

Evolution is no longer a mere tentative hypothesis.One by one, step by step, each division and subdivision of science has contributed its evidence, until now the case is complete and the verdict rendered.While there is still discussion as to the method of evolution, none the less, as a process sufficient to explain all biological phenomena, all differentiations of life into widely diverse species, families, and even kingdoms, evolution is flatly accepted.Likewise has been accepted its law of development: THAT, IN THE STRUGGLE FOR EXISTENCE, THE STRONG AND FIT AND THE PROGENY OFTHE STRONG AND FIT HAVE A BETTER OPPORTUNITY FOR SURVIVAL THAN THEWEAK AND LESS FIT AND THE PROGENY OF THE WEAK AND LESS FIT.

It is in the struggle of the species with other species and against all other hostile forces in the environment, that this law operates;also in the struggle between the individuals of the same species.

In this struggle, which is for food and shelter, the weak individuals must obviously win less food and shelter than the strong.Because of this, their hold on life relaxes and they are eliminated.And for the same reason that they may not win for themselves adequate food and shelter, the weak cannot give to their progeny the chance for survival that the strong give.And thus, since the weak are prone to beget weakness, the species is constantly purged of its inefficient members.

Because of this, a premium is placed upon strength, and so long as the struggle for food and shelter obtains, just so long will the average strength of each generation increase.On the other hand, should conditions so change that all, and the progeny of all, the weak as well as the strong, have an equal chance for survival, then, at once, the average strength of each generation will begin to diminish.Never yet, however, in animal life, has there been such a state of affairs.Natural selection has always obtained.The strong and their progeny, at the expense of the weak, have always survived.This law of development has operated down all the past upon all life; it so operates today, and it is not rash to say that it will continue to operate in the future--at least upon all life existing in a state of nature.

Man, preeminent though he is in the animal kingdom, capable of reacting upon and making suitable an unsuitable environment, nevertheless remains the creature of this same law of development.

The social selection to which he is subject is merely another form of natural selection.True, within certain narrow limits he modifies the struggle for existence and renders less precarious the tenure of life for the weak.The extremely weak, diseased, and inefficient are housed in hospitals and asylums.The strength of the viciously strong, when inimical to society, is tempered by penal institutions and by the gallows.The short-sighted are provided with spectacles, and the sickly (when they can pay for it) with sanitariums.Pestilential marshes are drained, plagues are checked, and disasters averted.Yet, for all that, the strong and the progeny of the strong survive, and the weak are crushed out.The men strong of brain are masters as of yore.They dominate society and gather to themselves the wealth of society.With this wealth they maintain themselves and equip their progeny for the struggle.

They build their homes in healthful places, purchase the best fruits, meats, and vegetables the market affords, and buy themselves the ministrations of the most brilliant and learned of the professional classes.The weak man, as of yore, is the servant, the doer of things at the master's call.The weaker and less efficient he is, the poorer is his reward.The weakest work for a living wage, (when they can get work), live in unsanitary slums, on vile and insufficient food, at the lowest depths of human degradation.

Their grasp on life is indeed precarious, their mortality excessive, their infant death-rate appalling.

That some should be born to preferment and others to ignominy in order that the race may progress, is cruel and sad; but none the less they are so born.The weeding out of human souls, some for fatness and smiles, some for leanness and tears, is surely a heartless selective process--as heartless as it is natural.And the human family, for all its wonderful record of adventure and achievement, has not yet succeeded in avoiding this process.That it is incapable of doing this is not to be hazarded.Not only is it capable, but the whole trend of society is in that direction.All the social forces are driving man on to a time when the old selective law will be annulled.There is no escaping it, save by the intervention of catastrophes and cataclysms quite unthinkable.

It is inexorable.It is inexorable because the common man demands it.The twentieth century, the common man says, is his day; the common man's day, or, rather, the dawning of the common man's day.

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