Hitherto the Matter of Trade hath beene considered in Money and Merchandize: the Forme followeth, and that either in respect of Government, or want of Government in trade. Government is a representation of the Majestie and Authoritie of the King. The subject that is honoured with Government, is invested with part of the Kings Honour. The Trades of this Kingdome which by His Majesties especiall Grace and Favour are reduced under Order and Government into Corporations, Companies, and Societies, doe certainly much Advance and Advantage the Commerce of this Common-wealth, and farre excell the trades of any other forreine Merchants in their ungoverned trades.
But as the Use of Government is excellent for the restraint of unskilfull and disorderly trade: so the Abuse thereof is as inconvient, if at any time the same be too strict, and come within the compasse of a Monopoly. And because the name and nature of Monopoly, is more talk't of, then well understood of many; and some thinke that the reducing of trade into Order and Government, is a kinde of Monopolizing and restraint of trade: Ihave thought it not unseasonable to bestow some specaill paines in the diligent investigation thereof. Not that I would have the trade of the Kingdome, so circumscribed or appropriated to any, that others of His Majesties subjects should be deprived of the libertie thereof; but that upon equall and reasonable termes, trading under Order and Government, without that ill tincture of Monopoly, the Kings high way of trade should be opened unto all.
The name therefor of Monopoly in our English tongue, is derived, as the learned know, of the Greeke word {Greek word omitted}: whence also the Latine word Monopolium is borrowed.
Some derive it of {Greek word omitted} Solus, & {Greek word omitted} Versor, to converse alone. Others of {Greek word omitted} Solus, and, {Greek word omitted} Civitas, quasi unica negotiatio in Civitate. But all these agree in one meaning of the word, that is Singularis Negotiatio, a diverting of Commerce from the naturall course and use thereof, into the hands of some few, to their benefite, and others projudice. I also find many definition of Monopolies: and a g reat question among the Civilans, whether a Monopoly may bee exercised of one alone; and whether it consist aswell in Locatio Conductio, as they speak, as in Emptio Venditio. Which last is out of question with all. And of the former I find an instance in Artistotle of Thales Milesius his Monopoly: who by his knowledge in Astrology, foreseeing one yeare in the winter, that there would be great plentie of oiles the next yeare, hired before hand all the places and engines for making of oile through both the Ilands of Melazo & Chius, and afterwards let out the same againe at this owne place he maketh also mention of another, who bought up all the Iron in Sicilia, which afterwards he sold againe, and made one hundred talents of that which cost him but fiftie. Amongst others I will take the definition of Althusius for all the rest. Monopolium, saith he, Est Commercium emendi, vendendi, permutadiue, a pancis veluno etiam usurpatum, reliquis ciutbus preceptum, quo pretia augetur cum lucro negotiantis, & reliquorum damno. That is Monopoly is a kinde of Commerce, in buying, selling, changing or bartering, usurped by a few, and sometimes but by one person, and fore-stalled from all others, to the Gaine of the Monopolist, and to the Detriment of other men.