The Mutual Services of King Fierce-lion and Prince Good.Which is the more deserving?
Then the king went back to the sissoo tree, put the goblin on his shoulder as before, and started.And as he walked along, the goblin said: "O King, I will tell you a story to amuse your weariness.Listen."On the shore of the Eastern Ocean is Copper City.There a king named Fierce-lion lived.He turned his back to other men's wives, but not to fighting men.He destroyed his enemies, but not other men's wealth.
One day a popular prince named Good came from the south to the king's gate.He introduced himself, but did not get what he wanted from the king.And he thought: "If I am born a prince, why am I so poor? And if I am to be poor, why did God give me so many desires? For this king pays no attention to me, though I wait upon him and grow weary and faint with hunger."While he was thinking, the king went hunting.He went with many horsemen and footmen, and the prince ran along in the dress of a pilgrim with a club in his hand.And during the hunt the king chased a great boar a long distance, and so came into another forest.There he lost sight of the boar, for the trail was covered with leaves and grass.And the king was tired and lost his way in the forest.Only the pilgrim-prince thought nothing of his life, and hungry and thirsty as he was, he followed on foot the king who rode a swift horse.
And when the king saw him following, he spoke lovingly: "My good man, do you perhaps know the way we came?"And the pilgrim bowed low and said: "I know, your Majesty.But first rest yourself a moment.The blazing sun, the middle jewel in the girdle of heaven's bride, is terribly hot." Then the king said eagerly: "See if there is water anywhere."And the pilgrim agreed and climbed a high tree and looked around.And he saw a river and climbed down and took the king to it.He unsaddled the horse, gave him water and grass, and let him rest.And when the king had bathed, the pilgrim took two fine mangoes from his skirt,washed them and gave them to the king.
"Where did you get these?" asked the king, and the pilgrim bowed and said: "Your Majesty, I have lived on such food for ten years.While I was serving your Majesty, I had to live like a monk." And the king said: "What can I say? You deserve your name of Good." And he was filled with pity and shame, and thought: "A curse on kings, who do not know whether their servants are happy or not! And a curse of their attendants, who do not tell them this and that!" And when the pilgrim insisted, the king was prevailed on to take the two mangoes.He rested there with the pilgrim and ate the mangoes and drank water with the pilgrim, who was accustomed to eat mangoes and drink water.
Then the pilgrim saddled the horse and went ahead to show the way, and at last, at the king's command, mounted behind on the horse; so the king found his soldiers and went safely home.And when he got there, he proclaimed the devotion of the pilgrim, and made him a rich man, but could not feel that he had paid his debt.So Good stayed there happily with King Fierce-lion and stopped living as a pilgrim.
One day the king sent Good to Ceylon to ask for the hand of the daughter of the King of Ceylon.So he set out after sacrificing to the proper god, and entered a ship with some Brahmans chosen by the king.And when the ship had safely reached the middle of the ocean, there suddenly arose from the waves a very large flag-pole made of gold, with a top that touched the sky.It was adorned with waving banners of various colours and was quite astonishing.
At the same moment the clouds gathered, it began to rain violently, and a mighty wind blew.And the ship was driven by the storm winds and caught on the flag-pole.Then the pole began to sink, dragging the ship with it into the raging waves.And the Brahmans who were there were overcome with fear and cursed the name of their king Fierce-lion.
But Good could not endure that because of his devotion to his king.He took his sword in his hand, girt up his garment, and threw himself after the flag-pole into the sea.He had no fear of the pole which seemed a refuge from the ocean.Then as he sank, the ship was battered by the winds and waves and broke up.And all in it fell into the mouths of sharks.
Just then the door was suddenly opened by a heavenly maiden.Her eyes were like lotuses, her face like the moon.She had a smile like a flower and a body soft as lotus-stems.And a thousand women waited upon her.She entered the shrine of the goddess and the heart of Good at the same moment.And when she had worshipped the goddess there, she went out from the shrine, but not from the heart of Good.
She entered a circle of light, and Good followed her.And he saw another splendid house, that seemed like a place of meeting for all riches and all enjoyments.And he saw the girl sitting on a jewelled couch, and he approached and sat beside her.He was like a man painted in a picture, for his eyes were fastened on her face.
Now a servant of the maiden saw that his body was thrilled, that he was intent upon the maiden, that he was in love.She understood his feelings and said to him: "Sir, you are our guest.Enjoy the hospitality of my mistress.Arise.Bathe.Eat." And he felt a little hope at her words and went to a pool in the garden which she showed him.