
第39章 SECRETS(2)

"What I was playing,you know.And he was almost the first one that did--since father went away.And now I play every time I go there.Joe says he never knew before how trees and grass and sunsets and sunrises and birds and little brooks did look,till Itold him with my violin.Now he says he thinks he can see them better than I can,because as long as his OUTSIDE eyes can't see anything,they can't see those ugly things all around him,and so he can just make his INSIDE eyes see only the beautiful things that he'd LIKE to see.And that's the kind he does see when Iplay.That's why I said he understood."

For a moment there was silence.In Mr.Jack's eyes there was an odd look as they rested on David's face.Then,abruptly,he spoke.

"David,I wish I had money.I'd put you then where you belonged,"he sighed.

"Do you mean--where I'd find my work to do?"asked the boy softly.

"Well--yes;you might say it that way,"smiled the man,after a moment's hesitation--not yet was Mr.Jack quite used to this boy who was at times so very un-boylike.

"Father told me 't was waiting for me--somewhere."Mr.Jack frowned thoughtfully.

"And he was right,David.The only trouble is,we like to pick it out for ourselves,pretty well,--too well,as we find out sometimes,when we're called off--for another job.""I know,Mr.Jack,I know,"breathed David.And the man,looking into the glowing dark eyes,wondered at what he found there.It was almost as if the boy really understood about his own life's disappointment--and cared;though that,of course,could not be!

"And it's all the harder to keep ourselves in tune then,too,is n't it?"went on David,a little wistfully.

"In tune?"

"With the rest of the Orchestra."

"Oh!"And Mr.Jack,who had already heard about the "Orchestra of Life,"smiled a bit sadly."That's just it,my boy.And if we're handed another instrument to play on than the one we WANTto play on,we're apt to--to let fly a discord.Anyhow,I am.

But"--he went on more lightly--"now,in your case,David,little as I know about the violin,I know enough to understand that you ought to be where you can take up your study of it again;where you can hear good music,and where you can be among those who know enough to appreciate what you do."David's eyes sparkled.

"And where there wouldn't be any pulling weeds or hoeing dirt?""Well,I hadn't thought of including either of those pastimes.""My,but I would like that,Mr.Jack!--but THAT wouldn't be WORK,so that couldn't be what father meant."David's face fell.

"Hm-m;well,I wouldn't worry about the 'work'part,"laughed Mr.Jack,"particularly as you aren't going to do it just now.

There's the money,you know,--and we haven't got that.""And it takes money?"

"Well--yes.You can't get those things here in Hinsdale,you know;and it takes money,to get away,and to live away after you get there."A sudden light transfigured David's face.

"Mr.Jack,would gold do it?--lots of little round gold-pieces?""I think it would,David,if there were enough of them.""Many as a hundred?"

"Sure--if they were big enough.Anyway,David,they'd start you,and I'm thinking you wouldn't need but a start before you'd be coining gold-pieces of your own out of that violin of yours.But why?Anybody you know got as 'many as a hundred'gold-pieces he wants to get rid of?"For a moment David,his delighted thoughts flying to the gold-pieces in the chimney cupboard of his room,was tempted to tell his secret.Then he remembered the woman with the bread and the pail of milk,and decided not to.He would wait.When he knew Mr.Jack better--perhaps then he would tell;but not now.NOWMr.Jack might think he was a thief,and that he could not bear.

So he took up his violin and began to play;and in the charm of the music Mr.Jack seemed to forget the gold-pieces--which was exactly what David had intended should happen.

Not until David had said good-bye some time later,did he remember the purpose--the special purpose--for which he had come.

He turned back with a radiant face.

"Oh,and Mr.Jack,I 'most forgot,"he cried."I was going to tell you.I saw you yesterday--I did,and I almost waved to you.""Did you?Where were you?"

"Over there in the window--the tower window"he crowed jubilantly.

"Oh,you went again,then,I suppose,to see Miss Holbrook."The man's voice sounded so oddly cold and distant that David noticed it at once.He was reminded suddenly of the gate and the footbridge which Jill was forbidden to cross;but he dared not speak of it then--not when Mr.Jack looked like that.He did say,however:--"Oh,but,Mr.Jack,it's such a beautiful place!You don't know what a beautiful place it is.""Is it?Then,you like it so much?"

"Oh,so much!But--didn't you ever--see it?"

"Why,yes,I believe I did,David,long ago,"murmured Mr.Jack with what seemed to David amazing indifference.

"And did you see HER--my Lady of the Roses?"

"Why,y--yes--I believe so."

"And is THAT all you remember about it?"resented David,highly offended.

The man gave a laugh--a little short,hard laugh that David did not like.

"But,let me see;you said you almost waved,didn't you?Why did n't you,quite?"asked the man.

David drew himself suddenly erect.Instinctively he felt that his Lady of the Roses needed defense.

"Because SHE didn't want me to;so I didn't,of course,"he rejoined with dignity."She took away my handkerchief.""I'll warrant she did,"muttered the man,behind his teeth.Aloud he only laughed again,as he turned away.

David went on down the steps,dissatisfied vaguely with himself,with Mr.Jack,and even with the Lady of the Roses.

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