

I'll fix 'em,doctor,he declared.I only hope old Zeke Bassett comes.He lammed me with a horsewhip t'other day,'cause I was ridin'behind his ox cart.If he tried to git by me,I'll bounce a rock off'n his Sunday hat.Doctor,whispered Keziah from the kitchen window.Doctor,come quick.Nat wants you.Captain Nat was standing at the door of the bedroom.His face was drawn and he had seemingly grown years older since noon.

He's come to himself,doc,he whispered.He don't remember how it happened or anything.And he wants us all.Why!why,Keziah!

are you here?

Yes,Nat.I've been here a little while.

He looked at her steadily and his eyes brightened just a trifle.

Did you come to see me?he asked.Was it about what I said this--No,no,Nat;no.I heard the news and that Grace was alone;so Icome right down.

He nodded wearily.

You can come in,too,he said.I know dad likes you and Iguess--Wait a minute;I'll ask him.He stepped back into the bedroom.Yes,he nodded,returning,you come,too.He wants you.The little room,Captain Eben's own,was more like a skipper's cabin than a chamber on land.A narrow,single bed,a plain washstand,a battered,painted bureau and a single chair--these made up the list of furniture.Two pictures,both of schooners under full sail,hung on the walls.Beside them hung a ship's barometer,a sextant,and a clock that struck the bells,instead of the hours as the landsman understands them.In the corner stood the captain's big boots and his oilskins hung above them.His Sunday cane was there also.And on the bureau was a worn,heavy Bible.

Dr.Parker brushed by the others and bent over the bed.

Well,cap'n,he said cheerily,how's she headed?How are you feeling now?The old face on the pillow smiled feebly.

She's headed for home,I guess,doc,said Captain Eben.Bound for home,and the harbor light broad abeam,I cal'late.Oh,no!you'll make a good many voyages yet.Not in this hulk,I won't,doctor.I hope I'll have a new command pretty soon.I'm trustin'in my owners and I guess they'll do the fair thing by me.Halloo,Gracie,girl!Well,your old uncle's on his beam ends,ain't he?Grace glanced fearfully at his face.When he spoke her name she shrank back,as if she feared what he might say.But he only smiled as,with the tears streaming down her face,she bent over and kissed him.

There!there!he protested.You mustn't cry.What are you cryin'about me for?We know,you and me,who's been lookin'out for us and keepin'us on the course all these years.We ain't got anything to cry for.You just keep on bein'a 'good girl,Gracie,and goin'to the right church and--I s'pose Ezekiel'll lead in meetin'now,he added.I do wish he was a stronger man.The doctor,whose fingers had been upon the old man's wrist,looked up at Nat significantly.

There,dad,said the latter,don't you worry about Zeke Bassett,nor anything else.You just lay in dry dock and let Parker here overhaul your runnin'riggin'and get you fit for sea.That's what you've got to do.I'm fit and ready for the sea I'm goin'to sail,was the answer.

His eyes wandered from his son to Mrs.Coffin.For an instant he seemed puzzled.Then he said:

'Evenin',Keziah.I don't know why you're here,but--I heard that Grace was alone and that you was sick,Eben.So Icome right down,to help if I could.

Thank ye.You're a good-hearted woman,Keziah,even though you ain't seen the true light yet.And you're housekeeper for that hired priest--a--a--He paused,and a troubled look came over his face.

What is it,dad?asked Nat.

I--I--Where's Gracie?She's here,ain't she?Yes,uncle,I'm here.Here I am,said the girl.His fingers groped for her hand and seized it.

Yes,yes,you're here,murmured Captain Eben.I--I--for a minute or so,I--I had an awful dream about you,Gracie.Idreamed--Never mind.Doc,answer me this now,true and honest,man to man:Can you keep me here for just a little spell longer?

Can you?Try!Ten minutes,say.Can you?

  • Caught In The Net

    Caught In The Net

  • 烽烟祭


  • 浮生轮回录


  • 蔷薇少女:高冷校草的溺爱


  • 不灭帝尊


  • 兽人黎明


  • 你凭什么要这样爱


  • 轮回魔心


  • 我与仲夏有个约定


  • 剑客均衡

