

Mrs.Blaylock sighed contentedly, and turned her expressive eyes--still as clear and unworldly as a child's--upon the steep slopes that were slowly slipping past.Very fair and stately they looked in the clear morning air.They seemed to speak in familiar terms to the responsive spirit of Lorella."My native hills!" she murmured, dreamily."See how the foliage drinks the sunlight from the hollows and dells.""Mrs.Blaylock's maiden days," said the Colonel, interpreting her mood to J.Pinkney Bloom, "were spent among the mountains of northern Georgia.Mountain air and mountain scenery recall to her those days.

Holly Springs, where we have lived for twenty years, is low and flat.

I fear that she may have suffered in health and spirits by so long a residence there.That is one portent reason for the change we are making.My dear, can you not recall those lines you wrote--entitled, I think, 'The Georgia Hills'--the poem that was so extensively copied by the Southern press and praised so highly by the Atlanta critics?"Mrs.Blaylock turned a glance of speaking tenderness upon the Colonel, fingered for a moment the silvery curl that drooped upon her bosom, then looked again toward the mountains.Without preliminary or affectation or demurral she began, in rather thrilling and more deeply pitched tones to recite these lines:

"The Georgia hills, the Georgia hills!--

Oh, heart, why dost thou pine?

Are not these sheltered lowlands fair With mead and bloom and vine?

Ah! as the slow-paced river here Broods on its natal rills My spirit drifts, in longing sweet, Back to the Georgia hills.

"And through the close-drawn, curtained night I steal on sleep's slow wings Back to my heart's ease--slopes of pine--Where end my wanderings.

Oh, heaven seems nearer from their tops--And farther earthly ills--

Even in dreams, if I may but Dream of my Georgia hills.

The grass upon their orchard sides Is a fine couch to me;The common note of each small bird Passes all minstrelsy.

It would not seem so dread a thing If, when the Reaper wills, He might come there and take my hand Up in the Georgia hills."Thats great stuff, ma'am," said J.Pinkney Bloom, enthusiastically, when the poetess had concluded."I wish I had looked up poetry more than I have.I was raised in the pine hills myself.""The mountains ever call to their children," murmured Mrs.Blaylock.

"I feel that life will take on the rosy hue of hope again in among these beautiful hills.Peyton--a little taste of the currant wine, if you will be so good.The journey, though delightful in the extreme, slightly fatigues me." Colonel Blaylock again visited the depths of his prolific coat, and produced a tightly corked, rough, black bottle.Mr.Bloom was on his feet in an instant.

"Let me bring a glass, ma'am.You come along, Colonel--there's a little table we can bring, too.Maybe we can scare up some fruit or a cup of tea on board.I'll ask Mac."Mrs.Blaylock reclined at ease.Few royal ladies have held their royal prerogative with the serene grace of the petted Southern woman.

The Colonel, with an air as gallant and assiduous as in the days of his courtship, and J.Pinkney Bloom, with a ponderous agility half professional and half directed by some resurrected, unnamed, long-forgotten sentiment, formed a diversified but attentive court.The currant wine--wine home made from the Holly Springs fruit--went round, and then J.Pinkney began to hear something of Holly Springs life.

It seemed (from the conversation of the Blaylocks) that the Springs was decadent.A third of the population had moved away.Business--and the Colonel was an authority on business--had dwindled to nothing.

After carefully studying the field of opportunities open to capital he had sold his little property there for eight hundred dollars and invested it in one of the enterprises opened up by the book in Okochee.

"Might I inquire, sir," said Mr.Bloom, "in what particular line of business you inserted your coin? I know that town as well as I know the regulations for illegal use of the mails.I might give you a hunch as to whether you can make the game go or not."J.Pinkney, somehow, had a kindly feeling toward these unsophisticated representatives of by-gone days.They were so simple, impractical, and unsuspecting.He was glad that he happened not to have a gold brick or a block of that western Bad Boy Silver Mine stock along with him.He would have disliked to unload on people he liked so well as he did these; but there are some temptations toe enticing to be resisted.

"No, sir," said Colonel Blaylock.pausing to arrange the queen's wrap.

"I did not invest in Okochee.I have made an exhaustive study of business conditions, and I regard old settled towns as unfavorable fields in which to place capital that is limited in amount.Some months ago, through the kindness of a friend, there came into my hands a map and description of this new town of Skyland that has been built upon the lake.The description was so pleasing, the future of the town set forth in such convincing arguments, and its increasing prosperity portrayed in such an attractive style that I decided to take advantage of the opportunity it offered.Icarefully selected a lot in the centre of the business district, although its price was the highest in the schedule--five hundred dollars--and made the purchase at once.""Are you the man--I mean, did you pay five hundred dollars for a lot in Skyland" asked J.Pinkney Bloom.

"I did, sir," answered the Colonel, with the air of a modest millionaire explaining his success; "a lot most excellently situated on the same square with the opera house, and only two squares from the board of trade.I consider the purchase a most fortuitous one.

  • 娇俏小萌妻


  • 完美神魔


  • 千年隋劫


  • 异世界的冒险家


  • 彼岸花开:中国历史的另类独白


    本书用了一种非常另类的历史叙述方式。历史再加上一个“另类”来修饰的话,很可能成为一场与历史无关的“历史”。事实也是。历史只是一个背景,人物只是一个依托,情节只是戏剧性的连缀……说穿了,是创造而不是复述,创造了一个动听而又扣人心弦的故事。那是一个在历史的躯壳下,包裹着现代人进入过去,经历一场场盛衰兴亡、爱恨情仇、铁马秋风、英雄末路、美人迟暮等历史场景 的心路历程。
  • 凤凰涅槃之邪毒王妃


  • 炭灰里的镇


  • 秘境异事录


  • 绝命辞


  • 网游之暗黑三国

