

Every American Federation of Labor union in the city was prepared to strike, and waited only the word.And behind all, a handful of men, known as the Labor Council, directed the fight.One by one, blow upon blow, they were able if they deemed it necessary to call out the unions--the Laundry Workers, who do the washing; the Hackmen, who haul men to and from restaurants; the Butchers, Meat Cutters, and Teamsters; and the Milkers, Milk Drivers, and Chicken Pickers;and after that, in pure sympathy, the Retail Clerks, the Horse Shoers, the Gas and Electrical Fixture Hangers, the Metal Roofers, the Blacksmiths, the Blacksmiths' Helpers, the Stablemen, the Machinists, the Brewers, the Coast Seamen, the Varnishers and Polishers, the Confectioners, the Upholsterers, the Paper Hangers and Fresco Painters, the Drug Clerks, the Fitters and Helpers, the Metal Workers, the Boiler Makers and Iron Ship Builders, the Assistant Undertakers, the Carriage and Wagon Workers, and so on down the lengthy list of organizations.

For, over all these trades, over all these thousands of men, is the Labor Council.When it speaks its voice is heard, and when it orders it is obeyed.But it, in turn, is dominated by the National Labor Council, with which it is constantly in touch.In this wholly unimportant little local strike it is of interest to note the stands taken by the different sides.The legal representative and official mouthpiece of the Employers' Association said: "This organization is formed for defensive purposes, and it may be driven to take offensive steps, and if so, will be strong enough to follow them up.

Labor cannot be allowed to dictate to capital and say how business shall be conducted.There is no objection to the formation of unions and trades councils, but membership must not be compulsory.

It is repugnant to the American idea of liberty and cannot be tolerated."On the other hand, the president of the Team Drivers' Union said:

"The employers of labor in this city are generally against the trade-union movement and there seems to be a concerted effort on their part to check the progress of organized labor.Such action as has been taken by them in sympathy with the present labor troubles may, if continued, lead to a serious conflict, the outcome of which might be most calamitous for the business and industrial interests of San Francisco."And the secretary of the United Brewery Workmen: "I regard a sympathetic strike as the last weapon which organized labor should use in its defence.When, however, associations of employers band together to defeat organized labor, or one of its branches, then we should not and will not hesitate ourselves to employ the same instrument in retaliation."Thus, in a little corner of the world, is exemplified the growing solidarity of labor.The organization of labor has not only kept pace with the organization of industry, but it has gained upon it.

In one winter, in the anthracite coal region, $160,000,000 in mines and $600,000,000 in transportation and distribution consolidated its ownership and control.And at once, arrayed as solidly on the other side, were the 150,000 anthracite miners.The bituminous mines, however, were not consolidated; yet the 250,000 men employed therein were already combined.And not only that, but they were also combined with the anthracite miners, these 400,000 men being under the control and direction of one supreme labor council.And in this and the other great councils are to be found captains of labor of splendid abilities, who, in understanding of economic and industrial conditions, are undeniably the equals of their opponents, the captains of industry.

The United States is honeycombed with labor organizations.And the big federations which these go to compose aggregate millions of members, and in their various branches handle millions of dollars yearly.And not only this; for the international brotherhoods and unions are forming, and moneys for the aid of strikers pass back and forth across the seas.The Machinists, in their demand for a nine-hour day, affected 500,000 men in the United States, Mexico, and Canada.In England the membership of working-class organizations is approximated by Keir Hardie at 2,500,000, with reserve funds of $18,000,000.There the cooperative movement has a membership of 1,500,000, and every year turns over in distribution more than $100,000,000.In France, one-eighth of the whole working class is unionized.In Belgium the unions are very rich and powerful, and so able to defy the masters that many of the smaller manufacturers, unable to resist, "are removing their works to other countries where the workmen's organizations are not so potential." And in all other countries, according to the stage of their economic and political development, like figures obtain.And Europe, today, confesses that her greatest social problem is the labor problem, and that it is the one most closely engrossing the attention of her statesmen.

The organization of labor is one of the chief acknowledged factors in the retrogression of British trade.The workers have become class conscious as never before.The wrong of one is the wrong of all.They have come to realize, in a short-sighted way, that their masters' interests are not their interests.The harder they work, they believe, the more wealth they create for their masters.

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