

That same afternoon the squires' quarters were thrown into such aferment of excitement as had, perhaps, never before stirred them.

About one o'clock in the afternoon the Earl himself and LordGeorge came walking slowly across the Armory Court wrapped indeep conversation, and entered Sir James Lee's office.

All the usual hubbub of noise that surrounded the neighborhood ofthe dormitory and the armory was stilled at their coming, andwhen the two noblemen had entered Sir James's office, the ladsand young men gathered in knots discussing with an almost awesomeinterest what that visit might portend.

After some time Sir James Lee came to the door at the head of thelong flight of stone steps, and whistling, beckoned one of thesmaller pages to him. He gave a short order that sent the littlefellow flying on some mission. In the course of a few minutes hereturned, hurrying across the stony court with Myles Falworth,who presently entered Sir James's office. It was then and at thissight that the intense half-suppressed excitement reached itsheight of fever-heat. What did it all mean? The air was filledwith a thousand vague, wild rumors--but the very wildest surmisesfell short of the real truth.

Perhaps Myles was somewhat pale when he entered the office;certainly his nerves were in a tremor, for his heart told himthat something very portentous was about to befall him. The Earlsat at the table, and in the seat that Sir James Lee usuallyoccupied; Lord George half sat, half leaned in the window-place.

Sir James stood with his back to the empty fireplace, and hishands clasped behind him. All three were very serious.

"Give thee good den, Myles Falworth," said the Earl, as Mylesbowed first to him and then to the others; "and I would have theeprepare thyself for a great happening." Then, continuing directlyto the point: "Thou knowest, sirrah, why we have been trainingthee so closely these three years gone; it is that thou shouldstbe able to hold thine own in the world. Nay, not only hold thineown, but to show thyself to be a knight of prowess shouldst itcome to a battle between thee and thy father's enemy; for therelieth no half-way place for thee, and thou must be either greator else nothing. Well, sir, the time hath now come for thee toshow thy mettle. I would rather have chosen that thou hadstlabored a twelvemonth longer; but now, as I said, hath come achance to prove thyself that may never come again. Sir Jamestells me that thou art passably ripe in skill. Thou must now showwhether that be so or no. Hast thou ever heard of the Sieur de laMontaigne?""Yea, my Lord. I have heard of him often," answered Myles. "Itwas he who won the prize at the great tourney at Rochelle lastyear.""I see that thou hast his fame pat to thy tongue's end," said theEarl; "he is the chevalier of whom I speak, and he is reckonedthe best knight of Dauphiny. That one of which thou spokest wasthe third great tourney in which he was adjudged the victor. I amglad that thou holdest his prowess highly. Knowest thou that heis in the train of the Comte de Vermoise?""Nay," said Myles, flushing; "I did hear news he was in England,but knew not that he was in this place.""Yea," said Lord Mackworth; "he is here." He paused for a moment;then said, suddenly. "Tell me, Myles Falworth, an thou wert aknight and of rank fit to run a joust with the Sieur de laMontaigne, wouldst thou dare encounter him in the lists?"The Earl's question fell upon Myles so suddenly and unexpectedlythat for a moment or so he stood staring at the speaker withmouth agape. Meanwhile the Earl sat looking calmly back at him,slowly stroking his beard the while.

It was Sir James Lee's voice that broke the silence. "Thouheardst thy Lord speak," said he, harshly. "Hast thou no tongueto answer, sirrah?""Be silent, Lee," said Lord Mackworth, quietly. "Let the lad havetime to think before he speaketh."The sound of the words aroused Myles. He advanced to the table,and rested his hand upon it. "My Lord--my Lord," said he, "I knownot what to say, I--I am amazed and afeard.""How! how!" cried Sir James Lee, harshly. "Afeard, sayst thou? Anthou art afeard, thou knave, thou needst never look upon my faceor speak to me more! I have done with thee forever an thou artafeard even were the champion a Sir Alisander.""Peace, peace, Lee," said the Earl, holding up his hand. "Thouart too hasty. The lad shall have his will in this matter, andthou and no one shall constrain him. Methinks, also, thou dostnot understand him. Speak from thy heart, Myles; why art thouafraid?""Because," said Myles, "I am so young, sir; I am but a raw boy.

How should I dare be so hardy as to venture to set lance againstsuch an one as the Sieur de la Montaigne? What would I be but alaughing-stock for all the world who would see me so foolish asto venture me against one of such prowess and skill?""Nay, Myles," said Lord George, "thou thinkest not well enough ofthine own skill and prowess. Thinkest thou we would undertake toset thee against him, an we did not think that thou couldst holdthine own fairly well?""Hold mine own?" cried Myles, turning to Lord George. "Sir; thoudost not mean--thou canst not mean, that I may hope or dream tohold mine own against the Sieur de la Montaigne.""Aye," said Lord George, "that was what I did mean.""Come, Myles," said the Earl; "now tell me: wilt thou fight theSieur de la Montaigne?""Yea," said Myles, drawing himself to his full height andthrowing out his chest. "Yea," and his cheeks and foreheadflushed red; "an thou bid me do so, I will fight him.""There spake my brave lad!" cried Lord George heartily.

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