
第17章 Chapter 3(3)

The old man rose stiffly and saluted.

''For''-Kim translated into the vernacular the clinching sentences he had heard in the dressing-room at Umballa -''For,'says He,'we should have done this long ago.It is not war -it is a chastisement.Snff!''

'Enough.I believe.I have seen Him thus in the smoke of battles.Seen and heard.It is He!'

'I saw no smoke'-Kim's voice shifted to the rapt sing-song of the wayside fortune-teller.'I saw this in darkness.First came a man to make things clear.Then came horsemen.Then came He,standing in a ring of light.

The rest followed as I have said.Old man,have I spoken truth?'

'It is He.Past all doubt it is He.'

The crowd drew a long,quavering breath,staring alternately at the old man,still at attention,and ragged Kim against the purple twilight.

'Said I not -said I not he was from the other world?'cried the lama proudly.'He is the Friend of all the World.He is the Friend of the Stars!'

'At least it does not concern us,'a man cried.'O thou young soothsayer,if the gift abides with thee at all seasons,I have a red-spotted cow.

She may be sister to thy Bull for aught I know -'

'Or I care,'said Kim.'My Stars do not concern themselves with thy cattle.'

'Nay,but she is very sick,'a woman struck in.'My man is a buffalo,or he would have chosen his words better.Tell me if she recover?'

Had Kim been at all an ordinary boy,he would have carried on the play;but one does not know Lahore city,and least of all the fakirs by the Taksali Gate,for thirteen years without also knowing human nature.

The priest looked at him sideways,something bitterly -a dry and blighting smile.

'Is there no priest,then,in the village?I thought I had seen a great one even now,'cried Kim.

'Ay -but -'the woman began.

'But thou and thy husband hoped to get the cow cured for a handful of thanks.'The shot told:they were notoriously the closest-fisted couple in the village.'It is not well to cheat the temples.Give a young calf to thine own priest,and,unless thy Gods are angry past recall,she will give milk within a month.'

'A master-beggar art thou,'purred the priest approvingly.'Not the cunning of forty years could have done better.Surely thou hast made the old man rich?'

'A little flour,a little butter and a mouthful of cardamoms,'Kim retorted,flushed with the praise,but still cautious -'Does one grow rich on that?

And,as thou canst see,he is mad.But it serves me while I learn the road at least.'

He knew what the fakirs of the Taksali Gate were like when they talked among themselves,and copied the very inflection of their lewd disciples.

'Is his Search,then,truth or a cloak to other ends?It may be treasure.'

'He is mad -many times mad.There is nothing else.'

Here the old soldier hobbled up and asked if Kim would accept his hospitality for the night.The priest recommended him to do so,but insisted that the honour of entertaining the lama belonged to the temple -at which the lama smiled guilelessly.Kim glanced from one face to the other,and drew his own conclusions.

'Where is the money?'he whispered,beckoning the old man off into the darkness.

'In my bosom.Where else?'

'Give it me.Quietly and swiftly give it me.'

'But why?Here is no ticket to buy.'

'Am I thy chela ,or am I not?Do I not safeguard thy old feet about the ways?Give me the money and at dawn I will return it.'He slipped his hand above the lama's girdle and brought away the purse.

'Be it so -be it so.'The old man nodded his head.'This is a great and terrible world.I never knew there were so many men alive in it.'

Next morning the priest was in a very bad temper,but the lama was quite happy;and Kim had enjoyed a most interesting evening with the old man,who brought out his cavalry sabre and,balancing it on his dry knees,told tales of the Mutiny and young captains thirty years in their graves,till Kim dropped off to sleep.

'Certainly the air of this country is good,'said the lama.'I sleep lightly,as do all old men;but last night I slept unwaking till broad day.Even now I am heavy.'

'Drink a draught of hot milk,'said Kim,who had carried not a few such remedies to opium-smokers of his acquaintance.'It is time to take the Road again.'

'The long Road that overpasses all the rivers of Hind,'said the lama gaily.'Let us go.But how thinkest thou,chela ,to recompense these people,and especially the priest,for their great kindness?Truly they are b&;umacron;t-parast Note ,but in other lives,maybe,they will receive enlightenment.A rupee to the temple?

The thing within is no more than stone and red paint,but the heart of man we must acknowledge when and where it is good.'

'Holy One,hast thou ever taken the Road alone?'Kim looked up sharply,like the Indian crows so busy about the fields.

'Surely,child:from Kulu to Path?nkot -from Kulu,where my first chela died.When men were kind to us we made offerings,and all men were well-disposed throughout all the Hills.'

'It is otherwise in Hind,'said Kim drily.'Their Gods are many-armed and malignant.Let them alone.'

'I would set thee on thy road for a little,Friend of all the World -thou and thy yellow man.'The old soldier ambled up the village street,all shadowy in the dawn,on a gaunt,scissor-hocked pony.'Last night broke up the fountains of remembrance in my so-dried heart,and it was as a blessing to me.Truly there is war abroad in the air.I smell it.See!I have brought my sword.'

He sat long-legged on the little beast,with the big sword at his side -hand dropped on the pommel -staring fiercely over the flat lands towards the North.'Tell me again how He showed in thy vision.Come up and sit behind me.The beast will carry two.'

'I am this Holy One's disciple,'said Kim,as they cleared the village-gate.

The villagers seemed almost sorry to be rid of them,but the priest's farewell was cold and distant.He had wasted some opium on a man who carried no money.

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  • 回到明朝当进士


  • 匹配视角下的现代企业战略性薪酬研究


  • 世纪转型期的湖北散文研究


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