


Just the dark head upon the pillow.That was all Jane saw at first, and she saw it in sunshine.Somehow she had always pictured a darkened room, forgetting that to him darkness and light were both alike, and that there was no need to keep out the sunlight, with its healing, purifying, invigorating powers.

He had requested to have his bed moved into a corner--the corner farthest from door, fireplace, and windows--with its left side against the wall, so that he could feel the blank wall with his hand and, turning close to it, know himself shut away from all possible prying of unseen eyes.This was how he now lay, and he did not turn as they entered.

Just the dear dark head upon the pillow.It was all Jane saw at first.Then his right arm in the sleeve of a blue silk sleeping-suit, stretched slightly behind him as he lay on his left side, the thin white hand limp and helpless on the coverlet.

Jane put her hands behind her.The impulse was so strong to fall on her knees beside the bed, take that poor hand in both her strong ones, and cover it with kisses.Ah surely, surely then, the dark head would turn to her, and instead of seeking refuge in the hard, blank wall, he would hide that sightless face in the boundless tenderness of her arms.But Deryck's warning voice sounded, grave and persistent: "If you value your own eventual happiness and his--"So Jane put her hands behind her back.

Dr.Mackenzie advanced to the side of the bed and laid his hand upon Garth's shoulder.Then, with an incredible softening of his rather strident voice, he spoke so slowly and quietly, that Jane could hardly believe this to be the man who had jerked out questions, comments, and orders to her, during the last half-hour.

"Good morning, Mr.Dalmain.Simpson tells me it has been an excellent night, the best you have yet had.Now that is good.No doubt you were relieved to be rid of Johnson, capable though he was, and to be back in the hands of your own man again.These trained attendants are never content with doing enough; they always want to do just a little more, and that little more is a weariness to the patient.--Now I have brought you to-day one who is prepared to do all you need, and yet who, I feel sure, will never annoy you by attempting more than you desire.Sir Deryck Brand's prescription, Nurse Rosemary Gray, is here; and I believe she is prepared to be companion, secretary, reader, anything you want, in fact a new pair of eyes for you, Mr.Dalmain, with a clever brain behind them, and a kind, sympathetic, womanly heart directing and controlling that brain.Nurse Gray arrived this morning, Mr.Dalmain."No response from the bed.But Garth's hand groped for the wall;touched it, then dropped listlessly back.

Jane could not realise that SHE was "Nurse Gray." She only longed that her poor boy need not be bothered with the woman! It all seemed, at this moment, a thing apart from herself and him.

Dr.Mackenzie spoke again."Nurse Rosemary Gray is in the room, Mr.


Then Garth's instinctive chivalry struggled up through the blackness.He did not turn his head, but his right hand made a little courteous sign of greeting, and he said in a low, distinct voice: "How do you do? I am sure it is most kind of you to come so far.I hope you had an easy journey."Jane's lips moved, but no sound would pass them.

Dr.Rob made answer quickly, without looking at her: "Miss Gray had a very good journey, and looks as fresh this morning as if she had spent the night in bed.I can see she is a cold-water young lady.""I hope my housekeeper will make her comfortable.Please give orders," said the tired voice; and Garth turned even closer to the wall, as if to end the conversation.

Dr.Rob attacked his moustache, and stood looking down at the blue silk shoulder for a minute, silently.

Then he turned and spoke to Jane."Come over to the window, Nurse Gray.I want to show you a special chair we have obtained for Mr.

Dalmain, in which he will be most comfortable as soon as he feels inclined to sit up.You see? Here is an adjustable support for the head, if necessary; and these various trays and stands and movable tables can be swung round into any position by a touch.I consider it excellent, and Sir Deryck approved it.Have you seen one of this kind before, Nurse Gray?""We had one at the hospital, but not quite so complete as this,"said Jane.

In the stillness of that sunlit chamber, the voice from the bed broke upon them with startling suddenness; and in it was the cry of one lost in an abyss of darkness, but appealing to them with a frantic demand for instant enlightenment.

"WHO is in the room?" cried Garth Dalmain.

His face was still turned to the wall; but he had raised himself on his left elbow, in an attitude which betokened intent listening.

Dr.Mackenzie answered."No one is in the room, Mr.Dalmain, but myself and Nurse Gray.""There IS some one else in the room!" said Garth violently."How dare you lie to me! Who was speaking?"Then Jane came quickly to the side of the bed.Her hands were trembling, but her voice was perfectly under control.

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