

He had his wife and his two children with him. The poor woman fell ill and died; so we took the two children. My wife was willing;she was a wonderfully good woman, member of the Methodist church till she died. I--I am not a church member myself, ma'am; I passed through that stage of spiritual development a long while ago."He gave a wistful glance at his companion's dimly outlined profile.

"But I never tried to disturb her faith; it made HER happy.""Oh, I don't think it is any good fooling with other people's religions,"said the woman, easily. "It is just like trying to talk folks out of drinking; nobody knows what is right for anybody else's soul any more than they do what is good for anybody else's stomach!""Yes, ma'am. You put things very clearly."

"I guess it is because you understand so quickly.

But you were saying ------"

"That's all the story. We took the children, and their father was killed by the cars the next year, poor man;and so we have done the best we could ever since by them.""I should say you had done very well by them.""No, ma'am; I haven't done very well somehow by anyone, myself included, though God knows I've tried hard enough!"Then followed the silence natural after such a confession when the listener does not know the speaker well enough to parry abasement by denial.

"I am impressed," said Nelson, simply, "to talk with you frankly.

It isn't polite to bother strangers with your troubles, but I am impressed that you won't mind.""Oh, no, I won't mind."

It was not extravagant sympathy; but Nelson thought how kind her voice sounded, and what a musical voice it was.

Most people would have called it rather sharp.

He told her--with surprisingly little egotism, as the keen listener noted--the story of his life; the struggle of his boyhood;his random self-education; his years in the army (he had criticised his superior officers, thereby losing the promotion that was coming for bravery in the field); his marriage (apparently he had married his wife because another man had jilted her);his wrestle with nature (whose pranks included a cyclone)on a frontier farm that he eventually lost, having put all his savings into a "Greenback" newspaper, and being thus swamped with debt; his final slow success in paying for his Iowa farm;and his purchase of the new farm, with its resulting disaster.

"I've farmed in Kansas," he said, "in Nebraska, in Dakota, in Iowa.

I was willing to go wherever the land promised. It always seemed like I was going to succeed, but somehow I never did.

The world ain't fixed right for the workers, I take it.

A man who has spent thirty years in hard, honest toil oughtn't to be staring ruin in the face like I am to-day. They won't let it be so when we have the single tax and when we farmers send our own men instead of city lawyers, to the Legislature and halls of Congress.

Sometimes I think it's the world that's wrong and sometimes Ithink it's me!"

The reply came in crisp and assured accents, which were the strongest contrast to Nelson's soft, undecided pipe: "Seems to me in this last case the one most to blame is neither you nor the world at large, but this man Richards, who is asking YOU to pay for HIS farm.

And I notice you don't seem to consider your creditor in this business.

How do you know she don't need the money? Look at me, for instance;I'm in some financial difficulty myself. I have a mortgage for two thousand dollars, and that mortgage--for which good value was given, mind you--falls due this month. I want the money. I want it bad.

I have a chance to put my money into stock at the factory.

I know all about the investment; I haven't worked there all these years and not know how the business stands. It is a chance to make a fortune.

I ain't likely to ever have another like it; and it won't wait for me to make up my mind forever, either. Isn't it hard on me, too?""Lord knows it is, ma'am," said Nelson, despondently; "it is hard on us all! Sometimes I don't see the end of it all.

A vast social revolution ----"

"Social fiddlesticks! I beg your pardon, Mr. Forrest, but it puts me out of patience to have people expecting to be allowed to make every mortal kind of fools of themselves and then have 'a social revolution'

jump in to slue off the consequences. Let us understand each other.

Who do you suppose I am?"

"Miss--Miss Almer, ain't it?"

"It's Alma Brown, Mr. Forrest. I saw you coming on the boat and I made Mr. Martin fetch me over to you. I told him not to say my name, because I wanted a good plain talk with you.

Well, I've had it. Things are just about where I thought they were, and I told Mr. Lossing so. But I couldn't be sure.

You must have thought me a funny kind of woman to be telling you all those things about myself."Nelson, who had changed color half a dozen times in the darkness, sighed before he said: "No, ma'am; I only thought how good you were to tell me. I hoped maybe you were impressed to trust me as I was to trust you."Being so dark Nelson could not see the queer expression on her face as she slowly shook her head. She was thinking:

"If I ever saw a babe in arms trying to do business!

How did HE ever pay for a farm?" She said: "Well, I did it on purpose; I wanted you to know I wasn't a cruel aristocrat, but a woman that had worked as hard as yourself.

Now, why shouldn't you help me and yourself instead of helping Richards? You have confidence in me, you say.

Well, show it. I'll give you your mortgage for your mortgage on Richards's farm. Come, can't you trust Richards to me?

You think it over."

The hiss of a rocket hurled her words into space.

The fireworks had begun. Miss Brown looked at them and watched Nelson at the same time. As a good business woman who was also a good citizen, having subscribed five dollars to the carnival, she did not propose to lose the worth of her money;neither did she intend to lose a chance to do business.

Perhaps there was an obscurer and more complex motive lurking in some stray corner of that queer garret, a woman's mind.

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  • 致命情人金主别嚣张


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  • 网游之唯唐


  • 称霸天下的强者


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  • 无限之不凡


  • 末世巨人


  • 废材逆天邪宠王妃


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