

(Warroquier, II, 467). 18 general governments to 60,000 livres, 21 to 30,000; 114 special governments; 25 to 12,000 livres, 25 to 10,000 and 64 to 8,000; 176 lieutenants and commandants of towns, places, etc., of which 35 were reduced to 16,600 and 141 from 2,000 to 6,000. - The ordinance of 1788 established, besides these, 17 commands in chief with from 20,000 to 30,000 livres fixed salary and from 4,000 to 6,000a month for residence, and commands of a secondary grade.

[11]. Somewhat like a minister of culture in one of our western Welfare Social democracies, and which secures the support for the ruling class of a horde of "artists" of all sorts. (SR.)[12]. Archives nationales, H, 944, April 25, and September 20, 1780. Letters and Memoirs of Furgole, advocate at Toulouse.

[13]. Archives nationales, O1, 738 (Reports made to the bureau-general of the king's household, March, 1780, by M. Mesnard de Chousy). Augeard, "Mémoires," 97. - Mme. Campan, "Mémoires," I. 291. -D'Argenson, "Mémoires," February 10, December 9, 1751, - "Essai sur les capitaineries royales et autres" (1789), p. 80. - Warroquier, "Etat de la France en 1789," I. 266.

[14]. "Marie Antoinette," by D'Arneth and Geffroy, II. 377.

[15]. 1 crown (écu) equals 6 livres under Louis XV. (SR.)[16]. Mme. Campan, "Mémoires," I. 296, 298, 300, 301; III. 78. -Hippeau, "Le Gouvernement de Normandie," IV. 171 (Letter from Paris, December 13, 1780). - D'Argenson, "Mémoires," September 5, 1755. -Bachaumont, January 19, 1758. - "Mémoire sur l'imposition territoriale," by M. de Calonne (1787), p. 54.

[17]. D'Argenson, "Mémoires," December 9, 1751. "The expense to courtiers of two new and magnificent coats, each for two fête days, ordered by the king, completely ruins them."[18]. De Luynes, "Journal," XIV. pp. 147-295, XV. 36, 119. -D'Argenson, "Mémoires," April 8, 1752, March 30 and July 28, 1753, July 2, 1735, June 23, 1756. - Hippeau, ibid.. IV. p. 153 (Letter of May 15, 1780). - Necker, "De l'Administration des Finances," II. pp.

265, 269, 270, 271, 228. - Augeard, "Mémoires," p 249.

[19]. Nicolardot, "Journal de Louis XVI.," p. 228. Appropriations in the Red Book of 1774 to 1789: 227,985,716 livres, of which 80,000,000 are in acquisitions and gifts to the royal family. - Among others there are 14,600,000 to the Comte d'Artois and 14,450,000 to Monsieur. - 7,726,253 are given to the Queen for Saint-Cloud. -8,70,000 for the acquisition of Ile-Adam.

[20]. Cf . "Compte général des revenus et dépenses fixes au 1er Mai, 1789" (Imprimerie royale, 1789, in 4to). Estate of Ile-Dieu, acquired in 1783 of the Duc de Mortemart, 1,000,000; estate of Viviers, acquired of the Prince de Soubise in 1784, 1,500,000. -Estates of St. Priest and of St. Etienne, acquired in 1787 of M.

Gilbert des Voisins, 1,335,935. - The forests of Camors and of Floranges, acquired of the Duc de Liancourt in 1785, 1,200,000. - The county of Montgommery, acquired of M. Clement de Basville in 1785, 3,306,604.

[21]. "Le President des Brosses," by Foisset. (Remonstrances to the king by the Parliament of Dijon, Jan. 19, 1764).

[22]. Lucas de Montigny, "Mémoires de Mirabeau." Letter of the bailiff, May 26, 1781. - D'Argenson, "Mémoires," VI. 156, 157, 160, 76; VI. p. 320. - Marshal Marmont, "Mémoires," I. 9. - De Ferrières, "Mémoires," preface. See, on the difficulty in succeeding, the Memoirs of Dumourier. Chateaubriand's father is likewise one of the discontented, "a political frondeur, and very inimical to the court."(I. 206). - Records of the States-General of 1789, a general summary by Prud'homme, II. passim.

[23]. "Ephémérides du citoyen," II. 202, 203. - Voltaire, "Dictionnaire philosophique," article "Curé de Campagne." - AbbéGuettée, "Histoire de l'Eglise de France," XII. 130.

[24]. Those entitled to tithes in cereals.- TR.

[25]. A curate's salary at the present day (1875) is, at the minimum, 900 francs with a house and perquisites.

[26]. Théron de Montaugé, "L'Agriculture les classes rurale, dans le pays Toulousain," p. 86.

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