

And flyin'the British colors.Look's if she might be one of them salt boats from Turk's Islands.But what she's doin' out there,anchored,with canvas lowered and showin'distress signals in fair weather like this,is more'n any of us can make out.She wa'n't there last evenin',though,and she is there now.She ain't the only funny thing along shore this mornin',nuther,announced Theophilus Black,one of the fishermen.Charlie Burgess just come down along and he says there's a ship's longboat hauled up on the beach,'bout a mile 'n a half t'other side the mouth of the herrin'crick yonder.Oars in her and all.And she ain't no boat that b'longs round here,is she,Charlie?No,Thoph,she ain't,was the reply.Make anything out of her,cap'n?Captain Zeb,who had been inspecting the anchored vessel through the spyglass,lowered the latter and seemed puzzled.Not much,he answered.Blessed if she don't look abandoned to me.Can't see a sign of life aboard her.We couldn't neither,said Thoph.We was just cal'latin'to go off to her when Charlie come and told us about the longboat.Iguess likely we can go now;it's pretty nigh smooth as a pond.

You'll take an oar,won't you,Noah?

I can't leave the light very well.My wife went over to the village last night.You and Charlie and Bill go.Want to go,too,Zeb?No,I'll stay here,I guess.The old lady made me promise to keep my feet dry afore I left the house.You want to go,Mr.Ellery?Lots of room.

The minister was tempted.The sea always had a fascination for him and the mystery of the strange ship was appealing.

Sure I won't be in the way?

No,no!'course you won't,said Burgess.Come right along.You set in the bow,if you don't mind gettin'sprinkled once in a while.I'll steer and Thoph and Bill'll row.That'll be enough for one dory.If we need more,we'll signal.Heave ahead.The surf,though low for that season of the year,looked dangerous to Ellery,but his companions launched the dory with the ease which comes of experience.Burgess took the steering oar and Thoph and Bill,the latter a lobsterman from Wellmouth Neck,bent their broad backs for the long pull.The statement concerning the pondlike smoothness of the sea was something of an exaggeration.

The dory climbed wave after wave,long and green and oily,at the top of each she poised,tipped and slid down the slope.The minister,curled up in the bow on a rather uncomfortable cushion of anchor and roding,caught glimpses of the receding shore over the crests behind.One minute he looked down into the face of Burgess,holding the steering oar in place,the next the stern was high above him and he felt that he was reclining on the back of his neck.But always the shoulders of the rowers moved steadily in the short,deep strokes of the rough water oarsman,and the beach,with the white light and red-roofed house of the keeper,the group beside it,and Captain Zeb's horse and chaise,grew smaller and less distinct.

Humph!grunted Charlie.

What's the matter?asked Thoph.

The steersman,who was staring hard in the direction they were going,scowled.

Humph!he grunted again.I swan to man,fellers,I believe she IS abandoned!Rubbish!panted Bill,twisting his neck to look over his shoulder.'Course she ain't!Who'd abandon a craft such weather's this,and Province-town harbor only three hours'run or so?When it comes to that,commented Burgess,why should they anchor off here,'stead of takin'her in by the inlet?If there's anybody aboard they ain't showed themselves yet.She might have been leakin',but she don't look it.Sets up out of water pretty well.

Well,we'll know in a few minutes.Hit her up,boys!The rowers hit her upand the dory moved faster.Then Burgess,putting his hand to his mouth,hailed.

Ship ahoy!he roared.Ahoy!

No reply.

Ahoy the brig!bellowed Burgess.What's the matter aboard there?All hands asleep?Still no answer.Thoph and Bill pulled more slowly now.Burgess nodded to them.

Stand by!he ordered.Easy!Way enough!Let her run.The dory slackened speed,turned in obedience to the steering oar,and slid under the forequarter of the anchored vessel.Ellery,looking up,saw her name in battered gilt letters above his head--the San Jose.

Stand by,Thoph!shouted Charlie.S'pose you can jump and grab her forechains?Hold her steady,Bill.Now,Thoph!That's the time!Thoph had jumped,seized the chains,and was scrambling aboard.Amoment later he appeared at the rail amidships,a rope in his hand.

The dory was brought alongside and made fast;then one after the other the men in the boat climbed to the brig's deck.

Ahoy!yelled Burgess.All hands on deck!tumble up,you lubbers!Humph!She is abandoned,sure and sartin.Yup,assented Bill.Her boats are gone.See?Guess that explains the longboat on the beach,Charlie.Cal'late it does;but it don't explain why they left her.She ain't leakin'none to speak of,that's sure.Rides's light's a feather.Christmas!look at them decks;dirty hogs,whoever they was.The decks were dirty,and the sails,sloppily furled,were dirty likewise.The brig,as she rolled and jerked at her anchor rope,was dirty--and unkempt from stem to stern.To Ellery's mind she made a lonesome picture,even under the clear,winter sky and bright sunshine.

Thoph led the way aft.The cabin companion door was open and they peered down.

Phew!sniffed Burgess.She ain't no cologne bottle,is she?

Well,come on below and let's see what'll we see.The cabin was a mess,as Bill expressed it.The floor was covered with scattered heaps of riff-raff,oilskins,coats,empty bottles,and papers.On the table a box stood,its hinged lid thrown back.

Medicine chest,said Burgess,examining it.And rum bottles aplenty.Somebody's been sick,I shouldn't wonder.The minister opened the door of one of the little staterooms.The light which shone through the dirty and tightly closed bull's-eyewindow showed a tumbled bunk,the blankets soiled and streaked.

The smell was stifling.

Say,fellers,whispered Thoph,I don't like this much myself.

  • 偷闲庐诗话


  • 针灸素难要旨


  • 佛说缘本致经


  • 答吴殿书


  • 无根树词注解


  • 超值爱情特餐


  • 一代巾帼:灵尊大帝


  • 大藏一览


  • 致命赌注


  • 福妻驾到


  • 转世:浮生两世


  • 绝世才女:爱上邪魅王爷


  • 南柯一梦入千界


  • 九转凤印帝姬重生


  • 网游之零界驰骋

