


"What does it all mean?" asked Tom, seeing that the note was written in Spanish, a tongue which he could speak slightly but read indifferently.

"This is some of Beecher's work," was Professor Bumper's grim comment."It seems that Jacinto was in his pay.""In his pay!" cried Mr.Damon."Do you mean that Beecher deliberately hired Jacinto to betray us?""Well, no.Not that exactly.Here, I'll translate this note for you," and the professor proceeded to read:

"Senors: I greatly regret the step I have to take, but I am a gentleman, and, having given my word, I must keep it.No harm shall come to you, I swear it on my honor!""Queer idea of honor he has!" commented Tom, grimly.Professor Bumper read on:

"Know then, that before I engaged myself to you I had been engaged by Professor Beecher through a friend to guide him into the Copan valley, where he wants to make some explorations, for what I know not, save maybe that it is for gold.I agreed, in case any rival expeditions came to lead them astray if I could.

"So, knowing from what you said that you were going to this place, I engaged myself to you, planning to do what I have done.I greatly regret it, as I have come to like you, but I had given my promise to Professor Beecher's friend, that I would first lead him to the Copan valley, and would keep others away until he had had a chance to do his exploration.

"So I have led you to this wilderness.It is far from the Copan, but you are near an Indian village, and you will be able to get help in a week or so.In the meanwhile you will not starve, as you have plenty of supplies.If you will travel northeast you will come again to Puerto Cortes in due season.As for the money I had from you, I deposit it to your credit, Professor Beecher having made me an allowance for steering rival parties on the wrong trail.So I lose nothing, and I save my honor.

"I write this note as I am leaving in the night with the Indians.I putsome harmless sedative in your tea that you might sleep soundly, and not awaken until we were well on our way.Do not try to follow us, as the river will carry us swiftly away.And, let me add, there is no personal animosity on the part of Professor Beecher against you.I should have done to any rival expedition the same as I have done with you.JACINTO."For a moment there was silence, and then Tom Swift burst out with: "Well, of all the mean, contemptible tricks of a human skunk this is thelimit!"

"Bless my hairbrush, but he is a scoundrel!" ejaculated Mr.Damon, with great warmth.

"I'd like to start after him the biggest alligator in the river," was Ned's comment.

Professor Bumper said nothing for several seconds.There was a strange look on his face, and then he laughed shortly, as though the humor of the situation appealed to him.

"Professor Beecher has more gumption than I gave him credit for," he said."It was a clever trick!""Trick!" cried Tom.

"Yes.I can't exactly agree that it was the right thing to do, but he, or some friend acting for him, seems to have taken precautions that we are not to suffer or lose money.Beecher goes on the theory that all is fair in love and war, I suppose, and he may call this a sort of scientific war."Ned wondered, as he looked at his chum, how much love there was in it.Clearly Beecher was determined to get that idol of gold.

"Well, it can't be helped, and we must make the best of it," said Tom, after a pause.

"True.But now, boys, let's have breakfast, and then we'll make what goods we can't take with us as snug as possible, until we can send the mule drivers after them," went on Professor Bumper.

"Send the mule drivers after them?" questioned Ned."What do you mean to do?""Do? Why keep on, of course.You don't suppose I'm going to let a little thing like this stand between me and the discovery of Kurzon and theidol of gold, do you?"

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  • 非同寻常


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