

"I am not so concerned about the monetary value of the statue as I am about its antiquity," went on Professor Bumper."There are other statues in this buried city of Kurzon, and though they may not be so valuable they will give me a wealth of material for my research work.""How do you know there are other statues?" asked Mr.Damon."Because my documents tell me so.It was because the people madeother idols, in opposition, as it were, to Quitzel, that their city or country was destroyed.At least that is the legend.Quitzel, so the story goes, wanted to be the chief god, and when the image of a rival was set up in the temple near him, he toppled over in anger, and part of the temple went with him, the whole place being buried in ruins.All the inhabitants were killed, and trace of the ancient city was lost forever.No, I hope not forever, for I expect to find it.""If all the people were killed, and the city buried, how did the story of Quitzel become known?" asked Mr.Damon.

"One only of the priests in the temple of Quitzel escaped and set down part of the tale," said the professor."It is his narrative, or one based on it, that I have given you.""And now, what I want to do, is to go and make a search for this buried city.I have fairly good directions as to how it may be reached.We will have little difficulty in getting to Honduras, as there are fruit steamers frequently sailing.Of course going into the interior--to the Copan valley--is going to be harder.But an expedition from a large college was recently there and succeeded, after much labor, in ex- cavating part of a buried city.Whether or not it was Kurzon I am unable to say.

"But if there was one ancient city there must be more.So I want to make an attempt.And I counted on you, Tom.You have had considerable experience in strange quarters of the earth, and you're just the one to help me.I don't need money, for I have interested a certain millionaire, and my own college will put up part of the funds.""Oh, it isn't a question of money," said Tom."It's time.""That's just what it is with me!" exclaimed Professor Bumper."I haven't any time to lose.My rivals may, even now, be on their way toHonduras!"

"Your rivals!" cried Tom."You didn't say anything about them!" "No, I believe I didn't There were so many other things to talk about.

But there is a rival archaeologist who would ask nothing better than to get ahead of me in this matter.He is younger than I am, and youth is a big asset nowadays.""Pooh! You're not old!" cried Mr.Damon."You're no older than I am, and I'm still young.I'm a lot younger than some of these boys who are afraid to tackle a trip through a tropical wilderness," and he playfully nudged Tom in the ribs.

"I'm not a bit afraid!" retorted the young inventor.

"No, I know you're not," laughed Mr.Damon."But I've got to say something, Tom, to stir you up.Ned, how about you? Would you go?""I can't, unless Tom does.You see I'm his financial man now." "There you are, Tom Swift!" cried Mr.Damon."You see you areholding back a number of persons just because you don't want to go.""I certainly wouldn't like to go without Tom," said the professor slowly."I really need his help.You know, Tom, we would never have found the city of Pelone if it had not been for you and your marvelous powder.The conditions in the Copan valley are likely to be still more difficult to overcome, and I feel that I risk failure without your young energy and your inventive mind to aid in the work and to suggest possible means of attaining our object.Come, Tom, reconsider, and decide to make the trip.""And my promise to go was dependent on Tom's agreement to accompany us," said Mr.Damon"Come on!" urged the professor, much as one boy might urge another to take part in a ball game."Don't let my rival get ahead of me.""I wouldn't like to see that," Tom said slowly."Who is he--any one I know?""I don't believe so, Tom.He's connected with a large, new college that has plenty of money to spend on explorations and research work.Beecher is his name--Fenimore Beecher.""Beecher!" exclaimed Tom, and there was such a change in his mannerthat his friends could not help noticing it.He jumped to his feet, his eyes snapping, and he looked eagerly and anxiously at Professor Bumper.

"Did you say his name was Fenimore Beecher?" Tom asked in a tense voice.

"That's what it is--Professor Fenimore Beecher.He is really a learned young man, and thoroughly in earnest, though I do not like his manner.But he is trying to get ahead of me, which may account for my feeling."Tom Swift did not answer.Instead he hurried from the room with a murmured apology.

"I'll be back in about five minutes," he said, as he went out.

"Well, what's up now?" asked Mr.Damon of Ned, as the young inventor departed."What set him off that way?""The mention of Beecher's name, evidently.Though I never heard him mention such a person before.""Nor did I ever hear Professor Beecher speak of Tom," said the bald- headed scientist."Well, we'll just have to wait until----"At that moment Tom came back into the room.

"Gentlemen," he said, "I have reconsidered my refusal to go to the Copan valley after the idol of gold.I'm going with you!""Good!" cried Professor Bumper.

"Fine!" ejaculated Mr.Damon."Bless my time-table! I thought you'd come around, Tom Swift.""But what about your stabilizer?" asked Ned.

"I was just talking to my father about it,' the young inventor replied."He will be able to put the finishing touches on it.So I'll leave it with him.As soon as I can get ready I'll go, since you say haste is necessary, Professor Bumper.""It is, if we are to get ahead of Beecher.""Then we'll get ahead of him!" cried Tom."I'm with you now from the start to the finish.I'll show him what I can do!" he added, while Ned and the others wondered at the sudden change in their friend's manner.

  • 耳書


  • 十洲记


  • 遵闻录


  • 晋中兴书


  • 医病简要


  • 剑三:乱世歌


  • 渡妖者


  • 在末日中挣扎


  • 皇家的公主


  • 来自地狱的主宰者


  • 天人的权杖


  • 福妻驾到


  • 造梦师之百灵亦空


  • 回到西游当大神


  • 纨绔鬼徒

