
第15章 Irving’s Bonneville - Chapter 4(4)

On the 12th of July, Captain Bonneville abandoned the main stream of the Nebraska,which was continually shouldered by rugged promontories, and making a bend to thesouthwest, for a couple of days, part of the time over plains of loose sand, encampedon the 14th on the banks of the Sweet Water, a stream about twenty yards in breadth,and four or five feet deep, flowing between low banks over a sandy soil, and formingone of the forks or upper branches of the Nebraska. Up this stream they now shapedtheir course for several successive days, tending, generally, to the west. The soil waslight and sandy; the country much diversified. Frequently the plains were studded withisolated blocks of rock, sometimes in the shape of a half globe, and from three to fourhundred feet high. These singular masses had occasionally a very imposing, and evensublime appearance, rising from the midst of a savage and lonely landscape.

As the travellers continued to advance, they became more and more sensible of theelevation of the country. The hills around were more generally capped with snow. Themen complained of cramps and colics, sore lips and mouths, and violent headaches.

The wood-work of the wagons also shrank so much that it was with difficulty the wheelswere kept from falling to pieces. The country bordering upon the river was frequentlygashed with deep ravines, or traversed by high bluffs, to avoid which, the travellerswere obliged to make wide circuits through the plains. In the course of these, they cameupon immense herds of buffalo, which kept scouring off in the van, like a retreatingarmy.

Among the motley retainers of the camp was Tom Cain, a raw Irishman, who officiatedas cook, whose various blunders and expedients in his novel situation, and in the wildscenes and wild kind of life into which he had suddenly been thrown, had made him akind of butt or droll of the camp. Tom, however, began to discover an ambition superiorto his station; and the conversation of the hunters, and their stories of their exploits,inspired him with a desire to elevate himself to the dignity of their order. The buffalo insuch immense droves presented a tempting opportunity for making his first essay. Herode, in the line of march, all prepared for action: his powder-flask and shot-pouchknowingly slung at the pommel of his saddle, to be at hand; his rifle balanced on hisshoulder. While in this plight, a troop of Buffalo came trotting by in great alarm. In aninstant, Tom sprang from his horse and gave chase on foot. Finding they were leavinghim behind, he levelled his rifle and pulled [the] trigger. His shot produced no othereffect than to increase the speed of the buffalo, and to frighten his own horse, who tookto his heels, and scampered off with all the ammunition. Tom scampered after him,hallooing with might and main, and the wild horse and wild Irishman soon disappearedamong the ravines of the prairie. Captain Bonneville, who was at the head of the line,and had seen the transaction at a distance, detached a party in pursuit of Tom. After along interval they returned, leading the frightened horse; but though they had scouredthe country, and looked out and shouted from every height, they had seen nothing ofhis rider.

As Captain Bonneville knew Tom's utter awkwardness and inexperience, and thedangers of a bewildered Irishman in the midst of a prairie, he halted and encamped atan early hour, that there might be a regular hunt for him in the morning.

At early dawn on the following day scouts were sent off in every direction, while themain body, after breakfast, proceeded slowly on its course. It was not until the middle ofthe afternoon that the hunters returned, with honest Tom mounted behind one of them.

They had found him in a complete state of perplexity and amazement. His appearancecaused shouts of merriment in the camp,--but Tom for once could not join in the mirthraised at his expense: he was completely chapfallen, and apparently cured of thehunting mania for the rest of his life. [Return to Contents].

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