

He approached with great caution, and found his surmise to be correct.Lying full length in a wet thicket he saw a party of about twenty warriors-Mohawks he took them to be-in an oak opening.They had erected bark shelters, they had good fires, and they were cooking.He saw them roasting the strips over the coals-bear meat, venison, squirrel, rabbit, bird-and the odor, so pleasant at other times, assailed his nostrils.But it was now only a taunt and a torment.It aroused every possible pang of hunger, and every one of them stabbed like a knife.

The warriors, so secure in their forest isolation, kept no sentinels, and they were enjoying themselves like men who had everything they wanted.Henry could hear them laughing and talking, and he watched them as they ate strip after strip of the delicate, tender meat with the wonderful appetite that the Indian has after long fasting.A fierce, unreasoning anger and jealousy laid hold of him.He was starving, and they rejoiced in plenty only fifty yards away.He began to form plans for a piratical incursion upon them.Half the body of a deer lay near the edge of the opening, he would rush upon it, seize it, and dart away.

It might be possible to escape with such spoil.

Then he recalled his prudence.Such a thing was impossible.The whole band of warriors would be upon him in an instant.The best thing that he could do was to shut out the sight of so much luxury in which he could not share, and he crept away among the bushes wondering what he could do to drive away those terrible pains.His vigorous system was crying louder than ever for the food that would sustain it.His eyes were burning a little too brightly, and his face was touched with fever.

Henry stopped once to catch a last glimpse of the fires and the feasting Indians under the bark shelters.He saw a warrior raise a bone, grasping it in both hands, and bite deep into the tender flesh that clothed it.The sight inflamed him into an anger almost uncontrollable.He clenched his fist and shook it at the warrior, who little suspected the proximity of a hatred so intense.Then he bent his head down and rushed away among the wet bushes which in rebuke at his lack of caution raked him across the face.

Henry walked despondently back toward the islet in the swamp.

The aspect of air and sky had not changed.The heavens still dripped icy water, and there was no ray of cheerfulness anywhere.

The game remained well hidden.

It was a long journey back, and as he felt that he was growing weak he made no haste.He came to dense clumps of bushes, and plowing his way through them, he saw a dark opening under some trees thrown down by an old hurricane.Having some vague idea that it might be the lair of a wild animal, he thrust the muzzle of his rifle into the darkness.It touched a soft substance.

There was a growl, and a black form shot out almost into his face.Henry sprang aside, and in an instant all his powers and faculties returned.He had stirred up a black bear, and before the animal, frightened as much as he was enraged, could run far the boy, careless how many Indians might hear, threw up his rifle and fired.

His aim was good.The bear, shot through the head, fell, and was dead.Henry, transformed, ran up to him.Bear life had been given up to sustain man's.Here was food for many days, and he rejoiced with a great joy.He did not now envy those warriors back there.

The bear, although small, was very fat.Evidently he had fed well on acorns and wild honey, and he would yield up steaks which, to one with Henry's appetite, would be beyond compare.He calculated that it was more than a mile to the swamp, and, after a few preliminaries, he flung the body of the bear over his shoulder.Through some power of the mind over the body his full strength had returned to him miraculously, and when he reached the stepping stones he crossed from one to another lightly and firmly, despite the weight that he carried.

He came to the little bark hut which he now considered his own.

The night had fallen again, but some coals still glowed under the ashes, and there was plenty of dry wood.He did everything decently and in order.He took the pelt from the bear, carved the body properly, and then, just as the Indians had done, he broiled strips over the coals.He ate them one after another, slowly, and tasting all the savor, and, intense as was the mere physical pleasure, it was mingled with a deep thankfulness.Not only was the life nourished anew in him, but he would now regain the strength to seek his comrades.

When he had eaten enough he fastened the body of the bear, now in several portions, on hooks high upon the walls, hooks which evidently had been placed there by the former owner of the hut for this very purpose.Then, sure that the savor of the food would draw other wild animals, he brought one of the stepping stones and placed it on the inside of the door.The door could not be pushed aside without arousing him, and, secure in the knowledge, he went to sleep before the coals.

  • 难经古义


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  • The Bittermeads Mystery

    The Bittermeads Mystery

  • 笑林


  • 九流绪论


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  • 一夜成瘾:鬼夫太凶猛


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