

She argued and pleaded and coaxed,and,at last,when she began to think she had prevailed,Grace brought forward another objection.

She had given her word to her uncle.How could she break that promise made to a dying man?She would feel like a traitor.

Traitor to who?demanded the housekeeper,losing patience.Not to poor Nat,for he's gone.And don't you suppose that he and Eben understand things better now,where they are?Do you suppose that Nat wouldn't want you to be happy?I know he would,for I knew him.It was still unsettled when the long talk was over,but Grace agreed not to leave the minister at present.She would stay where she was until he was himself again,at least.Keziah was satisfied with the preliminary skirmish.She felt confident of winning the victory,and in the prospect of happiness for others,she was almost happy herself.Yet each time the mail was brought to the shanty she dreaded to look at it,and the sight of a stranger made her shake with fear.Ansel Coffin had threatened to come to Trumet.If he came,she had made up her mind what to do.

The parish committee was to meet.Captain Elkanah had announced his intention of moving that John Ellery be expelled from the Regular church.There was to be no compromise,no asking for a resignation;he must be discharged,thrown out in disgrace.The county papers were full of the squabble,but they merely reported the news and did not take sides.The fight was too even for that.

Captain Zeb chuckled.It's all right,Keziah,he said.We know what's what and who's who.The Rev.Mr.Ellery can preach here for the next hundred year,if he lives that long and wants to,and he can marry whoever he darn pleases,besides.Elkanah's licked and he knows it.He ain't got enough backers to man a lobster dory.

Let him holler;noise don't scare grown folks.One afternoon a few days before the date set for the meeting Elkanah and two or three of his henchmen were on the piazza of the Daniels home,discussing the situation.They were blue and downcast.Annabel was in the sitting room,shedding tears of humiliation and jealous rage on the haircloth sofa.

Well,observed her father,there's one thing we can do.If the vote in committee goes against us,I shall insist on the calling of a congregational meeting.Hum--ha!Yes,I shall insist on that.Won't be no good,cap'n,sniffed Beriah Salters dolefully.The biggest part of the congregation's for Ellery,and you know it.

They're as sot on him as if he was the angel Gabriel.If you'd only told what you knew afore this smallpox business,we'd have been able to give him and his Come-Outer woman what b'longs to 'em.

But not now.

Captain Daniels shifted uneasily in his chair.

Hum--ha!he barked,to cover confusion.Hum--ha!It seemed to me more--er--charitable to give the misguided young man another chance,and I did it.But--What's that?Some one was talking excitedly on the sidewalk beyond the lilac bushes at the border of the Daniels property.Voices answered.

Didama Rogers darted out of her yard and past the house in the direction of the sounds.Salters rose and walked down to the gate.

Hey!he shouted.Halloo!Ahoy there!You,Em'lous,what is it?Emulous Sparrow,the fish peddler,was seated in his cart,which was surrounded by men and women,neighbors of the Danielses.There was a perfect storm of questionings and ejaculations.Salters opened the gate and joined the group.A moment later he came running back,up the walk toward the piazza.

Cap'n,he shouted.Cap'n Elkanah,here's news!What do you think?A telegram's just come from Nat Hammond.He's safe and sound in New York,and he'll be here day after to-morrow.They could not believe it and rushed out to hear more.Emulous,glowing with importance,affirmed that it was so.He had seen the telegram at the store.It was for Grace Van Horne and they were just going to send a boy over to the shanty with it.

No details nor nothin',he declared.Just said 'Am all right.

Arrived to-day.Will be in Trumet Thursday.'And 'twas signed 'Nathaniel Hammond.'There!Well,by thunder!exclaimed Salters.If that don't beat all.Iwonder what's happened to him?Two year gone and give up for dead,and now--What do you cal'late it means?Captain Elkanah seized him by the arm and led him out of the group.

The old man's face was alight with savage joy and his voice shook with exultation.

I'll tell you one thing it means,he whispered.It means the end of Ellery,so far as his marrying her is concerned.She gave her word to Hammond and she'll keep it.She's no liar,whatever else she is.He may be minister of the Regular church,though I'LLnever set under him,but he'll never marry her,now.

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