

"Yes," said Garth."You know them by the colours, but I distinguish them by a slight difference in the thickness and in the texture, which you could not see, but which I can feel.And I enjoy thinking of the colours, too.And sometimes I wear ties and things to match them.You see, I know exactly how they look; and it was so like her to remember that.An ordinary nurse would have put red, green, and blue, and I should have sat and hated the thought of them knowing how vilely they must be clashing with my Persian carpet.But she understands how much colours mean to me, even though I cannot see them.""I conclude that by 'she' you mean Nurse Rosemary," said the doctor.

"I am glad she is a success."

"A success!" exclaimed Garth."Why, she helped me to live again! Iam ashamed to remember how at the bottom of all things I was when you came up before, Brand,--just pounding the wall, as old Robbie expresses it.You must have thought me a fool and a coward.""I thought you neither, my dear fellow.You were coming through a stiffer fight than any of us have been called to face.Thank God, you have won.""I owe a lot to you, Brand, and still more to Miss Gray.I wish she were here to see you.She is away for the week-end.""Away! J--just now?" exclaimed the doctor, almost surprised into another slip.

"Yes; she went last night.She is week-ending in the neighbourhood.

She said she was not going far, and should be back with me early on Monday morning.But she seemed to want a change of scene, and thought this a good opportunity, as I shall have you here most of the time.I say, Brand, I do think it is extraordinarily good of you to come all this way to see me.You know, from such a man as yourself it is almost overwhelming.""You must not be overwhelmed, my dear chap; and, though I very truly came to see you, I am also up, about another old friend in the near neighbourhood in whom I am interested.I only mention this in order to be quite honest, and to lift from off you any possible burden of feeling yourself my only patient.""Oh, thanks!" said Garth."It lessens my compunction without diminishing my gratitude.And now you must be wanting a brush up and breakfast, and here am I selfishly keeping you from both.And I say, Brand,"--Garth coloured hotly, boyishly, and hesitated,--"I am awfully sorry you will have no companion at your meals, Miss Gray being away.I do not like to think of you having them alone, but I--I always have mine by myself.Simpson attends to them."He could not see the doctor's quick look of comprehension, but the understanding sympathy of the tone in which he said: "Ah, yes.Yes, of course," without further comment, helped Garth to add: "Icouldn't even have Miss Gray with me.We always take our meals apart.You cannot imagine how awful it is chasing your food all round your plate, and never sure it is not on the cloth, after all, or on your tie, while you are hunting for it elsewhere.""No, I can't imagine," said the doctor."No one could who had not been through it.But can you bear it better with Simpson than with Nurse Rosemary? She is trained to that sort of thing, you know."Garth coloured again."Well, you see, Simpson is the chap who shaves me, and gets me into my clothes, and takes me about; and, though it will always be a trial, it is a trial to which I am growing accustomed.You might put it thus: Simpson is eyes to my body; Miss Gray is vision to my mind.Simpson's is the only touch which cores to me in the darkness.Do you know, Miss Gray has never touched me,--not even to shake hands.I am awfully glad of this.I will tell you why presently, if I may.It makes her just a MIND and VOICE to me, and nothing more; but a wonderfully kind and helpful voice.I feel as if I could not live without her."Garth rang the bell and Simpson appeared.

"Take Sir Deryck to his room; and he will tell you what time he would like breakfast.And when you have seen to it all, Simpson, Iwill go out for a turn.Then I shall be free, Brand, when you are.

But do not give me any more time this morning if you ought to be resting, or out on the moors having a holiday from minds and men."The doctor tubbed and got into his knickerbockers and an old Norfolk jacket; then found his way to the dining-room, and did full justice to an excellent breakfast.He was still pondering the problem of Jane, and at the same time wondering in another compartment of his mind in what sort of machine old Margery made her excellent coffee, when that good lady appeared, enveloped in an air of mystery, and the doctor immediately propounded the question.

"A jug," said old Margery."And would you be coming with me, Sir Deryck,--and softly, whenever you have finished your breakfast?""Softly," said Margery again, as they crossed the hall, the doctor's tall figure closely following in her portly wake.After mounting a few stairs she turned to whisper impressively: "It is not what ye make it IN; it is HOW ye make it." She ascended a few more steps, then turned to say: "It all hangs upon the word FRESH," and went on mounting."Freshly roasted--freshly ground--water--freshly-boiled--"said old Margery, reaching the topmost stair somewhat breathless;then turning, bustled along a rather dark passage, thickly carpeted, and hung with old armour and pictures.

"Where are we going, Mistress Margery?" asked the doctor, adapting his stride to her trot--one to two.

"You will be seeing whenever we get there, Sir Deryck," said Margery."And never touch it with metal, Sir Deryck.Pop it into an earthenware jug, pour your boiling water straight upon it, stir it with a wooden spoon, set it on the hob ten minutes to settle; the grounds will all go to the bottom, though you might not think it;and you pour it out--fragrant, strong, and clear.But the secret is, fresh, fresh, fresh, and don't stint your coffee."Old Margery paused before a door at the end of the passage, knocked lightly; then looked up at the doctor with her hand on the door-handle, and an expression of pleading earnestness in her faithful Scotch eyes.

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