

"This Indian, whose name is Tolpec, says Jacinto is a fraud," exclaimed Professor Bumper."He made all the Indians leave us in the night, though many of them were willing to stay and fill the contract they had made.But Jacinto would not let them, making them desert.Tolpec went away with the others, but because of what Tom had done he planned to come back at the first chance and be our guide.Accordingly he jumped ashore from one of the canoes, and made his way to our camp.He got there, found it deserted and followed us, coming up just now.""Well I'm glad I didn't frighten him off with my gun," remarked Tom grimly."So he agrees with us that Jacinto is a scoundrel, does he? I guess he might as well classify Professor Beecher in the same way.""I am not quite so sure of that," said Professor Bumper slowly."I can not believe Beecher would play such a trick as this, though some over- zealous friend of his might.""Oh, of course Beecher did it!" cried Tom."He heard we were coming here, figured out that we'd start ahead of him, and he wanted to side- track us.Well, he did it all right," and Tom's voice was bitter.

"He has only side-tracked us for a while," announced Professor Bumper in cheerful tones.

"What do you mean?" asked Mr.Damon.

"I mean that this Indian comes just in the nick of time.He is well acquainted with this part of the jungle, having lived here all his life, and he offers to guide us to a place where we can get mules to transport ourselves and our baggage to Copan.""Fine!" cried Ned."When can we start?"

Once more the professor and the native conversed in the strange tongue, and then Professor Bumper announced:

"He says it will be better for us to go back where we left our things and camp there.He will stay with us to-night and in the morning go on to the nearest Indian town and come back with porters and helpers.""I think that is good advice to follow," put in Tom, "for we do need our goods; and if we reached the settlement ourselves, we would have to send back for our things, with the uncertainty of getting them all."So it was agreed that they would make a forced march back through the jungle to where they had been deserted by Jacinto.There they would make camp for the night, and until such time as Tolpec could return with a force of porters.

It was not easy, that backward tramp through the jungle, especially as night had fallen.But the new Indian guide could see like a cat, and led the party along paths they never could have found by themselves.The use of their pocket electric lights was a great help, and possibly served to ward off the attacks of jungle beasts, for as they tramped along they could hear stealthy sounds in the underbush on either side of the path, as though tigers were stalking them.For there was in the woods an animal of the leopard family, called tiger or "tigre" by the natives, that was exceedingly fierce and dangerous.But watchfulness prevented any accident, and eventually the party reached the place where they had left their goods.Nothing had been disturbed, and finally a fire was made, the tents set up and a light meal, with hot tea served.

"We'll get ahead of Beecher yet," said Tom.

"You seem as anxious as Professor Bumper," observed Mr.Damon,"I guess I am," admitted Tom."I want to see that idol of gold in the possession of our party."The night passed without incident, and then, telling his new friends that he would return as soon as possible with help, Tolpec, taking a small supply of food with him, set out through the jungle again.

As the green vines and creepers closed after him, and the explorers were left alone with their possessions piled around them, Ned remarked:

"After all, I wonder if it was wise to let him go?""Why not?" asked Tom.

"Well, maybe he only wanted to get us back here, and then he'll desert, too.Maybe that's what he's done now, making us lose two or three days by inducing us to return, waiting for what will never happen--his return with other natives."A silence followed Ned's intimation.

  • 坠羽司命书


  • 史上之系统


  • 萧二狗的故事


  • 侧身官场


  • 霸天者


  • 回味元朝


    蒙古帝国瓦解后,元朝没有能经受住一个世纪的风霜。在游牧民族与农耕民族的文化冲突中,在大自然给予的无情灾害中,在帝国内部不断的争权夺利中,在统治者的腐化堕落中,元朝退出了历史舞台,最终消失在了岁月的长河之中。 今天我们来阅读这段历史,就是希望尊敬的读者们,能在茶余饭后的小憩中,对这段历史有一个粗略的了解。如果能够通过了解历史,了解这些帝王将相的功过成败,得到某些启迪,或者产生某种共鸣,抑或得到一些知识,便使作者心中足感快慰。 回味历史,历史早已消失在了昨天,而在那段历史中的无数个鲜活形象,以及那些对后世影响深远的事件,却久远地记载在春秋史籍中。
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  • 颜色:最好的青春


  • 山鹰特别突击队


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