The Specialist in Food, the Specialist in Women, and the Specialist in Cotton.Which is the cleverest?
So the king went back under the sissoo tree, caught the goblin just as before, put him on his shoulder, and started toward the monk.And as he walked along, the goblin on his shoulder spoke and said: "O King, listen once more to the following story to beguile your weariness."In the Anga country there is a great region called Forest.There lived a great Brahman, pious and wealthy, whose name was Vishnu-swami.To his worthy wife three sons were born, one after another.When they had grown to be young men, specialists in matters of luxury, they were sent one day by their father to find a turtle for a sacrifice which he had begun.
So the brothers went to the ocean and there they found a turtle.Then the eldest said to the two younger: "One of you take this turtle for Father's sacrifice.I cannot carry a slimy thing that smells raw."But when the eldest said this, the two younger said: "Sir, if you feel disgust, why shouldn't we?"When the eldest heard this, he said: "You take the turtle, otherwise Father's sacrifice will be ruined on your account.Then you and Father too will surely go to hell."When they heard him, the two younger brothers laughed and said: "Sir, you seem to know our common duty, but not your own."Then the eldest said: "What? Are you not aware that I am a connoisseur in food? For I am a specialists in foods.How can I touch this loathsome thing?"When he heard these words, the second brother said: "But I am even more of a connoisseur.I am a specialist in women.So how can I touch it?"After this speech, the eldest said to the youngest: "Do you then, being younger than we, carry the turtle."Then the youngest frowned and said to them: "Fools! I am a great specialist in cotton."So the three brothers quarrelled, and arrogantly leaving the turtle behind them, they went to have the matter decided at Pinnacle, the capitalof a king called Conqueror.When they came there, and had been announced and introduced by the door-keeper, they told their story to the king.And when the king had heard all, he said: "Stay here.I will examine you one after another." So they agreed and all stayed there.