Myra Williams Jarrell,the daughter of the late Archie L.Williams,for thirty years,the attorney for the Union Pacific Railway in Kansas,and the grand-daughter of Judge Archibald Williams,the first United States Circuit Judge of Kansas,appointed by Lincoln,comes of a literary family.All of the men and some of the women on the father's side of the family and also,on the mother's to a great extent,had literary talent.
As a child,she cherished an ambition to write and when occasionally one of her letters to St.Nicholas saw publication,she felt she had crossed the Alps of her desire.Her first real story,however,was written as she rocked the cradle of her first born.The day,when she first saw her stuff in print,stands out in her memory second only to the hallowed days of her personal history,her wedding day and the days upon which her children were born.
Since then,Mrs.Jarrell has contributed to almost all the high class magazines and has furnished special feature articles to newspapers.
Some years ago,a small book,Meg,of Valencia,was written and now,a novel,The Hand of The Potter is ready for publication.
In 1894,Myra Williams and J.F.Jarrell were married.This union was blest with four children,three sons and one daughter.Mr.Jarrell is Publicity Agent of the Santa Fe.A number of years ago,he bought the Holton Signal and in trying to help her husband put some individuality into the paper,Mrs.Jarrell began a department headed Ramblings.Later this was syndicated and finally issued in book form.
Last winter,a play,The Plain Clothes Man,was produced by the North Brothers Stock Co.,at the Majestic Theatre,Topeka.This well written play,with its novel and original characterization and its effective comedy lines,is now in the hands of two New York play brokers.Before many months,Mrs.Jarrell will be enjoying a royalty.
In preparation,are two plays,as yet nameless;also,a play in collaboration with Mr.North of the North Stock Co.With her brother,Burus L.Williams,of Kansas City,Mo.,Mrs.Jarrell has written an opera,The Mix Up in the Kingdom of Something-Like,which awaits only the lyrics Mr.Williams is writing and the music.An opera,The Kingdom of Never Come True,also,in collaboration with Mr.Williams,is being set to music by Arthur Pryor,the bandmaster.
A serial story,John Bishop,Farmer,a collaboration with Albert T.Reed,the artist,is to be published soon in the Kansas Farmer.Later,this will appear in book form.A novel,which Mrs.Jarrell believes will be her best work,is in construction and is clamoring to be written.