

It was the custom to conclude the ceremonies of the bestowal ofknighthood by a grand feast given in honor of the newly-createdknight. But in Myles's instance the feast was dispensed with. TheEarl of Mackworth had planned that Myles might be created aKnight of the Bath with all possible pomp and ceremony; that hispersonality might be most favorably impressed upon the King; thathe might be so honorably knighted as to make him the peer of anywho wore spurs in all England; and, finally, that he mightcelebrate his new honors by jousting with some knight of highfame and approved valor. All these desiderata chance hadfulfilled in the visit of the King to Devlen.

As the Earl had said to Myles, he would rather have waited alittle while longer until the lad was riper in years andexperience, but the opportunity was not to be lost. Young as hewas, Myles must take his chances against the years and grimexperience of the Sieur de la Montaigne. But it was also a partof the Earl's purpose that the King and Myles should not bebrought too intimately together just at that time. Though everyparticular of circumstance should be fulfilled in the ceremony,it would have been ruination to the Earl's plans to have theknowledge come prematurely to the King that Myles was the son ofthe attainted Lord Falworth. The Earl knew that Myles was ashrewd, coolheaded lad; but the King had already hinted that thename was familiar to his ears, and a single hasty answer orunguarded speech upon the young knight's part might awaken him toa full knowledge. Such a mishap was, of all things, to be avoidedjust then, for, thanks to the machinations of that enemy of hisfather of whom Myles had heard so much, and was soon to hearmore, the King had always retained and still held a bitter andrancorous enmity against the unfortunate nobleman.

It was no very difficult matter for the Earl to divert the King'sattention from the matter of the feast. His Majesty was veryintent just then upon supplying a quota of troops to the Dauphin,and the chief object of his visit to Devlen was to opennegotiations with the Earl looking to that end. He wasinterested--much interested in Myles and in the coming joustingin which the young warrior was to prove himself, but he wasinterested in it by way of a relaxation from the other and moreengrossing matter. So, though he made some passing and halfpreoccupied inquiry about the feast he was easily satisfied withthe Earl's reasons for not holding it: which were that he hadarranged a consultation for that morning in regard to the troopsfor the Dauphin, to which meeting he had summoned a number of hisown more important dependent nobles, that the King himself neededrepose and the hour or so of rest that his barber- surgeon hadordered him to take after his mid-day meal; that Father Thomashad laid upon Myles a petty penance--that for the first threedays of his knighthood he should eat his meals without meat andin his own apartment--and various other reasons equally good andsufficient. So the King was satisfied, and the feast wasdispensed with.

The next morning had been set for the jousting, and all that daythe workmen were busy erecting the lists in the great quadrangleupon which, as was said before, looked the main buildings of thecastle. The windows of Myles's apartment opened directly upon thebustling scene--the carpenters hammering and sawing, theupholsterers snipping, cutting, and tacking. Myles and Gascoynestood gazing out from the open casement, with their arms lyingacross one another's shoulders in the old boyhood fashion, andMyles felt his heart shrink with a sudden tight pang as therealization came sharply and vividly upon him that all thesepreparations were being made for him, and that the next day heshould, with almost the certainty of death, meet either glory orfailure under the eyes not only of all the greater and lessercastle folk, but of the King himself and noble strangerscritically used to deeds of chivalry and prowess. Perhaps he hadnever fully realized the magnitude of the reality before. In thattight pang at his heart he drew a deep breath, almost a sigh.

Gascoyne turned his head abruptly, and looked at his friend, buthe did not ask the cause of the sigh. No doubt the same thoughtsthat were in Myles's mind were in his also.

It was towards the latter part of the afternoon that a messagecame from the Earl, bidding Myles attend him in his privatecloset. After Myles had bowed and kissed his lordship's hand, theEarl motioned him to take a seat, telling him that he had somefinal words to say that might occupy a considerable time. Hetalked to the young man for about half an hour in his quiet,measured voice, only now and then showing a little agitation byrising and walking up and down the room for a turn or two. Verymany things were disclosed in that talk that had caused Myleslong hours of brooding thought, for the Earl spoke freely, andwithout concealment to him concerning his father and the fortunesof the house of Falworth.

  • 逐梦之行


  • 血牙——灭族


  • 农门寡妇:扑倒将军大人


  • 使命召唤ol王者之路


  • 魔域荒


  • 火噬苍穹


  • exo之娱乐卧底


  • 寻仙时代


  • 六眼族


  • 问穹

