

That morning, as Myles was marshalling the pages and squires,and, with the list of names in his hand, was striving to evolvesome order out of the confusion, assigning the variousindividuals their special duties--these to attend in thehousehold, those to ride in the escort--one of the gentlemen ofLord George's household came with an order for him to comeimmediately to the young nobleman's apartments. Myles hastilyturned over his duties to Gascoyne and Wilkes, and then hurriedafter the messenger. He found Lord George in the antechamber,three gentlemen squires arming him in a magnificent suit ofribbed Milan.

He greeted Myles with a nod and a smile as the lad entered.

"Sirrah," said he, "I have had a talk with Mackworth this mornconcerning thee, and have a mind to do thee an honor in my poorway. How wouldst thou like to ride to-day as my special squire ofescort?"Myles flushed to the roots of his hair. "Oh, sir!" he cried,eagerly, "an I be not too ungainly for thy purpose, no honor inall the world could be such joy to me as that!"Lord George laughed. "A little matter pleases thee hugely," saidhe; "but as to being ungainly, who so sayeth that of thee belieththee, Myles; thou art not ungainly, sirrah. But that is not tothe point. I have chosen thee for my equerry to- day; so makethou haste and don thine armor, and then come hither again, andHollingwood will fit thee with a wreathed bascinet I have within,and a juppon embroidered with my arms and colors."When Myles had made his bow and left his patron, he flew acrossthe quadrangle, and burst into the armory upon Gascoyne, whom hefound still lingering there, chatting with one or two of theolder bachelors.

"What thinkest thou, Francis?" he cried, wild with excitement.

"An honor hath been done me this day I could never have hoped toenjoy. Out of all this household, Lord George hath chose me hisequerry for the day to ride to meet the King. Come, hasten tohelp me to arm! Art thou not glad of this thing for my sake,Francis?""Aye, glad am I indeed!" cried Gascoyne, that generous friend;"rather almost would I have this befall thee than myself!" Andindeed he was hardly less jubilant than Myles over the honor.

Five minutes later he was busy arming him in the little room atthe end of the dormitory which had been lately set apart for theuse of the head bachelor. "And to think," he said, looking up ashe kneeled, strapping the thigh-plates to his friend's legs,"that he should have chosen thee before all others of the fineknights and lords and gentlemen of quality that are here!""Yea," said Myles, "it passeth wonder. I know not why he shouldso single me out for such an honor. It is strangely marvellous.""Nay," said Gascoyne, "there is no marvel in it, and I know rightwell why he chooseth thee. It is because he sees, as we all see,that thou art the stoutest and the best-skilled in arms, and mosteasy of carriage of any man in all this place."Myles laughed. "An thou make sport of me," said he, "I'll rap thyhead with this dagger hilt. Thou art a silly fellow, Francis, totalk so. But tell me, hast thou heard who rides with my Lord?""Yea, I heard Wilkes say anon that it was Sir James Lee.""I am right glad of that," said Myles; "for then he will show mewhat to do and how to bear myself. It frights me to think whatwould hap should I make some mistake in my awkwardness. MethinksLord George would never have me with him more should I do amissthis day.""Never fear," said Gascoyne; "thou wilt not do amiss."And now, at last, the Earl, Lord George, and all their escortwere ready; then the orders were given to horse, the buglesounded, and away they all rode, with clashing of iron hoofs andringing and jingling of armor, out into the dewy freshness of theearly morning, the slant yellow sun of autumn blazing and flamingupon polished helmets and shields, and twinkling like sparks offire upon spear points. Myles's heart thrilled within him forpure joy, and he swelled out his sturdy young breast with greatdraughts of the sweet fresh air that came singing across thesunny hill- tops. Sir James Lee, who acted as the Earl's equerryfor the day, rode at a little distance, and there was an almostpathetic contrast between the grim, steadfast impassiveness ofthe tough old warrior and Myles's passionate exuberance of youth.

  • 青春似罪


  • 梦境学习系统


  • 琼虚


  • 无戏


  • 夏晴安好


  • 叶罗丽精灵梦之菲灵的秘密


  • 冷王爷的腹黑王妃


  • 我的末世主城


  • 符箓生涯


  • 天庭采买办

