

Good morning,Captain Hammond.You must excuse me,I'm busy.He went into the office and closed the door.Captain Nat rubbed his forehead desperately.He had been almost sure that Abner Stone would put him on Keziah's track.Grace had thought so,too.She remembered what the housekeeper had told concerning her Boston cousin and how the latter had found employment for her when she contemplated leaving Trumet,after her brother's death.Grace believed that Keziah would go to him at once.

Nat walked to the door and stood there,trying to think what to do next.A smart young person,wearing a conspicuous suit of clothes,aided and abetted by a vivid waistcoat and a pair of youthful but promising side whiskers,came briskly along the sidewalk and stopped in front of him.

Well,sir?observed this person,with cheerful condescension.

Anything I can do for you?

Captain Nat turned his gaze upon the side whiskers and the waistcoat.

Hey?he queried.

I say,is there anything I can do for you?

The captain shook his head.No-o,he drawled dryly,I'm afraid not,son.I admit that don't seem scarcely possible,but I am afraid it's so.Looking for something in our line,was you?Well,I don't know.What might be on your line--clothes?The bewhiskered one drew himself up.I am connected with Stone &Barker,he said sharply.And,seeing you standing in our doorway,I thought possibly--Yes,yes.Beg your pardon,I'm sure.No,I don't want to buy anything.I come to see Mr.Stone on a personal matter.He's busy,I suppose.

So he says.

The young man smiled with serene satisfaction.I'm not surprised,he observed complacently.We ARE a busy house,Mr--er--Hammond's my name.Are you Mr.Barker?

No-o,my name is Prince.

So?Silent partner in the firm,hey?

No-o,not exactly.Mr.Prince was slightly embarrassed.No,Iam a--a salesman--at present.Was the matter you wished to see Mr.

Stone about a very private one?


Well,I asked because Mr.Stone is a busy man and we like to save him all the--the--Trouble you can,hey?That's nice of you,you must save him a lot,Mr--er--King,was it?No,Prince.

Sure and sartin',Prince,of course.I knew 'twas connected with the royal family.Well,Mr.Prince,I'm afraid even you can't help me nor him out this time.I'm lookin'up a friend of mine,a widow lady from down the Cape.She's a relation of Mr.Stone's,and she's come to Boston durin'the last day or so.I thought likely he might know where she was,that's all.That would be a little out of your latitude,hey?I don't know.Her name wasn't Coffin,was it?Captain Nat started.It certainly was,he answered eagerly.

How'd you know that?

Mr.Prince's complacence was superb.Oh,he answered with condescension,Mr.Stone trusts me with a good many of his personal affairs.I should think likely he would.But about Mrs.Coffin?You was goin' to say?She is with James Hallett &Co.,the tailors,on Washington Street.Mr.Stone found a place for her there,I believe.I--er--er--superintended the carrying of her valise and--What?Nothin',nothin'.Hum!Hallett &Co.,tailors?What number Washin't on Street did you say?Mr.Prince gave the number.

Thank you a lot,said Captain Nat,with fervor.Good-by,Mr.

Prince.Hope the next time I come you'll be in the firm.Good day,sir.Good day.Nothing else I can do?And you won't wait for Mr.

Stone?Very good.Is there any message for him that you would like to leave?Hey?Nat had started to go,but now he paused and turned.There was a grim twinkle in his eye.Message?he repeated.Why,ye-es,I don't know but there is.You just give Mr.Stone Cap'n Hammond's compliments and tell him I'm look in' forward to interviewin' him some time.Just tell him that,will you?I'll tell him.Glad to have met you,Captain Hammond.The captain nodded solemnly.Say,Mr.King,he said,you ain't half so glad as I am.Mr.Prince strutted into the store.

Who was that chap you were talking with?asked a fellow-clerk.

Oh,a hayseed who wanted to see the old man.Poor relation,I guess.I headed him off.Stone is always telling us that time is money,so I saved both of 'em for him.He ought to thank me.

Wouldn't be surprised if I got the raise I've been asking for.Mr.Prince did not get the raise,nor the thanks.But he was surprised.

  • 秦兮


  • 一刀倾城


  • 谁说邪魔是外道


  • 当时,青春年少


  • 快穿之体验人生攻略


  • 手写别爱,孤独长伴


  • 无限杀道行


  • 福妻驾到


  • 爆笑萌妃腹黑帝


  • 传说之门

