

But to the Assumption, I deny that the Merchants of those forreine Countries, trade without Government. For Germany hath ancietly had one Society, or Corporation of Merchants inall their Sea-townes, called the Society, or Corporation of the Hans before noted: as their houses of Staple yet standing at Bridges in Flanders, Antwerpe in Brabant, Novogrode in Russia, Bergen in Norway, and the Steelyard in London can witnes. Which Trade of theirs flourished, as long as it continued under Government: but having lost their Priviledes, partly by their owne Stragling, and partly being overtop't by the flourishing of the Merchants-Adventurers Trade, their Trade is now almost quite fallen to the ground.

For Spaine and Portugall: all men know that their Sea Trade is little, saving to the East and West Indies. And those Trades are carried with Government, and farre more restraint then ours.

For France, there are not (that I know) any Companies of Merchants for forreine parts. Which I take to be the cause, why those Merchants shipping, is of so small burthen, and of as little sufficiency for service. Which is an effect of a stragling ungoverned Trade.

For Italy, that consiseth of so many severall Jurisdictions, that it were impossible to make a generall Corporation for any one kinde of Sea-Trade. For example, were it not in vaine for Genoa to make a Corporation & Orders for Trade, whilest Florence held a contrary course? It were certainly all one, as to have a Company of Merchants for Spaine at London, and the West-parts left loose to Trade without Order or Government, which were a meere mockery. But the Trade in many parts of Italy, being carried by Families, and every Family being as it were one Person, there is a kind of Government in their Trades, and the same performed with merveilous credite, policie, and judgement.

The Lowe Countries, by that Union which is of the several Townes and Provinces unto the States Generall (which neverthelesse is as much, and endureth as long, as every severall Province and Towne listeth,) have of late yeares erected their East India Company, and the like for Guiny, and are in hand with the like for the West Indies. Also the Cloth-buyers, the principall Merchants of Holland, have lately obtained Octroy so termed, which is Priviledges and Immunities of the States, to assemble themselves, and to keepe Courts, and make Orders for their Trade; and principally to confront & oppose the Merchants-Adventurers Trade, upon some differences, lately fallen out betwixt those Cloth-buyers and the said Company about the residence before noted. For their other Trades of Germany, Poland, England, Grance and Spaine, they rather with then finde it possible, to joine the severall Townes in one Rule and Order.

And who so converseth with that Nation, shal finde that they very much complaine of the disorders of their Trades, for want of that kinde of Government, which many of them take notice of here in England: and some of them of late have desired instructions from hence in that behalfe. Besides all this, these people as they are borne and bred in an United Country, so doth their nature and disposition encline much to an Union and Communion in Trade.

Insomuch as oftentimes they are able to worke their feates by Confederacy and Combination, against an Incorporation in our Nation. For they wisely consider, that their interest is involved in the Publique: where, in our Nation, men commonly preferre their Particular, to the Common good.

And thus having and answering the objections against Corporations, of Merchants and Governed Trades, and shewed the many and manifold benefits arising to the Common-wealth thereby:

It is now easie to shew the Injury and Incovenience to this Common-wealth by the want of Government in Trade. Those that Trade without Order and Government, are like unto men, that makes Holes in the bottome of that Ship, wherein themselves are Passengers. For want of Government in Trade, openeth a gap and letteth in all sorts of unskilfull and disorderly persons: and these not only sinke themselves and others with them; but also marre the Merchandize of the land, both in estimation and goodnesse: then which there can bee nothing in Trade more rejudiciall to the Publique Utility. And to make good these particulars, I take this for a ground: Nemonascitur artifex.

Which as it is true in the occupaitons of Artizans: so is it much more true in the Trades of Merchants: wherein there is so great variety of difficult points to bee learned, before a man can learne his Stucke, as the Dutch-men speak, or be his Crafts master. And how can the Merchant, that hath no skill in his Commodity, looke to it, that the Maker performe his part? Or how can a falsified Commodity, hold his estimation and use? The ill experience whereof, is not more remarqueable in any of His Majesties subjects, then in those that trade into the Dominions of the King of Spaine, without Order or Government in Trade. For at the beginning of His Majesties most happy Raigne over this Kingdome, this Trade by His Majesties Princely favour, was made a Corporation and Society of Merchants, and flourished under Government. And then thenew Draperies, and other the Native Commodities of the Kingdome were maintained in their estimation and goodnesse at Home and Abroad: But soone after by the clamour of some who preferred their owne liberty, to the utility of the publique, and by some misinformation given the Parliament of that time, this Company after it had flourished two years, was dissolved, and ever since exposed to confusion and disorder in Trade, and is become a receptacle and Rendes-vous for every Shopkeeper, Stragler, and Unskilful person: and may serve for a lively representation of the hopes that may be expected, by such a loose trade, as many now a daies so much desire, not rightly conceiving or considering the benefits of Government, nor the Inconveniencies that doe perpetually accompany trade in the want thereof. Which in the Effects will be more perspicious, to which in their Order we now proceede.

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