

"I'll tell you what I'll do !" he went on eagerly."After you make the camera, and take a lot of films, showing strange and wonderful scenes, I'll put at the end of each film, next to my picture, your name, and a statement showing that you took the originals.How's that? Talk about being advertised! Why you can't beat it! Millions of people will read your name at the picture shows every night.""I am not looking for advertisements," said Tom, with a laugh.

"Well, then, think of the benefit you will be to science," went on Mr.Period quickly."Think of the few people who have seen wild animals as they are, of those who have ever seen an earth- quake, or a volcano in action.You can go to Japan, and get pictures of earthquakes.They have them on tap there.And as for volcanoes, why the Andes mountains are full of 'em.Think of how many people will be thankful to you for showing them these wonderful scenes.""And think of what might happen if I should take a tumble into a crack in the earth, or down a hot volcano, or fall into a jungle when there was a fight on among the elephants," suggested Tom."My airship might take anotion to go down when I was doing the photographing," he added.

"No.Nothing like that will happen to Tom Swift," was the confident answer of the picture man."I've read of your doings.You don't have accidents that you can't get the better of.But come, I know you're thinking of it, and I'm sure you'll go.Let me make you out this check, sign a contract which I have all ready, and then get to work on the camera."Tom was silent a moment.Then he said:

"Well, I admit that there is something attractive about it.I hoped I was going to stay home.for a long time.But--""Then you'll go!" cried Mr.Period eagerly."Here's the money," and he quickly filled out a check for Tom's first expenses, holding the slip of paper toward the young inventor.

"Wait a minute! Hold on!" cried Tom."Not so fast if you please.I haven't yet made up my mind.""But you will; won't you?" asked Mr.Period.

"Well, I'll make up my mind, one way or the other," replied the young man."I won't say I'll go, but--""I'll tell you what I'll do!" interrupted Mr.Period."I'm a busy man, and every second is worth money to me.But I'll wait for you to make up your mind.I'll give you until to-morrow night.How's that? Fair, isn't it?""Yes--I think so.I am afraid--"

"I'm not!" broke in the picture man."I know you'll decide to go.Think of the fun and excitement you'll have.Now I've taken up a lot of your time, and I'm going to leave you alone.I'll be back tomorrow evening for my answer.But I know you're going to get those moving pictures for me.Is that giant of yours anywhere about?" he asked, as he looked cautiously around before leaving the shop."I don't want to fall into his hands again.""I don't blame you," agreed Tom."I never knew him to act that way before.But I'll go to the gate with you, and Koku will behave him self.I am sorry--""Don't mention it !" broke in the picture man."It was worth all I suffered, if you go, and I know you will.Don't trouble yourself to come out.I can find my way, and if your giant comes after me, I'll call for help." He hurried out before Tom could follow, and, hearing the gate click alittle later, and no call for help coming, our hero concluded that his visitor had gotten safely away.

"Well, what am I going to do about it?" mused Tom, as he resumed work on his silent motor.He had not been long engaged in readjusting some of the valves, when he was again interrupted.

This time it was his chum, Ned Newton, who entered, and, as Ned was well known to the giant, nothing happened.

"Well, what's up, Tom?" asked Ned.

"Why, did you notice anything unusual?" asked Tom.

"I saw Koku standing at the gate a while ago, looking down the road at a short stout man, with a red tie.Your giant seemed rather excited about something.""Oh, yes.I'll tell you about it," and Tom related the details of Mr.Period's visit.

"Are you going to take his offer?" asked Ned.

"I've got until tomorrow to make up my mind.What would you do, Ned?""Why, I'd take it in a minute, if I knew how to make an electric camera.I suppose it has to be a very speedy one, to take the kind of pictures he wants.Wait, hold on, I've just thought of a joke.It must be a swift camera--catch on--you're Swift, and you make a swift camera; see the point?""I do," confessed Tom, with a laugh."Well, Ned, I've been thinking it over, but I can't decide right away.I will tomorrow night, though.""Then I'm coming over, and hear what it is.If you decide to go, maybe you'll take me along.""I certainly will, and Mr.Damon, too." "How about the giant?""Well, I guess there'll be room for him.But I haven't decided yet.Hand me that wrench over there; will you," and then Tom and Ned began talking about the new apparatus on which the young inventor was working.

True to his promise Mr.Period called the next evening.He found Tom, Ned and Mr.Swift in the library, talking over various matters.

"Well, Tom, have you made up your mind?" asked the caller, when Mrs.Baggert, the housekeeper, had shown him into the room."I hope youhave, and I hope it is favorable to me."

"Yes," said Tom slowly, "I've thought it all over, and I have decided that I will--"At that moment there was a loud shouting outside the house, and the sound of some one running rapidly through the garden that was just outside the low library window--a garden now buried deep under snow.

"What's that?" cried Ned, jumping to his feet.

"That was Koku's voice," replied Tom, "and I guess he was chasing after some one.""They'll need help if that giant gets hold of them," spoke Mr.Period solemnly, while the noise outside increased in volume.

  • 无极剑侠


  • 赢在第一年


  • 史上最强玩家


  • 若那年栀子花开


  • 凤凌九霄:懒妃太逆天


  • 霸道总裁征服乖乖女


  • 非典型泰键


  • 记忆爱的殇


  • 天谴之杖


  • 终极较量:学霸校花的七大校草

