

Now,auntie,whispered Grace,turning to her,you want to know how he is,of course.Well,I think he is better.The doctor thinks so,too.But why did you come here?Why did I come?I?Why,because my place was here.I belonged here.For the love of mercy's sakes what are YOU doin'here?With HIM?And the smallpox!Hush.I can't help it.I don't care.I don't care for anything any more.I'm glad I came.I'm glad I was the one to find him and help him.No matter what happens--to me--I'm glad.I never was so glad before.I love him,Aunt Keziah.I can say it to you,for you know it--you must know it.I LOVE him and he needed me and Icame.He was calling my name when I found him.He might have died there,alone in the wet and cold,and I saved him.Think what that means to me.The girl was in a sort of frenzy of excitement and hysterical exaltation.All the night she had been calm and quiet,repressing her feelings,and tending the man she loved.Now,with some one to whom she could confide,she was calm no longer.Keziah answered her soothingly,questioning her from time to time,until,at last,she learned the whole story.

The door opened softly and Dr.Parker came out.

He's asleep,he said.And he's better,much better.And I'll tell you something else,if you won't make too much noise about it--he hasn't got the smallpox.

The two women looked at him.

Fact,he said,with an emphatic nod.Not a symptom of it.I'd have bet my best hat that he wasn't going to have it and I won't have to go bareheaded yet awhile.He is pretty close to brain fever,though,but I guess he'll dodge that this time,with care.

On the whole,Keziah,I'm glad you came.This young lady,with a movement of the head toward Grace,has done her part.She really saved his life,if I'm not mistaken.Now,I think she can go away and leave him to you and me.I'll pretty nearly guarantee to have him up and out of this--this pesthole in a fortnight.Here was joyful tidings,the better for being so unexpected.

Keziah leaned against the boards and drew a long breath.Grace said nothing,but,after a moment,she went into the house.

That's a good thing,too,commented Parker,watching her as she went.I wanted to talk with you,Keziah Coffin,and right away.

Now,then,there's something up,something that I don't know about,and I rather guess you do.Young women--even when they're her kind and that's as good a kind as there is--don't risk smallpox for any young man they pick up casually.They don't carry--I guess it was pretty nearly carrying--him home and put him to bed and care for him and cry over him and call him 'dear.'And he doesn't beg them to run away and let him die rather than to stay there and risk dying,too.No,not to any great extent.Now,Keziah,you and Iare fairly good friends and we ought to know each other by this time.I see a light--a little one.Now,then,if you turn up the lamp,so that I can see the whole blaze,maybe I can help those two in yonder.Keziah considered.All right,doctor,she said,when she reached a decision,all right;I'll tell you the whole thing,and you can see one of the reasons why my hair is gettin'grayer.This thing has reached the point now where there's no keepin'it quiet.

Folk'll know--I s'pose they know already--that she's been here with him.They'll suspect a lot more and the truth is better than suspicion--that is,it can't be worse than the suspicions that come natural to a good many minds in this town.I am glad I can tell you,for I guess the time's come to step out in broad daylight and h'ist our colors.Now,you listen.Here 'tis,from beginnin'to end.She went on to tell all she knew of her parson's love story.

Dr.Parker listened.

Hum!he said thoughtfully,I see.What made her change her mind so suddenly?You say,or you gather from what Mr.Ellery told you,that she had all but agreed to marry him.She cares for him,that's sure.Then,all at once,she throws him over and accepts Nat.Of course her uncle's sudden seizure was a shock and he wanted Nat to have her,but she isn't the kind of girl to be easily swayed.Why did she do it?Well,doctor,that's kind of a puzzle to me.All I can think is that she come to realize what it might mean to him,the minister,if he married a Come-Outer.I think she done it for his sake,to save him,though what made her realize it all at once I don't know.

There's the part we ain't heard.

I guess you're right.Something happened between the time she left Ellery and when you and I reached the tavern.But never mind that,that doesn't count now.Let's look at things as they are this minute.She's here and folks know it.As they do know it they'll begin to talk,and the more they talk the farther from the truth they'll get--most of 'em.Nat,poor chap,is dead,so her promise to him is canceled.Ellery will get well if he isn't troubled,and her being with him will help more than anything else.

I can understand now why he broke down.

Yes,he ain't been himself since it happened.Of course,and the last few weeks of worry and night work have helped to wreck his nerves.Well,as I see it,there's only one thing to do.If she leaves him he'll go to pieces again,so she mustn't leave.And she can't stay without an explanation.I say let's give the explanation;let's come right out with the announcement that they're engaged.Whew!that'll stir things up.

You bet!But let it stir.I like that parson of yours;he's a trump.And I always liked her,although,generally speaking,Idon't love Come-Outers.And I like her more than ever now,when she risked what she thought was smallpox to care for him.As Isaid,she saved his life,and she ought to have him.She SHALLhave him.

  • 象山语要


  • 四分比丘尼羯磨法


  • 谴非


  • 防海纪略


  • 玄门报孝追荐仪


  • 剑仙奇女子


  • 别惹那匹绅士狼:宝贝不要逃


  • 细作毒妃


  • 紫夜战神


  • 辰少的霸道娇妻


  • 魔欲启示录


  • 王上有旨:暴君快有喜


  • 响彻山河


  • 超品帝王


  • 浴火重生:萌侠传

