

"The handwriting is rather bold and very clear, with no twirls or flourishes.It is written with a broad nib.""Will you kindly open it, nurse, and tell me the signature before reading the rest of the letter."Nurse Rosemary fought with her throat, which threatened to close altogether and stifle her voice.She opened the letter, turned to the last page, and found the signature.

"It is signed 'Jane Champion,' Mr.Dalmain," said Nurse Rosemary.

"Read it, please," said Garth quietly.And Nurse Rosemary began.

Dear Dal: What CAN I write? If I were with you, there would be so much I could say; but writing is so difficult, so impossible.

I know it is harder for you than it would have been for any of us;but you will be braver over it than we should have been, and you will come through splendidly, and go on thinking life beautiful, and making it seem so to other people._I_ never thought it so until that summer at Overdene and Shenstone when you taught me the perception of beauty.Since then, in every sunset and sunrise, in the blue-green of the Atlantic, the purple of the mountains, the spray of Niagara, the cherry blossom of Japan, the golden deserts of Egypt, I have thought of you, and understood them better, because of you.Oh, Dal! I should like to come and tell you all about them, and let you see them through my eyes; and then you would widen out my narrow understanding of them, and show them again to me in greater loveliness.

I hear you receive no visitors; but cannot you make just one exception, and let me come?

I was at the Great Pyramid when I heard.I was sitting on the piazza after dinner.The moonlight called up memories.I had just made up my mind to give up the Nile, and to come straight home, and write asking you to come and see me; when General Loraine turned up, with an English paper and a letter from Myra, and--I heard.Would you have come, Garth?

And now, my friend, as you cannot come to me, may I come to you? If you just say: "COME," I will come from any part of the world where Imay chance to be when the message reaches me.Never mind this Egyptian address.I shall not be there when you are hearing this.

Direct to me at my aunt's town house.All my letters go there, and are forwarded unopened.

LET ME COME.And oh, do believe that I know something of how hard it is for you.But God can "enable."Believe me to be, Yours, more than I can write, Jane Champion.

Garth removed the hand which had been shielding his face.

"If you are not tired, Miss Gray, after reading so many letters, Ishould like to dictate my answer to that one immediately, while it is fresh in my mind.Have you paper there? Thank you.May we begin?-Dear Miss Champion...I am deeply touched by your kind letter of sympathy...It was especially good of you to write to me from so far away amid so much which might well have diverted your attention from friends at home."A long pause.Nurse Rosemary Gray waited, pen in hand, and hoped the beating of her heart was only in her own ears, and not audible across the small table.

"I am glad you did not give up the Nine trip but--"An early bee hummed in from the hyacinths and buzzed against the pane.Otherwise the room was very still.

--"but of course, if you had sent for me I should have come."The bee fought the window angrily, up and down, up and down, for several minutes; then found the open glass and whirled out into the sunshine, joyfully.

Absolute silence in the room, until Garth's quiet voice broke it as he went on dictating.

"It is more than kind of you to suggest coming to see me, but--"Nurse Rosemary dropped her pen."Oh, Mr.Dalmain," she said, "let her come."Garth turned upon her a face of blank surprise.

"I do not wish it," he said, in a tone of absolute finality.

"But think how hard it must be for any one to want so much to be near a--a friend in trouble, and to be kept away.""It is only her wonderful kindness of heart makes her offer to come, Miss Gray.She is a friend and comrade of long ago.It would greatly sadden her to see me thus.""It does not seem so to her," pleaded Nurse Rosemary."Ah, cannot you read between the lines? Or does it take a woman's heart to understand a woman's letter? Did I read it badly? May I read it over again?"A look of real annoyance gathered upon Garth's face.He spoke with quiet sternness, a frown bending his straight black brows.

"You read it quite well," he said, "but you do not do well to discuss it.I must feel able to dictate my letters to my secretary, without having to explain them.""I beg your pardon, sir," said Nurse Rosemary humbly."I was wrong."Garth stretched his hand across the table, and left it there a moment; though no responsive hand was placed within it.

"Never mind," he said, with his winning smile, "my kind little mentor and guide.You can direct me in most things, but not in this.

Now let us conclude.Where were we? Ah--'to suggest coming to see me.' Did you put `It is most kind' or `It is more than kind?'""'More than kind,'" said Nurse Rosemary, brokenly.

"Right, for it is indeed more than kind.Only she and I can possibly know how much more.Now let us go on...But I am receiving no visitors, and do not desire any until I have so mastered my new circumstances that the handicap connected with them shall neither be painful nor very noticeable to other people.During the summer Ishall be learning step by step to live this new life, in complete seclusion at Gleneesh.I feel sure my friends will respect my wish in this matter.I have with me one who most perfectly and patiently is helping--Ah, wait!" cried Garth suddenly."I will not say that.

She might think--she might misunderstand.Had you begun to write it?

No? What was the last word? 'Matter?' Ah yes.That is right.Full stop after 'matter.' Now let me think."Garth dropped his face into his hands, and sat for a long time absorbed in thought.

Nurse Rosemary waited.Her right hand held the pen poised over the paper.Her left was pressed against her breast.Her eyes rested on that dark bowed head, with a look of unutterable yearning and of passionate tenderness.At last Garth lifted his face."Yours very sincerely, Garth Dalmain;" he said.And, silently, Nurse Rosemary wrote it.

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  • 华人十大科学家:吴健雄


    吴健雄(1912.5.31-1997.2.16)江苏苏州太仓人,核物理学家,素有“东方居里夫人”之称。在β衰变研究领域具有世界性的贡献,1934年获得学士学位后,受聘到浙江大学任物理系助教,后进入中央研究院从事研究工作,1936 年入美国加利福尼亚大学,1940 年获博士学位,1944 年参加了“曼哈顿计划”,1952 年任哥伦比亚大学副教授,1958年升为教授,同年,普林斯顿大学授予她名誉科学博士称号,并当选为美国科学院院士,1975年曾任美国物理学会第一任女性会长,同年获得美国总统福特在白宫授予她美国最高科学荣誉—国家科学勋章。《吴健雄》由西溪编著,是“华人十大科学家”系列丛书之一。