
第98章 Irving’s Bonneville - Chapter 34(2)

with too partial an eye, are certainly among the gentlest, and least barbarous people of theseremote wildernesses. They invariably signified to him their earnest wish that an American postmight be established among them; and repeatedly declared that they would trade with Americans,in preference to any other people.

Captain Bonneville had intended to remain some time in this neighborhood, to form anacquaintance with the natives, and to collect information, and establish connections that might beadvantageous in the way of trade. The delays, however, which he had experienced on hisjourney, obliged him to shorten his sojourn, and to set off as soon as possible, so as to reach therendezvous at the Portneuf at the appointed time. He had seen enough to convince him that anAmerican trade might be carried on with advantage in this quarter; and he determined soon toreturn with a stronger party, more completely fitted for the purpose.

As he stood in need of some supplies for his journey, he applied to purchase them of Mr.

Pambrune; but soon found the difference between being treated as a guest, or as a rival trader.

The worthy superintendent, who had extended to him all the genial rites of hospitality, nowsuddenly assumed a withered-up aspect and demeanor, and observed that, however he might feeldisposed to serve him, personally, he felt bound by his duty to the Hudson's Bay Company, to donothing which should facilitate or encourage the visits of other traders among the Indians in thatpart of the country. He endeavored to dissuade Captain Bonneville from returning through theBlue Mountains; assuring him it would be extremely difficult and dangerous, if notimpracticable, at this season of the year; and advised him to accompany Mr. Payette, a leader ofthe Hudson's Bay Company, who was about to depart with a number of men, by a morecircuitous, but safe route, to carry supplies to the company's agent, resident among the UpperNez Perces. Captain Bonneville, however, piqued at his having refused to furnish him withsupplies, and doubting the sincerity of his advice, determined to return by the more direct routethrough the mountains; though varying his course, in some respects, from that by which he hadcome, in consequence of information gathered among the neighboring Indians.

Accordingly, on the 6th of March, he and his three companions, accompanied by their NezPerce

guides, set out on their return. In the early part of their course, they touched again at several ofthe Nez Perce villages, where they had experienced such kind treatment on their way down. Theywere always welcomed with cordiality; and everything was done to cheer them on their journey.

On leaving the Way-lee-way village, they were joined by a Nez Perce, whose society waswelcomed on account of the general gratitude and good will they felt for his tribe. He soonproved a heavy clog upon the little party, being doltish and taciturn, lazy in the extreme, and ahuge feeder. His only proof of intellect was in shrewdly avoiding all labor, and availing himselfof the toil of others. When on the march, he always lagged behind the rest, leaving to them thetask of breaking a way through all difficulties and impediments, and leisurely and lazily joggingalong the track, which they had beaten through the snow. At the evening encampment, whenothers were busy gathering fuel, providing for the horses, and cooking the evening repast, thisworthy Sancho of the wilderness would take his seat quietly and cosily by the fire, puffing awayat his pipe, and eyeing in silence, but with wistful intensity of gaze, the savory morsels roastingfor supper.

When meal-time arrived, however, then came his season of activity. He no longer hungback, and

waited for others to take the lead, but distinguished himself by a brilliancy of onset, and asustained vigor and duration of attack, that completely shamed the efforts of hiscompetitors--albeit, experienced trenchermen of no mean prowess. Never had they witnessedsuch power of mastication, and such marvellous capacity of stomach, as in this native anduncultivated gastronome. Having, by repeated and prolonged assaults, at length completelygorged himself, he would wrap himself up and lie with the torpor of an anaconda; slowlydigesting his way on to the next repast.

The gormandizing powers of this worthy were, at first, matters of surprise and merriment tothe

travellers; but they soon became too serious for a joke, threatening devastation to the fleshpots;and he was regarded askance, at his meals, as a regular kill-crop, destined to waste the substanceof the party. Nothing but a sense of the obligations they were under to his nation induced them tobear with such a guest; but he proceeded, speedily, to relieve them from the weight of theseobligations, by eating a receipt in full. [Return to Contents].

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  • 穿越之战团征途


  • 给孩子真正的幸福


    本书从儿童教育的现实情况出发,结合心理学的理论和研究结论,剖析了儿童的家庭教育中普遍存在的问题,尤其是对孩子性格发展影响较大的问题, 探讨了家长在培养孩子健康人格的过程中应具备的教育理念,旨在如何形成家长适当的教育观念,如何为儿童创设的家庭环境,如何培养儿童所需的性格,帮助家长朋友们培养出平和而又理性、聪明而又智慧、善良而又独立、坚韧而又灵活、自信而又合群、明辨是非而又富有创造力的孩子。
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  • 执神之手,将神拖走


  • 心有独钟


  • 唐朝大明星


  • 御天神尊

