that his words were prophetic.Archie did not forget the Spec.; he put in an appearance there at the due time, and, before the evening was over, had dealt a memorable shock to his companions.It chanced he was the president of the night.He sat in the same room where the Society still meets - only the portraits were not there: the men who afterwards sat for them were then but beginning their career.The same lustre of many tapers shed its light over the meeting; the same chair, perhaps, supported him that so many of us have sat in since.At times he seemed to forget the business of the evening, but even in these periods he sat with a great air of energy and determination.At times he meddled bitterly, and launched with defiance those fines which are the precious and rarely used artillery of the president.He little thought, as he did so, how he resembled his father, but his friends remarked upon it, chuckling.So far, in his high place above his fellow-students, he seemed set beyond the possibility of any scandal; but his mind was made up - he was determined to fulfil the sphere of his offence.He signed to Innes (whom he had just fined, and who just impeached his ruling) to succeed him in the chair, stepped down from the platform, and took his place by the chimney-piece, the shine of many wax tapers from above illuminating his pale face, the glow of the great red fire relieving from behind his slim figure.He had to propose, as an amendment to the next subject in the case-book, "Whether capital punishment be consistent with God's will or man's policy?"A breath of embarrassment, of something like alarm, passed round the room, so daring did these words appear upon the lips of Hermiston's only son.But the amendment was not seconded; the previous question was promptly moved and unanimously voted, and the momentary scandal smuggled by.Innes triumphed in the fulfilment of his prophecy.He and Archie were now become the heroes of the night; but whereas every one crowded about Innes, when the meeting broke up, but one of all his companions came to speak to Archie.

"Weir, man! That was an extraordinary raid of yours!" observed this courageous member, taking him confidentially by the arm as they went out.

"I don't think it a raid," said Archie grimly."More like a war.Isaw that poor brute hanged this morning, and my gorge rises at it yet.""Hut-tut," returned his companion, and, dropping his arm like something hot, he sought the less tense society of others.

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