

The erring brother returned, accompanied by several customers.

"Bring a detective to arrest this man," ordered the father. One of the customers stepped out to return with a detective. Again Merton was slightly disquieted at perceiving that the detective was the cross-eyed man. This person bustled about the place, tapping the cooked meats and the cheeses, and at last placed his hand upon the shoulder of the supposed thief. Merton, at Baird's direction, drew back and threatened him with a blow. The detective cringed and said:

"I will go out and call a policeman."

The others now turned their backs upon the guilty man. Even the girl drew away after one long, agonized look at the lover to whose embrace she had so lately submitted. He raised his arms to her in mute appeal as she moved away, then dropped them at his side.

"Give her all you got in a look," directed Baird. "You're saying: 'Igo to a felon's cell, but I do it all for you.' Dream your eyes at her." Merton Gill obeyed.

The action progressed. In this wait for the policeman the old mother crept forward. She explained to Merton that the money was in the ice-box where the real thief had placed it, and since he had taken the crime of another upon his shoulders he should also take the evidence, lest the unfortunate young man be later convicted by that;she also urged him to fly by the rear door while there was yet time.

He did these things, pausing for a last embrace of the weeping old lady, even as the hand of the arriving policeman was upon the door.

"All for to-day, except some close-ups," announced Baird when this scene had been shot. There was a breaking up of the group, a relaxation of that dramatic tension which the heart-values of the piece had imposed. Only once, while Merton was doing some of his best acting, had there been a kind of wheezy tittering from certain members of the cast and the group about the cameras.

Baird had quickly suppressed this. "If there's any kidding in this piece it's all in my part," he announced in cold, clear tones, and there had been no further signs of levity. Merton was pleased by this manner of Baird's. It showed that he was finely in earnest in the effort for the worth-while things. And Baird now congratulated him, seconded by the Montague girl. He had, they told him, been all that could be expected.

"I wasn't sure of myself," he told them, "in one scene, and I wanted to ask you about it, Mr. Baird. It's where I take that money from the ice-box and go out with it. I couldn't make myself feel right.

Wouldn't it look to other people as if I was actually stealing it myself? Why couldn't I put it back in the safe?"Baird listened respectfully, considering. "I think not," he announced at length. "You'd hardly have time for that, and you have a better plan. It'll be brought out in the subtitles, of course. You are going to leave it at the residence of Mr. Hoffmeyer, where it will be safe. You see, if you put it back where it was, his son might steal it again. We thought that out very carefully.""I see," said Merton. "I wish I had been told that. I feel that Icould have done that bit a lot better. I felt kind of guilty.""You did it perfectly," Baird assured him.

"Kid, you're a wonder," declared the Montague girl. "I'm that tickled with you I could give you a good hug," and with that curious approach to hysteria she had shown while looking at his stills, she for a moment frantically clasped him to her. He was somewhat embarrassed by this excess, but pardoned it in the reflection that he had indeed given the best that was in him. "Bring all your Western stuff to the dressing room tomorrow," said Baird.

Western stuff--the real thing at last! He was slightly amazed later to observe the old mother outside the set. She was not only smoking a cigarette with every sign of relish, but she was singing as she did a little dance step. Still she had been under a strain all day, weeping, too, almost continuously. He remembered this, and did not judge her harshly as she smoked, danced, and lightly sang, Her mother's name was Cleo, Her father's name was Pat; They called her Cleopatra, And let it go at that.

  • 白色眷恋


  • 逆战鸿宇


  • 邪王的独宠妃


  • 九州传奇之动乱纪元


  • 袁中郎全集


  • 穿到异国找帅哥


  • 异能之独宠专利


  • 蜀山之我真是剑仙


  • 诸神信仰


  • 超级父母VS绝对宝贝:营养美食


    0~6岁孩子的“吃喝拉撒”究竟该怎么对付?孩子生病了,我该怎样护理?早期教育要做还是不做或者怎么做?精养、散养、放养、慢养,孩子到底该怎么养?小生命降临了,除了初为人父、为人母的喜悦外,每位父母都会产生不知所措的感觉,尤其是80后的父母自己都还是未长大的孩子呢。《超级父母VS绝对宝贝 营养美食》精选国内外多个家庭的育儿故事,针对孩子成长期的各个可能性,提供父母有效的解决办法。本书分享育儿父母精心对待孩子每一餐的营养美食经验。