

I have no intention to describe the fight between Myles Falworthand Walter Blunt. Fisticuffs of nowadays are brutal and debasingenough, but a fight with a sharp-edged broadsword was not onlybrutal and debasing, but cruel and bloody as well.

From the very first of the fight Myles Falworth was palpably andobviously overmatched. After fifteen minutes had passed, Bluntstood hale and sound as at first; but poor Myles had more thanone red stain of warm blood upon doublet and hose, and more thanone bandage had been wrapped by Gascoyne and Wilkes about sorewounds.

He had received no serious injury as yet, for not only was hisbody protected by a buckler, or small oblong shield, which hecarried upon his left arm, and his head by a bascinet, or lighthelmet of steel, but perhaps, after all, Blunt was notover-anxious to do him any dangerous harm. Nevertheless, therecould be but one opinion as to how the fight tended, and Myles'sfriends were gloomy and downcast; the bachelors proportionatelyexultant, shouting with laughter, and taunting Myles at everyunsuccessful stroke.

Once, as he drew back panting, leaning upon Gascoyne's shoulder,the faithful friend whispered, with trembling lips: "Oh, dearMyles, carry it no further. Thou hurtest him not, and he willslay thee ere he have done with thee."Thereupon Blunt, who caught the drift of the speech, put in aword. "Thou art sore hurt, Myles Falworth," said he, "and I woulddo thee no grievous harm. Yield thee and own thyself beaten, andI will forgive thee. Thou hast fought a good fight, and there isno shame in yielding now.""Never!" cried Myles, hoarsely--"never will I yield me! Thoumayst slay me, Walter Blunt, and I reck not if thou dost do so,but never else wilt thou conquer me."There was a tone of desperation in his voice that made all lookserious.

"Nay," said Blunt; "I will fight thee no more, Myles Falworth;thou hast had enough."

"By heavens!" cried Myles, grinding his teeth, "thou shalt fightme, thou coward! Thou hast brought this fight upon us, and eitherthou or I get our quittance here. Let go, Gascoyne!" he cried,shaking loose his friend's hold; "I tell thee he shall fight me!"From that moment Blunt began to lose his head. No doubt he hadnot thought of such a serious fight as this when he had given hischallenge, and there was a savage bull-dog tenacity about Mylesthat could not but have had a somewhat demoralizing effect uponhim.

A few blows were given and taken, and then Myles's friends gave ashout. Blunt drew back, and placed his hand to his shoulder. Whenhe drew it away again it was stained with red, and another redstain grew and spread rapidly down the sleeve of his jacket. Hestared at his hand for a moment with a half-dazed look, and thenglanced quickly to right and left.

"I will fight no more," said he, sullenly.

"Then yield thee!" cried Myles, exultantly.

The triumphant shouts of the Knights of the Rose stung Blunt likea lash, and the battle began again. Perhaps some of the olderlads were of a mind to interfere at this point, certainly somelooked very serious, but before they interposed, the fight wasended.

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