

Keziah was getting worried about her parson.Not concerning his popularity with his congregation.She had long since ceased to worry about that.The young minister's place in his people's regard was now assured,the attendance was increasing,and the Regular church was now on a firmer footing,financially and socially,than it had been in years.Even Mrs.Rogers and Lavinia Pepper had ceased to criticise,except as pertained to unimportant incidentals,and were now among the loudest of the praise chanters.

And as Captain Zeb Mayo said:When Didama and Laviny stops fault-findin',the millennium's so nigh port a feller ought to be overhaulin'his saint uniform.But what worried Mrs.Coffin was John Ellery's personal appearance and behavior.He had grown perceptibly thinner during the past month,his manner was distrait,and,worst of all in the housekeeper's eyes,his appetite had fallen off.She tried all sorts of tempting dishes,but the result was discouraging.

What!she exclaimed.Don't want but one piece of huckleberry pie?Why,a week ago you ate three and looked kind of disappointed 'cause the dish was empty.What is the matter?Are you sick?No,Mrs.Coffin,replied the Reverend John.No,I'm not sick.Ijust don't feel hungry,that's all.

Hum!Well,I've usually noticed that when a healthy man don't feel hungry at dinner time,'specially in the huckleberry season,his healthiness is pretty shaky.What does ail you,Mr.Ellery?

Got somethin'on your mind?If you have,I'd heave it overboard.

Or you might unload it onto me and let me prescribe.I've had consider'ble experience in that kind of doctorin'.But the answer was unsatisfactory.Mr.Ellery laughed,changed the subject,and wandered out into the garden,where Keziah saw him,shortly afterwards,intently regarding nothing in particular with a rapt stare.She watched him for a few moments and then,with a puzzled shake of the head,returned to her work.She believed that he was troubled about something and was herself troubled in consequence.

His absent-mindedness was most acute on Sunday evenings,before prayer meeting,and after he had returned from the afternoon at Captain Elkanah's.

Say,Mr.Ellery,she said,on one of these Sunday evenings,do you know,it seems to me that Elkanah's meals must go to your head.

Don't have any of his granddad's New England rum,do you?They tell me he's got some of that down cellar that he doles out occasional to his very particular friends.That's the common yarn around town,though I couldn't swear 'twas gospel.The minister smiled and denied acquaintanceship with the New England beverage.

Humph!Then it must be the other thing.You ain't in love,are you?The young man started,colored,and was plainly embarrassed.

In love?he repeated.In love,Mrs.Coffin?Yes,in love.Annabel hasn't landed a male at last,has she?

She's a line over the side for a long time.

The hearty laugh with which this was received settled the question of Annabel's success.Keziah was relieved.

Well,I'm glad of that,she said.I ain't got any grudge against Annabel,but neither have I got one against you.Another man in that family would have an easy time in one way,he wouldn't have to do any thinkin'for himself--Elkanah and his daughter would do all that was necessary.So you're not in love.Then I don't know what does ail you.I'll say this,though,for a body that ain't in love you certainly stay with the Danielses a long time.

You went there right after meetin'this noon and now it's seven o'clock and you've just got home.And 'twas the same last Sunday and the one before.Been there all the time,have you?She knew he had not,because she had seen him pass the parsonage,on the opposite side of the road,two hours before.But she was curious to learn what his reply would be.It was noncommittal.

No,he said slowly.Not all the time.I--er--went for a short walk.Before she could inquire concerning that walk he had entered the study and closed the door after him.

During the week which followed this particular conversation he was more absent-minded than ever.There were evenings when he spoke scarcely a word,but sat silent in his chair,while Keziah,looking up from her mending,watched him and guessed and wondered.After he had gone to his room for the night,she would hear him pacing the floor,back and forth,back and forth.She asked no more questions,however;minding her own business was a specialty of Keziah's,and it was a rare quality in Trumet.

Sunday was a cloudy,warm day,muggy,so Captain Zeb described it.After the morning service Mr.Ellery,as usual,went home with Captain Daniels and Annabel.Keziah returned to the parsonage,ate a lonely dinner,washed the dishes,and sat down to read a library book.She read for an hour and then,finding it difficult to keep her mind on the story,gave it up,closed the book and,rising,walked to the window.But the misty,hot loneliness of the afternoon,was neither interesting nor cheerful,so she turned away and went upstairs to her own room.Her trunk was in one corner of this room and she unlocked it,taking from a compartment of the tray a rosewood writing case,inlaid with mother-of-pearl,a present from her father,who had brought it home from sea when she was a girl.

From the case she took a packet of letters and a daguerreotype.

The latter was the portrait of a young man,in high-collared coat,stock,and fancy waistcoat.His hair,worn long over the ears,was smooth with a shine that suggested oil,and in his shirt front was a large pin,which might possibly have been mistaken by a credulous observer for a diamond.Mrs.Coffin looked at the daguerreotype,sighed,shuddered,and laid it aside.Then she opened the packet of letters.Selecting one from the top of the pile,she read it slowly.And,as she read,she sighed again.

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  • 家有小店


  • 星时代恋人


  • 情与殇成怨


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