

And now, upon the left bank, they caught a glimpse of a white village, high up on the hills, smothered among green trees.That was Cold Branch--no boom town, but the slow growth of many years.Cold Branch lay on the edge of the grape and corn lands.The big country road ran just back of the heights.Cold Branch had nothing in common with the frisky ambition of Okochee with its impertinent lake.

"Mac," said J.Pinkney suddenly, "I want you to stop at Cold Branch.

There's a landing there that they made to use sometimes when the river was up.""Can't," said the captain, grinning more broadly."I've got the United States mails on board.Right to-day this boat's in the government service.Do you want to have the poor old captain keelhauled by Uncle Sam? And the great city of Skyland, all disconsolate, waiting for its mail? I'm ashamed of your extravagance, J.P.""Mac," almost whispered J.Pinkney, in his danger-line voice, "Ilooked into the engine room of the ~Dixie Belle~ a while ago.Don't you know of somebody that needs a new boiler? Cement and black Japan can't hide flaws from me.And then, those shares of building and loan that you traded for repairs--they were all yours, of course.I hate to mention these things, but--""Oh, come now, J.P.," said the captain."You know I was just fooling.I'll put you off at Cold Branch, if you say so.""The other passengers get off there, too," said Mr.Bloom.

Further conversation was held, and in ten minutes the ~Dixie Belle~turned her nose toward a little, cranky wooden pier on the left bank, and the captain, relinquishing the wheel to a roustabout, came to the passenger deck and made the remarkable announcement: "All out for Skyland."The Blaylocks and J.Pinkney Bloom disembarked, and the ~Dixie Belle~proceeded on her way up the lake.Guided by the indefatigable promoter, they slowly climbed the steep hillside, pausing often to rest and admire the view.Finally they entered the village of Cold Branch.Warmly both the Colonel and his wife praised it for its homelike and peaceful beauty.Mr.Bloom conducted them to a two-story building on a shady street that bore the legend, "Pine-top Inn." Here he took his leave, receiving the cordial thanks of the two for his attentions, the Colonel remarking that he thought they would spend the remainder of the day in rest, and take a look at his purchase on the morrow.

J.Pinkney Bloom walked down Cold Branch's main street.He did not know this town, but he knew towns, and his feet did not falter.

Presently he saw a sign over a door: "Frank E.Cooly, Attorney-at-Law and Notary Public." A young man was Mr.Cooly, and awaiting business.

"Get your hat, son," said Mr.Bloom, in his breezy way, "and a blank deed, and come along.It's a job for you.""Now," he continued, when Mr.Cooly had responded with alacrity, "is there a bookstore in town?""One," said the lawyer."Henry Williams's.""Get there," said Mr.Bloom."We're going to buy it."Henry Williams was behind his counter.His store was a small one, containing a mixture of books, stationery, and fancy rubbish.

Adjoining it was Henry's home--a decent cottage, vine-embowered and cosy.Henry was lank and soporific, and not inclined to rush his business.

"I want to buy your house and store," said Mr.Bloom."I haven't got time to dicker--name your price.""It's worth eight hundred," said Henry, too much dazed to ask more than its value.

"Shut that door," said Mr.Bloom to the lawyer.Then he tore off his coat and vest, and began to unbutton his shirt.

"Wanter fight about it, do yer?" said Henry Williams, jumping up and cracking his heels together twice."All right, hunky--sail in and cut yer capers.""Keep your clothes on," said Mr.Bloom."I'm only going down to the bank."He drew eight one-hundred-dollar bills from his money belt and planked them down on the counter.Mr.Cooly showed signs of future promise, for he already had the deed spread out, and was reaching across the counter for the ink bottle.Never before or since was such quick action had in Cold Branch.

"Your name, please?" asked the lawyer.

"Make it out to Peyton Blaylock," said Mr.Bloom."God knows how to spell it."Within thirty minutes Henry Williams was out of business, and Mr.

Bloom stood on the brick sidewalk with Mr.Cooly, who held in his hand the signed and attested deed.

"You'll find the party at the Pinetop Inn," said J.Pinkney Bloom.

"Get it recorded, and take it down and give it to him.He'll ask you a hell's mint of questions; so here's ten dollars for the trouble you'll have in not being able to answer 'em.Never run much to poetry, did you, young man?""Well," said the really talented Cooly, who even yet retained his right mind, "now and then.""Dig into it," said Mr.Bloom, "it'll pay you.Never heard a poem, now, that run something like this, did you?--A good thing out of Nazareth Comes up sometimes, I guess, On hand, all right, to help and cheer A sucker in distress.""I believe not," said Mr.Cooly.

"It's a hymn," said J.Pinkney Bloom."Now, show me the way to a livery stable, son, for I'm going to hit the dirt road back to Okochee."

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    父母都是爱孩子的,但有时候这份爱却滋生了不满、仇视,甚至伤害。当爱被错误表达时,亲情就会出现错位。没有不爱孩子的父母,只有不会爱孩子的爸妈。很多父母面对孩子.不缺疼爱、呵护、关心、经济支持,唯独缺少尊重!在这个被汉堡包和可乐充斥的快餐时代,如何让父母的爱不因忙碌搁浅,不因距离隔绝,不因缺乏沟通葬送?每个家长心中都有答案,去睹口不完美。这是一本给家长标准答案的书,通过阅读孩子的心声,推论出爱最 好的表达方式.通过对孩子的理解,找到一面爱的镜子,折射出沟通该走的路。
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