

But the young inventor was not to have it all his own way.With a freakishness equal to that with which it had ceased to explode the dead cylinder came to life again, and the RED STREAK shot ahead.Once more Andy's boat had the lead of a length and the finish of the race was close at hand.The squint-eyed lad turned and shouted: "I told you I'd beat you! Want a tow now?"It began to look as though Tom would need it, but he still had something in reserve.One of the improvements he had put in the ARROW was a new auxiliary ignition system.This he now decided to use.

With a quick motion Tom threw over the switch that put it into operation.A hotter, "fatter" spark was at once produced, and adjusting his gasoline cock so that a little more of the fluid would be drawn in, making a "richer" mixture, the owner of the ARROW saw the craft shoot forward as if, like some weary runner, new life had been infused.

In vain did Andy frantically try to get more speed out of his motor.He cut out the muffler, and the explosions sounded loudly over the lake.But it was no use.A minute later the ARROW, which had slowly forged ahead, crossed the bows of the RED STREAK opposite the finishing point, and Tom had won the race.

"Well, was that fair?" our hero called to Andy, who had quickly shut off some of his power as he saw his rival's daring trick."Did I beat youfair?"

"You wouldn't have beaten me if my engine hadn't gone back on me," grumbled Andy, chagrin showing on his face."Wait until my motor runs smoother and I'll give you a big handicap and beat you.My boat's faster than yours.It ought to be.It cost fifteen hundred dollars and it's a racer.""I guess it doesn't like racing," commented Tom as he swung the prow of his craft down the lake toward his home.But he knew there was some truth in what Andy had said.The RED STREAK was a more speedy boat, and, with proper handling, could have beaten the ARROW.That was where Tom's superior knowledge came in useful."Just you wait, I'll beat you yet," called Andy, after the young inventor, but the latter made no answer.He was satisfied.

Mr.Swift was much interested that night in his son's account of the race.

"I had no idea yours was such a speedy boat," he said.

"Well, it wasn't originally," admitted Tom, "but the improvements I put on it made it so.But, dad, when are we going on our tour? You look more worn out than I've seen you in some time, not excepting when the turbine model was stolen.Are you worrying over your gyroscope invention?""Somewhat, Tom.I can't seem to hit on just what I want.It's a difficult problem.""Then I tell you what let's do, dad.Let's drop everything in the inventive line and go off on a vacation.I'll take you up the lake in my boat and you can spend a week at the Lakeview Hotel at Sandport.It will do you good.""What will you do, Tom?"

"Oh, Ned Newton and I will cruise about and we'll take you along any time you want to go.We're going to camp out nights or sleep in the boat if it rains.I've ordered a canopy with side curtains.Ned and I don't care for the hotel life in the summer.Will you go?"Mr.Swift considered a moment.He did need a rest, for he had been working hard and his brain was weary with thinking of many problems.

His son's program sounded very attractive.

"I think I will accept," said the inventor with a smile."When can you start, Tom?""In about four days.Ned Newton, will get his vacation then and I'll have the canopy on.I'll start to work at it to-morrow.Then we'll go on a trip."Sandport was a summer resort at the extreme southern end of Lake Carlopa, and Mr.Swift at once wrote to the Lakeview Hotel there to engage a room for himself.In the meanwhile Tom began to put the canopy on his boat and arrange for the trip, which would take nearly a whole day.Ned Newton was delighted with the prospect of a camping tour and helped Tom to get ready.They took a small tent and plenty of supplies, with some food.They did not need to carry many rations, as the shores of the lake were lined with towns and villages where food could be procured.

Finally all was ready for the trip and the night before the start Ned Newton stayed at Tom's house so as to be in readiness for going off early in the morning.The day was all that could be desired, Tom noted, as he and his chum hurried down to the dock before breakfast to put their blankets in the boat.As the young inventor entered the craft he uttered an exclamation.

"What's the matter?" asked Ned.

"I was sure I locked the sliding door of that forward compartment," was the reply."Now it's open." He looked inside the space occupied by the gasoline tank and cried out: "One of the braces is gone! There's been some one at my boat in the night and they tried to damage her.""Much harm done?" asked Ned anxiously.

"No, none at all, to speak of," replied Tom."I can easily put a new block under the tank.In fact, I don't really need all I have.But why should any one take one out, and who did it? That's what I want to1now."The two lads looked carefully about the dock and boat for a sign of the missing block or any clews that might show who had been tampering with the ARROW, but they could find nothing.

"Maybe the block fell out," suggested Ned.

"It couldn't," replied Tom."It was one of the new ones I put in myself and it was nailed fast.You can see where it's been pried loose.I can't, understand it," and Tom thought rapidly of several mysterious occurrences of late in which the strange man at the auction and the person he had surprised one night in the boathouse had a part.

"Well, it needn't delay our trip," resumed the young inventor."Maybe there's a hoodoo around here, and it will do us good to get away a few days.Come on, we'll have breakfast, get dad and start."A little later the ARROW was puffing away up the lake in the direction of Sandport.

  • 市隐庐医学杂着


  • 孙子注


  • 清朝秘史


  • 西归行仪




  • 别让家庭伤害你


  • 妧恨妧爱


  • 异界重生之天绝横修


  • 三国杀之征战之王


  • 纸贵金弥


  • 魔霸天舞


  • 八极通天


  • 靠!叫你放开我,听到没有


  • 灵动仙途


  • 谨歌

