

What feeling he, as a magistrate who had taken in so many ideas, could make room for, was unmixedly kind. Since Dorothea did not speak immediately, he repeated, "I thought it better to tell you, my dear.""Thank you, uncle," said Dorothea, in a clear unwavering tone.

"I am very grateful to Mr. Casaubon. If he makes me an offer, I shall accept him. I admire and honor him more than any man Iever saw."

Mr. Brooke paused a little, and then said in a lingering low tone, "Ah? . . . Well! He is a good match in some respects. But now, Chettam is a good match. And our land lies together. I shall never interfere against your wishes, my dear. People should have their own way in marriage, and that sort of thing--up to a certain point, you know. I have always said that, up to a certain point. I wish you to marry well; and I have good reason to believe that Chettam wishes to marry you. I mention it, you know.""It is impossible that I should ever marry Sir James Chettam,"said Dorothea. "If he thinks of marrying me, he has made a great mistake.""That is it, you see. One never knows. I should have thought Chettam was just the sort of man a woman would like, now.""Pray do not mention him in that light again, uncle," said Dorothea, feeling some of her late irritation revive.

Mr. Brooke wondered, and felt that women were an inexhaustible subject of study, since even he at his age was not in a perfect state of scientific prediction about them. Here was a fellow like Chettam with no chance at all.

"Well, but Casaubon, now. There is no hurry--I mean for you.

It's true, every year will tell upon him. He is over five-and-forty, you know. I should say a good seven-and-twenty years older than you.

To be sure,--if you like learning and standing, and that sort of thing, we can't have everything. And his income is good--he has a handsome property independent of the Church--his income is good.

Still he is not young, and I must not conceal from you, my dear, that I think his health is not over-strong. I know nothing else against him.""I should not wish to have a husband very near my own age,"said Dorothea, with grave decision. "I should wish to have a husband who was above me in judgment and in all knowledge."Mr. Brooke repeated his subdued, "Ah?--I thought you had more of your own opinion than most girls. I thought you liked your own opinion--liked it, you know.""I cannot imagine myself living without some opinions, but Ishould wish to have good reasons for them, and a wise man could help me to see which opinions had the best foundation, and would help me to live according to them.""Very true. You couldn't put the thing better--couldn't put it better, beforehand, you know. But there are oddities in things,"continued Mr. Brooke, whose conscience was really roused to do the best he could for his niece on this occasion. "Life isn't cast in a mould--not cut out by rule and line, and that sort of thing.

I never married myself, and it will be the better for you and yours.

The fact is, I never loved any one well enough to put myself into a noose for them. It IS a noose, you know. Temper, now.

There is temper. And a husband likes to be master.""I know that I must expect trials, uncle. Marriage is a state of higher duties. I never thought of it as mere personal ease,"said poor Dorothea.

"Well, you are not fond of show, a great establishment, balls, dinners, that kind of thing. I can see that Casaubon's ways might suit you better than Chettam's. And you shall do as you like, my dear.

I would not hinder Casaubon; I said so at once; for there is no knowing how anything may turn out. You have not the same tastes as every young lady; and a clergyman and scholar--who may be a bishop--that kind of thing--may suit you better than Chettam.

Chettam is a good fellow, a good sound-hearted fellow, you know;but he doesn't go much into ideas. I did, when I was his age.

But Casaubon's eyes, now. I think he has hurt them a little with too much reading.""I should be all the happier, uncle, the more room there was for me to help him," said Dorothea, ardently.

"You have quite made up your mind, I see. Well, my dear, the fact is, I have a letter for you in my pocket." Mr. Brooke handed the letter to Dorothea, but as she rose to go away, he added, "There is not too much hurry, my dear. Think about it, you know."When Dorothea had left him, he reflected that he had certainly spoken strongly: he had put the risks of marriage before her in a striking manner. It was his duty to do so. But as to pretending to be wise for young people,--no uncle, however much he had travelled in his youth, absorbed the new ideas, and dined with celebrities now deceased, could pretend to judge what sort of marriage would turn out well for a young girl who preferred Casaubon to Chettam.

In short, woman was a problem which, since Mr. Brooke's mind felt blank before it, could be hardly less complicated than the revolutions of an irregular solid.

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    大龄美制片青梅vs腹黑小老板竹马,ves我对自家女儿一向好,剧情不傻白,但是一定甜~男主要帅,但是贱,女主要美,但是强,互动要萌,但是更要势均力敌~青梅竹马,现实向,女主独立自主大龄女青年一枚。正经文案:何凭生28岁,女,制片人,不挑食,不混吧,口味清淡,睡眠充足,无不良嗜好,雨雪天自备雨伞,冷天戴帽子围脖,坚持不为美丽而冻人的基本政策。相较于同职业的其他人,她像是横空出世的一朵大奇葩。但是天知道,18岁之前何凭生才不是这个样子。喜欢ves文的宝宝们支持一下,加个书架,或者留个言,送个推荐都可以咯~(づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭?~