

Now,auntie,she said,please listen.I'm in earnest.It seems to me that you might do quite well at dressmaking here in town,if you had a little--well,ready money to help you at the start.I've got a few hundred dollars in the bank,presents from uncle,and my father's insurance money.I should love to lend it to you,and Iknow uncle would--

Mrs.Coffin interrupted her.

Cat's foot!she exclaimed.I hope I haven't got where I need to borrow money yet a while.Thank you just as much,deary,but long's I've got two hands and a mouth,I'll make the two keep t'other reasonably full,I wouldn't wonder.No,I shan't think of it,so don't say another word.NO.The negative was so decided that Grace was silenced.Her disappointment showed in her face,however,and Keziah hastened to change the subject.

How do you know,she observed,but what my goin'to Boston may be the best thing that ever happened to me?You can't tell.No use despairin',Annabel ain't given up hope yet;why should I?Hey?Ain't that somebody comin'?

Her companion sprang to her feet and ran to the window.Then she broke into a smothered laugh.

Why,it's Kyan Pepper!she exclaimed.He must be coming to see you,Aunt Keziah.And he's got on his very best Sunday clothes.

Gracious!I must be going.I didn't know you expected callers.Keziah dropped the tack hammer and stood up.

Kyan!she repeated.What in the world is that old idiot comin' here for?To talk about the minister,I s'pose.How on earth did Laviny ever come to let him out alone?Mr.Pepper,Mr.Abishai Pepper,locally called Kyan(Cayenne)Pepper because of his red hair and thin red side whiskers,was one of Trumet's characters,and in his case the character was weak.

He was born in the village and,when a youngster,had,like every other boy of good family in the community,cherished ambitions for a seafaring life.His sister,Lavinia,ten years older than he,who,after the death of their parents,had undertaken the job of bringing upher brother,did not sympathize with these ambitions.

Consequently,when Kyan ran away she followed him to Boston,stalked aboard the vessel where he had shipped,and collared him,literally and figuratively.One of the mates venturing to offer objection,Lavinia turned upon him and gave him a piece of her mind,to the immense delight of the crew and the loungers on the wharf.Then she returned with the vagrant to Trumet.Old Captain Higgins,who skippered the packet in those days,swore that Lavinia never stopped lecturing her brother from the time they left Boston until they dropped anchor behind the breakwater.

I give you my word that 'twas pretty nigh a stark calm,but there was such a steady stream of language pourin'out of the Pepper stateroom that the draught kept the sails filled all the way home,asserted Captain Higgins.

That was Kyan's sole venture,so far as sailoring was concerned,but he ran away again when he was twenty-five.This time he returned of his own accord,bringing a wife with him,one Evelyn Gott of Ostable.Evelyn could talk a bit herself,and her first interview with Lavinia ended with the latter's leaving the house in a rage,swearing never to set foot in it again.This oath she broke the day of her sister-in-law's funeral.Then she appeared,after the ceremony,her baggage on the wagon with her.The bereaved one,who was sitting on the front stoop of his dwelling with,so people say,a most resigned expression on his meek countenance,looked up and saw her.

My land!Laviny,he exclaimed,turning pale.Where'd you come from?Never mind WHERE I come from,observed his sister promptly.You just be thankful I've come.If ever a body needed some one to take care of 'em,it's you.You can tote my things right in,she added,turning to her grinning driver,and you,'Bishy,go right in with 'em.The idea of your settin'outside takin'it easy when your poor wife ain't been buried more'n an hour!But--but--Laviny,protested poor Kyan,speaking the truth unwittingly,I couldn't take it easy AFORE she was buried,could I?Go right in,was the answer.March!

Abishai marched,and had marched under his sister's orders ever since.She kept house for him,and did it well,but her one fear was that some female might again capture him,and she watched him with an eagle eye.He was the town assessor and tax collector,but when he visited dwellings containing single women or widows,Lavinia always accompanied him,to help him in his figgerin',she said.

Consequently,when he appeared,unchaperoned,on the walk leading to the side door of the Coffin homestead,Keziah and her friend were surprised.

He's dressed to kill,whispered Grace,at the window.Even his tall hat;and in this fog!I do believe he's coming courting,Aunt Keziah.Humph!was the ungracious answer.He's come to say good-by,Is'pose,and to find out where I'm goin'and how much pay I'm goin' to get and if my rent's settled,and a few other little things that ain't any of his business.Laviny put him up to it,you see.

She'll be along pretty quick.Well,I'll fix him so he won't talk much.He can help us take down that stovepipe.I said 'twas a job for a man,and a half one's better than none--Why,how d'ye do,'Bishy?Come right in.Pretty thick outside,isn't it?Mr.Pepper entered diffidently.

Er--er--how d'ye do,Keziah?he stammered.I thought I'd just run in a minute and--Yes,yes.Glad to see you.Take off your hat.My sakes!it's pretty wet.How did Laviny come to let you--I mean how'd you come to wear a beaver such a mornin's this?Kyan removed the silk hat and inspected its limp grandeur ruefully.

I--I--he began.Well,the fact is,I come out by myself.You see,Laviny's gone up to Sarah B.'s to talk church doin's.I--I--well,I kind of wanted to speak with you about somethin',Keziah,so--Oh!I didn't see you,Gracie.Good mornin'.He didn't seem overjoyed to see Miss Van Horne,as it was.In fact,he reddened perceptibly and backed toward the door.The girl,her eyes twinkling,took up her jacket and hat.

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