

There is indeede a fluxus and refluxus, a flood and ebbe of the monies of Christendome traded within it selfe: for sometimes there is more in one part of Christendome, sometimes there is lesse in another, as one countrey wanteth, and another aboundeth:

It commeth and goeth, and whirleth about the Circle of Christendome, but is still contained with the compasse thereof. but the money that is traded out of Christendome into the parts aforesaid, is continually issued out and never returneth againe.

It is true, those trades tend to an admirable encrease of the stocke of Christendome in wares: which if they were purchased with the wares of Christendome, according to the true nature of Commerce, the benefit were farre more excellent. For Commercium is quasi Commutatio mercium, a change of wares for wares, not money for wares. And it is Libera commeandi facultas, abiis qui merces ultro citroque conuehunt.

Or if the Common-wealth of Christendome were like to that of Utopia, where gold and silver are of lesse esteem then Iron, it were a brave exchange to lose money to get wares. For the riches of former ages did not consist re pecuniaria but pecuaria. Whence pecunia, as Plinie affirmeth, was so called a pecude, quia pecus suit pecuniae fundamentum, & antiquitus pecunia pecudis effigie signabatur. But when Immooveable and Immutable things came also to be in Commerce amongst men, as well as those things which were mooveable and fit for change, then came money in use, as the rule and square whereby things might receive estimation & value.

Therefore the Civilians affirme that Numus est {Greek phrase omitted} dictus, quod instiutum sit Civile. According to that of Aristotle. {Greek phrase omitted} Numus non est a natura sed a lege. And thence it is that money in our tongue is derived of moneta, quasi numi nota.

Or if there were a necessitie to Christendome, to use those forreine wares: or that the meanes whereby they are to be procured, were without the losse of treasure: or lastly that the same tended to the encrease of the treasure thereof theexchage were excellent. But first there isno such necessitie: for that's necessarie to doe a thing without which it cannot be done: And that's necessarie to the being of a Common-wealth, without which it cannot subsist. But thankes to God, Christendome is richly furnished within it selfe, with all things fit for life and maintenance: whether we respect vitall use, as foode and raiment: or physicall, as vegetables and mineral: or politicall, as gold, silver, and infinite varietie of merchandize. Nor are those wares procured without the losse of treasure, no nor with lesse treasure. For as those wares have cost lesse in price, since some late discoveries; so are they encreased in their quantities, by the ample trade of all parts of Christendome thither, more then before: and then who knowth not that a lesse quantitie deare, and a greater quantitie cheape, is all one in respect of the value.

Nor is the treasure lessened by changing the course of trade into those parts. For the new trades found out, are furnished with a new supply of money, and the old nevertheless issue out as much treasure as before: by reason that the same are enlarged and become now as great, apart, as heretofore they were, together, when the new trades were included in the old. So that now so much more of the treasure of Christendome is wasted, as those old and new trades are encreased, which is to an infinite value.

Not lastly, is the treasure of Christendome encreased by those forreine trades, for the more the stock of Christendome is thereby encreased in wares, the more it decreaseth in treasure: which the parts of Christendome must needs feele by Sympathy and compassion.

And this, that prudent and politique Emperour Charles the fifth perceived in his time, who upon a question betwixt the Spaniards and Portugalles about this matter, the Emperour used words to this effect: You Portugalles for a suretie, are Enemies to all Christendome; for you carry nothing out of it but coine, which is hurt to all Countries.

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