

Sir James was at that moment examining the great tilting helm,and Lord George watched him, smiling amusedly. "And hast thouthen already chosen thee a lady?" he said, presently.

"Aye, my Lord," answered Myles, simply.

"Marry, I trust we be so honored that she is one of our castlefolk," said the Earl's brother.

For a moment Myles did not reply; then he looked up. "My Lord,"said he, "the favor was given to me by the Lady Alice."Lord George looked grave for the moment; then he laughed. "Marry,thou art a bold archer to shoot for such high game."Myles did not answer, and at that moment two grooms led his horseup to the door of the pavilion. Gascoyne and Wilkes helped him tohis saddle, and then, Gascoyne holding his horse by thebridle-rein, he rode slowly across the lists to the little openspace in front of the scaffolding and the King's seat just as theSieur de la Montaigne approached from the opposite direction.

As soon as the two knights champion had reached each hisappointed station in front of the scaffolding, the Marshal badethe speaker read the challenge, which, unrolling the parchment,he began to do in a loud, clear voice, so that all might hear. Itwas a quaint document, wrapped up in the tangled heraldicverbiage of the time.

The pith of the matter was that the Sieur Brian Philip Francis dela Montaigne proclaimed before all men the greater chivalry andskill at arms of the knights of France and of Dauphiny, andlikewise the greater fairness of the ladies of France andDauphiny, and would there defend those sayings with his bodywithout fear or attaint as to the truth of the same. As soon asthe speaker had ended, the Marshal bade him call the defendant ofthe other side.

Then Myles spoke his part, with a voice trembling somewhat withthe excitement of the moment, but loudly and clearly enough: "I,Myles Edward Falworth, knight, so created by the hand and by thegrace of his Majesty King Henry IV of England, do take upon methe gage of this battle, and will defend with my body thechivalry of the knights of England and the fairness of the ladiesthereof!"Then, after the speaker ended his proclamation and had retired tohis place, the ceremony of claiming and redeeming the helmet, towhich all young knights were subjected upon first entering thelists, was performed.

One of the heralds cried in a loud voice, "I, Gilles Hamerton,herald to the most noble Clarencieux King-at-arms, do claim thehelm of Sir Myles Edward Falworth by this reason, that he hathnever yet entered joust or tourney."To which Myles answered, "I do acknowledge the right of thatclaim, and herewith proffer thee in ransom for the same thispurse of one hundred marks in gold."As he spoke, Gascoyne stepped forward and delivered the purse,with the money, to the Herald. It was a more than usuallyconsiderable ransom, and had been made up by the Earl and LordGeorge that morning.

"Right nobly hast thou redeemed thy helm," said the Herald, "andhereafter be thou free to enter any jousting whatsoever, and inwhatever place."So, all being ended, both knights bowed to the King, and then,escorted each by his squire, returned to his pavilion, saluted bythe spectators with a loud clapping of hands.

Sir James Lee met Myles in front of his tent. Coming up to theside of the horse, the old man laid his hand upon the saddle,looking up into the young man's face.

"Thou wilt not fail in this venture and bring shame upon me?"said he.

"Nay, my dear master," said Myles; "I will do my best.""I doubt it not," said the old man; "and I believe me thou wiltcome off right well. From what he did say this morning, methinksthe Sieur de la Montaigne meaneth only to break three lances withthee, and will content himself therewith, without seeking tounhorse thee. Ne'theless, be thou bold and watchful, and if thoufind that he endeavor to cast thee, do thy best to unhorse him.

Remember also those things which I have told thee ten thousandtimes before: hold thy toes well down and grip the stirrup hard,more especially at the moment of meeting; bend thy body forward,and keep thine elbow close to thy side. Bear thy lance point onefoot above thine adversary's helm until within two lengths ofmeeting, and strike thou in the very middle of his shield. So,Myles, thou mayst hold thine own, and come off with glory."As he ended speaking he drew back, and Gascoyne, mounting upon astool, covered his friend's head and bascinet with the greatjousting helm, making fast the leathern points that held it tothe iron collar.

As he was tying the last thong a messenger came from the Herald,saying that the challenger was ready, and then Myles knew thetime had come, and reaching down and giving Sir James a grip ofthe hand, he drew on his gauntlet, took the jousting lance thatWilkes handed him, and turned his horse's head towards his end ofthe lists.

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