Great is that plain, and wide is that country;Their helmets shine with golden jewellery, Also their sarks embroidered and their shields, And the ensigns fixed on all their burnished spears.
The trumpets sound, their voice is very clear, And the olifant its echoing music speaks.
Then the admiral, his brother calleth he, 'Tis Canabeus, the king of Floredee, Who holds the land unto the Vale Sevree;He's shewn to him Carlun's ten companies:
"The pride of France, renowned land, you see.
That Emperour canters right haughtily, His bearded men are with him in the rear;Over their sarks they have thrown out their beards Which are as white as driven snows that freeze.
Strike us they will with lances and with spears:
Battle with them we'll have, prolonged and keen;Never has man beheld such armies meet."
Further than one might cast a rod that's peeled Goes Baligant before his companies.
His reason then he's shewn to them, and speaks:
"Pagans, come on; for now I take the field."His spear in hand he brandishes and wields, Towards Carlun has turned the point of steel.