4. Another method of cure:-Taking a very slender thread of raw lint, and uniting it into five folds of the length of a span, and wrapping them round with a horse hair; then having made a director (specillum) of tin, with an eye at its extremity, and having passed through it the end of raw lint wrapped round as above described, introduce the director into the fistula, and, at the same time, introduce the index finger of the left hand per anum; and when the director touches the finger, bring it out with the finger, bending the extremity of the director and the end of the threads in it, and the director is to be withdrawn, but the ends of the threads are to be knotted twice or thrice, and the rest of the raw threads is to be twisted around and fastened into a knot. Then the patient is to be told that he may go and attend to his matters. The rest of the treatment:-Whenever any part of the thread gets loose owing to the fistula becoming putrid, it is to be tightened and twisted every day; and should the raw thread rot before the fistula is eaten through, you must attach another piece of raw thread to the hair, pass it through, and tie it, for it was for this purpose that the hair was rolled round the raw lint, as it is not liable to rot. When the fistula has sloughed through, a soft sponge is to be cut into very slender pieces and applied, and then the flowers of copper, roasted, are to be frequently applied with a director; and the sponge smeared with honey is to be introduced with the index finger of the left hand, and pushed forward; and another bit of added, it is to be bound on in the same manner as in the operation for hemorrhoids. Next day, having loosed the bandages, the fistula is to be washed with hot water, and cleansed, as far as possible, with the finger of the left hand by means of the sponge, and again the flos aeris is to be applied. This is to be done for seven days, for generally the coat of the fistula takes that time to fistula takes that time to slouch through. The same mode of bandaging is to be persevered in afterwards, until the cure be completed. For in this way, the fistula being forcibly expanded by the sponge will not fill up and heal unequally, but it will all become whole together. During the treatment, the part should be bathed with plenty of warm water, and the patient kept on a spare diet.
春秋战国时期的楚幽王死后葬在什么地方?是安徽的寿县,还是在湖南永州的九嶷山中?而他那一座沉埋于地下的王陵之中有没有藏着传说之中富可敌国的珍宝?本书讲述的就是一个盗墓者的诡异经历。明朝末年,生于乱世的山村少年风冷情,无意之中闯入了公主坟中,巧遇盗墓门下的一代宗师水天波。其后被水天波收入盗墓门下,带回九嶷山中,苦练淘沙绝技。十年之后,水天波旧病复发。为救治水天波的伤病,风冷情带领水灵闯入了神秘恐怖的楚幽王陵之中。寻求一枚可以解救水天波伤病的千年玉髓。其间经历了九死一生。楚幽王陵之中步步杀机:一击致命的追魂夺命弩。见血封侯的毒龙枪。噬魂夺命的灯芯虫。每一步行差踏错就是灭顶之灾。最终风冷情和水灵来到楚幽王的墓室之中,而那妄求长生的楚幽王最终有没有得偿心愿? 风冷情和水灵最终有没有得到那一枚千年玉髓?那传说之中富可敌国的珍宝有没有在楚幽王陵之中出现?——月夜鬼吹灯,新派盗墓奇侠小说再战江湖!