
第5章 THE TRAIL(3)

It was David's turn to stare.Just what a tramp might be,he did not know;but never before had a request of his been so angrily refused.He knew that.A fierce something rose within him--a fierce new something that sent the swift red to his neck and brow.He raised a determined hand to the doorknob--he had something to say to that woman!--when the door suddenly opened again from the inside.

"See here,boy,"began the woman,looking out at him a little less unkindly,"if you're hungry I'll give you some milk and bread.Go around to the back porch and I'll get it for you."And she shut the door again.

David's hand dropped to his side.The red still stayed on his face and neck,however,and that fierce new something within him bade him refuse to take food from this woman....But there was his father--his poor father,who was so tired;and there was his own stomach clamoring to be fed.No,he could not refuse.And with slow steps and hanging head David went around the corner of the house to the rear.

As the half-loaf of bread and the pail of milk were placed in his hands,David remembered suddenly that in the village store on the mountain,his father paid money for his food.David was glad,now,that he had those gold-pieces in his pocket,for he could pay money.Instantly his head came up.Once more erect with self-respect,he shifted his burdens to one hand and thrust the other into his pocket.A moment later he presented on his outstretched palm a shining disk of gold.

"Will you take this,to pay,please,for the bread and milk?"he asked proudly.

The woman began to shake her head;but,as her eyes fell on the money,she started,and bent closer to examine it.The next instant she jerked herself upright with an angry exclamation.

"It's gold!A ten-dollar gold-piece!So you're a thief,too,are you,as well as a tramp?Humph!Well,I guess you don't need this then,"she finished sharply,snatching the bread and the pail of milk from the boy's hand.

The next moment David stood alone on the doorstep,with the sound of a quickly thrown bolt in his ears.

A thief!David knew little of thieves,but he knew what they were.Only a month before a man had tried to steal the violins from the cabin;and he was a thief,the milk-boy said.David flushed now again,angrily,as he faced the closed door.But he did not tarry.He turned and ran to his father.

"Father,come away,quick!You must come away,"he choked.

So urgent was the boy's voice that almost unconsciously the sick man got to his feet.With shaking hands he thrust the notes he had been writing into his pocket.The little book,from which he had torn the leaves for this purpose,had already dropped unheeded into the grass at his feet.

"Yes,son,yes,we'll go,"muttered the man."I feel better now.

I can--walk."

And he did walk,though very slowly,ten,a dozen,twenty steps.

From behind came the sound of wheels that stopped close beside them.

"Hullo,there!Going to the village?"called a voice.

"Yes,sir."David's answer was unhesitating.Where "the village"was,he did not know;he knew only that it must be somewhere away from the woman who had called him a thief.And that was all he cared to know.

"I'm going 'most there myself.Want a lift?"asked the man,still kindly.

"Yes,sir.Thank you!"cried the boy joyfully.And together they aided his father to climb into the roomy wagon-body.

There were few words said.The man at the reins drove rapidly,and paid little attention to anything but his horses.The sick man dozed and rested.The boy sat,wistful-eyed and silent,watching the trees and houses flit by.The sun had long ago set,but it was not dark,for the moon was round and bright,and the sky was cloudless.Where the road forked sharply the man drew his horses to a stop.

"Well,I'm sorry,but I guess I'll have to drop you here,friends.I turn off to the right;but 't ain't more 'n a quarter of a mile for you,now"he finished cheerily,pointing with his whip to a cluster of twinkling lights.

"Thank you,sir,thank you,"breathed David gratefully,steadying his father's steps."You've helped us lots.Thank you!"In David's heart was a wild desire to lay at his good man's feet all of his shining gold-pieces as payment for this timely aid.

But caution held him back:it seemed that only in stores did money pay;outside it branded one as a thief!

Alone with his father,David faced once more his problem.Where should they go for the night?Plainly his father could not walk far.He had begun to talk again,too,--low,half-finished sentences that David could not understand,and that vaguely troubled him.There was a house near by,and several others down the road toward the village;but David had had all the experience he wanted that night with strange houses,and strange women.

There was a barn,a big one,which was nearest of all;and it was toward this barn that David finally turned his father's steps.

"We'll go there,daddy,if we can get in,"he proposed softly.

"And we'll stay all night and rest."

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