The giant laughed aloud, spit fire in his wrath, and showed his dreadful fangs.And he scolded the king and said: "Scoundrel! I am a giant named Flame-face.This tree is my home; even the gods do not dare to trespass here.But you and your wife have trespassed and enjoyed yourselves.Now swallow your own impudence, you rascal! You are lovesick, so I will split open your heart and eat it, and I will drink your blood."The king was frightened when he saw that the giant was invincible, and his wife was trembling, so he said respectfully: "I trespassed ignorantly.Forgive me.I am your guest, seeking protection in your hermitage.And I will give you a human sacrifice, so that you will be satisfied.Be merciful then and forget your anger."Then the giant forgot his anger, and thought: "Very well.Why not?" And he said: "O King, I want a noble, intelligent Brahman boy seven years old, who shall give himself up of his own accord for your sake.And when he is killed, his mother must hold his hands tightly to the ground, and his father must hold his feet, and you must cut off his head with your own sword.If you do this within seven days, then I will forgive the insult you have offered me.If not, I will kill you and all your people."And the king was so frightened that he consented.Then the giant disappeared.
Then King Moon mounted his horse with his wife Lotus-bloom and rode away sad at heart, seeking for his soldiers.And he thought: "Alas! I was bewildered by hunting and by love, and I find myself ruined.Where can I find such a sacrifice for the giant? Well, I will go to my own city now, and see what happens."So he continued his search, and found his soldiers and his city Brilliant-peak.There his subjects were delighted because he had found a wife worthy of him, and they made a great feast.But it was a day of despondency and dreadful agony for the king.