

If Myles fancied that one single victory over his enemy wouldcure the evil against which he fought, he was grievouslymistaken; wrongs are not righted so easily as that. It was onlythe beginning. Other and far more bitter battles lay before himere he could look around him and say, "I have won the victory."For a day--for two days--the bachelors were demoralized at thefall of their leader, and the Knights of the Rose wereproportionately uplifted.

The day that Blunt met his fall, the wooden tank in which thewater had been poured every morning was found to have been takenaway. The bachelors made a great show of indignation and inquiry.

Who was it stole their tank? If they did but know, he shouldsmart for it.

"Ho! ho!" roared Edmund Wilkes, so that the whole dormitory heardhim, "smoke ye not their tricks, lads? See ye not that they havestolen their own water-tank, so that they might have no need foranother fight over the carrying of the water?"The bachelors made an obvious show of not having heard what hesaid, and a general laugh went around. No one doubted that Wilkeshad spoken the truth in his taunt, and that the bachelors hadindeed stolen their own tank. So no more water was ever carriedfor the head squires, but it was plain to see that the war forthe upperhand was not yet over.

Even if Myles had entertained comforting thoughts to thecontrary, he was speedily undeceived. One morning, about a weekafter the fight, as he and Gascoyne were crossing the armorycourt, they were hailed by a group of the bachelors standing atthe stone steps of the great building.

"Holloa, Falworth!" they cried. "Knowest thou that Blunt is nighwell again?""Nay," said Myles, "I knew it not. But I am right glad to hearit.""Thou wilt sing a different song anon," said one of thebachelors. "I tell thee he is hot against thee, and swears whenhe cometh again he will carve thee soothly.""Aye, marry!" said another. "I would not be in thy skin a weekhence for a ducat! Only this morning he told Philip Mowbray thathe would have thy blood for the fall thou gavest him. Look tothyself, Falworth; he cometh again Wednesday or Thursday next;thou standest in a parlous state."

"Myles," said Gascoyne, as they entered the great quadrangle, "Ido indeed fear me that he meaneth to do thee evil.""I know not," said Myles, boldly; "but I fear him not."Nevertheless his heart was heavy with the weight of impendingill.

One evening the bachelors were more than usually noisy in theirend of the dormitory, laughing and talking and shouting to oneanother.

"Holloa, you sirrah, Falworth!" called one of them along thelength of the room. "Blunt cometh again to-morrow day."Myles saw Gascoyne direct a sharp glance at him; but he answerednothing either to his enemy's words or his friend's look.

As the bachelor had said, Blunt came the next morning. It wasjust after chapel, and the whole body of squires was gathered inthe armory waiting for the orders of the day and the calling ofthe roll of those chosen for household duty. Myles was sitting ona bench along the wall, talking and jesting with some who stoodby, when of a sudden his heart gave a great leap within him.

It was Walter Blunt. He came walking in at the door as if nothinghad passed, and at his unexpected coming the hubbub of talk andlaughter was suddenly checked. Even Myles stopped in his speechfor a moment, and then continued with a beating heart and acarelessness of manner that was altogether assumed. In his handBlunt carried the house orders for the day, and without seemingto notice Myles, he opened it and read the list of those calledupon for household service.

Myles had risen, and was now standing listening with the others.

When Blunt had ended reading the list of names, he rolled up theparchment, and thrust it into his belt; then swinging suddenly onhis heel, he strode straight up to Myles, facing him front tofront. A moment or two of deep silence followed; not a soundbroke the stillness. When Blunt spoke every one in the armoryheard his words.

"Sirrah!" said he, "thou didst put foul shame upon me some timesin. Never will I forget or forgive that offence, and will have areckoning with thee right soon that thou wilt not forget to thelast day of thy life."When Myles had seen his enemy turn upon him, he did not know atfirst what to expect; he would not have been surprised had theycome to blows there and then, and he held himself prepared forany event. He faced the other pluckily enough and withoutflinching, and spoke up boldly in answer. "So be it, WalterBlunt; I fear thee not in whatever way thou mayst encounter me.""Dost thou not?" said Blunt. "By'r Lady, thou'lt have cause tofear me ere I am through with thee." He smiled a baleful,lingering smile, and then turned slowly and walked away.

"What thinkest thou, Myles?" said Gascoyne, as the two left thearmory together.

"I think naught," said Myles gruffly. "He will not dare to touchme to harm me. I fear him not." Nevertheless, he did not speakthe full feelings of his heart.

"I know not, Myles," said Gascoyne, shaking his head doubtfully.

"Walter Blunt is a parlous evil-minded knave, and methinks willdo whatever evil he promiseth.""I fear him not," said Myles again; but his heart forebodedtrouble.

The coming of the head squire made a very great change in thecondition of affairs. Even before that coming the bachelors hadsomewhat recovered from their demoralization, and now again theybegan to pluck up their confidence and to order the youngersquires and pages upon this personal service or upon that.

  • Wilhelm Tell

    Wilhelm Tell



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